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Come Follow Me - If Jesus was on Facebook

May 1, 2022

Come Follow Me - If Jesus was on Facebook

May 1, 2022

A small boat left by the shoreIf Jesus was on social media today, I wonder how many followers He would have. One thing is for certain, people were quick to recognize that Jesus was no ordinary man.

Simon Peter and Andrew were doing what they did almost every day—they were out fishing. They were fishermen. Fishing was their livelihood and probably their family business for generations.

Matthew wrote that one day Jesus was walking along the Sea of Galilee as Simon Peter and his brother Andrew were casting their nets. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”  They left their nets and followed Him.

Jesus walked a bit further where He saw James and John out in a boat with their father Zebedee getting ready to cast their nets. Jesus called out to them. They too immediately left and followed Jesus.

I am always astounded by the immediate obedience of these four fisherman. They didn't check their schedules. They didn't make excuses. They didn't even go home to wrap things up or pack. They left everything—their livelihood, their nets, and even their father Zebedee in the boat, to follow Jesus.

But I don't think these four fisherman dropped everything because they were impulsive, or even simply tired of fishing. I think it is because their eyes weren't just focused on earthly things. They were looking heavenward—eagerly waiting for the day when God would fulfill His promises.

The Apostle John recalled how Andrew had been one of John the Baptist's disciples. Andrew was with John the Baptist when he pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God. Andrew immediately left to follow Jesus and spent the day with Him. Afterwards, Andrew went looking for his brother Simon to tell him they had found the Messiah, the Christ. Then Andrew took Simon to meet Jesus for himself, and it was during that encounter Jesus gave Simon his new name, Peter.

So when Jesus called these fishermen to leave their nets, follow Him, and fish for men instead, they didn't hesitate. Here was the Messiah Himself—the very one they had read about in the Scriptures—who they were eagerly expecting. Jesus was asking them to follow Him. How could you refuse an invitation like that. In fact, why would you?

We live in a world today where success is often measured by the number of followers. Social media and websites will seemingly do anything to get our attention in pursuit of more clicks and likes.

I don't know how many followers Jesus would have on His Twitter feed or Facebook page today. But I do know that Social Media can be a powerful tool to introduce the Gospel of Jesus to people that we cannot engage with by any other means.

Reach Beyond and our ministry partners around the world are using public social media platforms to start private conversations where the Gospel can be freely shared. What is exciting is that this is resulting in people choosing to follow Jesus!

In the midst of the busyness of life and the noise of everything clamoring for our attention, I pray that you will be able to lift your eyes towards heaven as we eagerly await the return of our Savior. And I pray you hear Jesus' voice calling out to you today as you walk with Him.