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Jim Tait Memorial - Joshua & Kristen Gee

Project ID: 11504

D. James (Jim) Tait II, age 72 of Walker, Michigan passed away on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, and now is walking with Jesus. He was preceded in death by his parents, Douglas and Ruth Tait.

Jim will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 47 years, Lynda Tait; children, Jamie (Kendra) Tait, Laurie (Chris) Carter, Abbie Verberkmoes; grandchildren, Allie, Noah, Anna, Mary, Liam, Luke, Jake, Asher, Elli, Preston; sister, Jean (Steve) Gee.

Jim passionately loved the Lord and his family. His deep relationship with Christ and devotion to God's Word was lived out through his continual service to his family and so many others. He worked as a pastor, workplace chaplain, college professor as well as a handyman for many. Jim was a talented craftsman, avid scholar, and outdoor enthusiast. He had a great sense of humor and was a creative fun-loving grandfather.

Jim enjoyed being a lifetime learner. He obtained a bachelor's degree from Philadelphia College of Bible, master's degree from Wheaton College, master's degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary where he graduated Summa Cum Laude.

Jim and his family have been long-term supporters of Reach Beyond, and specifically of his nephew Joshua Gee and his family as they serve the Lord in the United Kingdom.  More details about their ministry can be found here. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made here and all contributions will go to continue this ministry.