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Dr. Dianne Parkin

Project ID: 11595
Serving in: Ecuador
Ministry: Medical

Throughout my childhood and into my adulthood I have always believed my mission in life was to help people. As I grew older, I noticed that I had a passion for medicine and helping those who can’t or don’t have the resources readily available to them as most of us do in the United States. It was in those moments; I noticed the purpose God placed on my life had called out to my passion and interest in medicine in such a way I could no longer ignore it.

With this fire in me to spread God’s love and need to fulfill His commandment of going into the world and spreading his undeniable truth, I have been blessed to serve in the medical field for 9 years in Latin American countries with my medical degree from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara.

I am serving as a Medical Missionary Doctor in Ecuador.  I hope to help improve the medical care in Ecuador through serving those in the rural areas living in poverty and doing my part to help increase their lifespan through medicine. My desire and calling is to help those in need while seeing the Hispanic Christian Church grow to be a mighty force for the kingdom of God.

Reach Beyond is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that adheres to ECFA standards and accepts gifts subject to donor designations. However, in accordance with IRS requirements, all gifts are given to and must be treated as belonging fully to Reach Beyond and are subject to its control and discretion.
Our Federal ID is: 59-0939206.