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Glenn and Bonnie Lafitte

Project ID: 11042
Serving in: North America
Ministry: Administration, Digital Media, Media Production, Media Training

Glenn grew up in the state of Georgia and was commissioned as a single missionary to serve with HCJB (now Reach Beyond) in Ecuador in 1981. Bonnie, the daughter of Wycliffe Bible Translators, John and Alice Brawand, grew up in Guatemala among the Rabinal Achí people. Upon graduation from Wheaton College in 1982, she went to Ecuador for a six-month internship combining ethnomusicology with community development. Bonnie and Glenn first met at HCJB in Ecuador, arriving two weeks apart. They were married May 7, 1983.

Since 1989 Glenn and Bonnie have been seconded from Reach Beyond to Inspiracom`s Spanish and English radio and Spanish Bible correspondence ministry along the Mexico/US border. Inspiracom was a ministry of Reach Beyond from 1978 to 2005 when it became a separate but cooperating ministry of Reach Beyond. President Emeritus of Inspiracom, Glenn completed a PhD in Leadership Studies in 2017 and serves as a consultant to the board and administration.  Bonnie ministers in the areas of music and writing. Together they minister in the areas of public relations and chaplaincy for Inspiracom.

The Lafittes have two grown sons, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren. Jared and Mandy are the parents of Audrey and Christopher; Justin and Glenna are the parents of Grey, Logan, and Georgia.

Reach Beyond is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that adheres to ECFA standards and accepts gifts subject to donor designations. However, in accordance with IRS requirements, all gifts are given to and must be treated as belonging fully to Reach Beyond and are subject to its control and discretion.
Our Federal ID is: 59-0939206.