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Weekly UPG Prayer Focus

Weekly UPG Prayer Focus

We want unreached people everywhere to hear about Jesus, see Him in action and learn how to follow Him. Because of our strengths in media, Reach Beyond has prayerfully decided to prioritize the 1900 largest unreached people groups of 100,000 or more in population.

Join us each week in praying for one of these 1900 unreached people groups.
View this list by date
Brahmin Kashmiri Pandit
May 9, 2024

Country: India | Population: 835,000 | Language: Kashmiri | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown

The Kashmiri Pandits claim to have lived among the mountains of Kashmir for over 5,000 years. Almost all left the region around 1990 when extremists told them to either convert to Islam, flee their homes, or die. Many Pandits still live in refugee camps and refuse to go back since extremists still exist in their homeland, despite government assurances that it is safe. Most Kashmiri Pandits are highly educated, with many speaking three or four languages. As members of the Brahmin caste, they continue their ancient roles as Hindu priests, scholars, and teachers. Others work in high-level professional roles within the government and private sector. Their primary deity is the destroyer, Shiva. Pray for God to tear down the strongholds of Hinduism. Pray that the Kashmiri Pandits would turn to Jesus as their only source of peace, comfort, and healing.

August 29, 2020

Country: Turkey | Population: 164,000 | Language: Abkhaz | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0%
In the 15th Century, Ottoman Turks conquered the Caucasus Mountain region, and many of the native Abkhazians converted from Christianity to Islam. When Russia regained control of the region, the Muslim Abkhazians felt threatened by Christian Russia and accepted refuge offered by Muslim Turkey. Abkhazians have begun to assimilate into mainstream Turkish culture and are in danger of losing their identity as a separate ethnic group. Still, they have retained their caste system and their complex native language, which includes more than 50 consonants and numerous pronunciations for each one. Pray that the complete Bible would be translated into their language. Pray that Christian Abkhazians left in Russia and Georgia would share Christ with their brothers in Turkey.
Adi Andhra
November 16, 2019

Country: India | Population: 318,000 | Language: Telegu | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Adi Andhra are a Scheduled caste of people living in south India. A Scheduled caste means that they are disadvantaged and victims of past discrimination. As of 2001 only about 60% of the Adi Andhra could read and write at a basic level. Today most Adi Andhra are still landless, rural farm workers. Some also work as street sweepers, village watchmen and in the leather trade. The Adi Andhra give attention to the Hindu goddesses who they believe can protect them from epidemics, evil spirits and famine. Pray that they would come to know the one true God who can give them physical and spiritual healing.
February 22, 2024

Country: Turkey | Population: 359,000 | Language: Adyghe | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Adyghe lived in the North Caucasus region of Southern Russia for more than a thousand years until they were conquered by ethnic Russians. Many fled or were deported to Turkey and the Middle East. From the 10th to 17th centuries, most Adyghe were nominal Christians. Today, almost all claim to be Sunni Muslims. In the past two decades, there has been a resurgence in Adyghe self-awareness and ethnic identity. The Adyghe value respect, hospitality, and reverence for elders. Pray for them to meet, love, and revere our Heavenly Father, the Ancient of Days. Ask Jesus to draw the Adyghe to Himself using dreams and visions. Pray for Christians to demonstrate the love of Christ in practical ways. Pray for translation of the Bible into Adyghe to be completed.

September 9, 2022

Country: Ethiopia | Population: 2,058,000 | Language: Afar | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.08%

The Afar claim to have descended from Noah’s son Ham. They are a proud people who emphasize strength and bravery. Most Afar are nomads who herd sheep, goats, cattle and camels. They live in camps of oval shaped huts, which are surrounded by thorn barricades to protect them from wild animals and enemy tribesman. Meat and milk are important parts of their diet, and the gift of fresh warm milk to a guest signifies both hospitality and protection. Some Afar continue their centuries-old occupation of harvesting blocks of salt from the Danakil Desert, where daytime temperatures exceed 120°F. The Afar are Muslim, but retain many of their pre-Islamic beliefs and traditions. They believe certain trees and groves hold sacred powers. They give annual offerings to the sea and hold festivals to honor the spirits of the dead, whom they view as being very powerful. The Afar are very relational and expect that those they encounter, whether known or unknown, will sit down with them and discuss what is happening around them. Pray that radio broadcasts to the Afar would open their hearts. Ask God to orchestrate conversations where believers can share the Good News of Jesus. Pray that the Afar would recognize that Jesus is more powerful than the spirits they worship or fear. Pray that they would choose to follow Jesus.

June 18, 2022

Country: Iran | Population: 383,000 | Language: South Azerbaijani | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Afshari are semi-nomadic people who arrived in Iran in the 11th century. They were traditionally shepherds and many today still move with their herds each spring and fall in search of better pastures. Large families live together in tents that are hand-woven from goat hair. The Afshari are also known as highly skilled weavers of rugs and other decorative items—early examples can be quite valuable. Most Afshari now have jobs outside of the home. They have followed Islam for many centuries and are proud of their Muslim identity. The Afshari have been very resistant to the Gospel­—there are no known believers. The Ashfari love to listen to music and most have a radio. Pray that they would hear the Gospel through radio, or come across the Jesus film, or acquire the Scripture in their own language. Pray that God would open their hearts to learn about the Good Shepherd who wants to lead them to green pastures and still waters. Pray that the Afshari would recognize that their true identity and salvation can only be found In Jesus Christ.

March 31, 2023

Country: India | Population: 1,600,000 | Language: Assamese | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown

The Ahom (Tai Ahom) of northeastern India are a proud people who once ruled Assam. In the early 13th century, Tai people from Myanmar settled in the Brahmaputra Valley. Many married local Tibeto-Burmans, and this new people received the Ahom name from their neighbors. They quickly established dominance and ruled Assam for 600 years. In 1838, the British defeated the Ahom and began ruling Assam. The Ahom quickly lost their power and influence, and today, they have low status in Indian society. Most identify as Hindus, although many integrate traditional Tai religious beliefs and practices into their worship. They believe that the dead go to heaven and become gods whom the living then worship. They believe their ancestors will protect them. Praise God that the Bible is available in Assamese. Pray the Ahom will find the true way to Heaven. Pray for God to raise up Assamese-speaking believers to reach the Ahom.

October 30, 2021

Country: Afghanistan | Population: 1.6 million | Language: Aimaq | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Aimaq people were once known as a nomadic people who were formidable warriors. Drought and war forced them into a semi-nomadic and largely subsistent life as herders, farmers and carpet weavers. The Aimaq people consist of some six tribes and over 250 sub-tribes. Fewer are speaking the Aimaq language today—preferring instead to speak dialects of Dari mixed with words of Mongol and Turkic origin. Tribal customs remain strong, and tribal laws by village leaders usually supersede government and even some Islamic rules. Pray for God to make His Gospel known to the Aimaq in the ways and places of His choosing, whether in Afghanistan or as refugees in other countries. Pray that God would use these uncertain times to communicate His steadfast love and faithful presence.
February 10, 2023

Country: Kenya | Population: 187,000 | Language: Borana-Arsi-Guji Oromo | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.3%

Prior to the 17th century, the Ajuran Somali clan ruled much of the Horn of Africa, leaving a legacy that is still felt today. Their sultanate stood for roughly 450 years before other Somalis drove them from power. Today, most Ajuran live in Kenya among the Borana and have adopted the language and customs of their neighbors, although economic realities require them to learn Somali as well. Many live a nomadic lifestyle raising livestock in the semi-arid north, although some have settled in more fertile regions and become farmers. The Ajuran are stalwart Muslims, but most lack a deep knowledge of Islam, resulting in many animistic practices. Ask God to raise up culturally savvy missionaries and prayer warriors to break up hard ground. Praise Him for complete translations of the Bible in both Borana and Somali. Pray that God will soften the hearts of the Ajuran and establish a strong church among them.

April 9, 2022

Country: Ethiopia | Population: 390,000 | Language: Alaba-K’abeena | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.40%
The Alaba people live on the central highlands of Ethiopia. They are highly self-confident and have traditionally been very resistant to outside influence, including education and development. This has changed in recent years as many schools have been added. Their land is flat and dry—maize and red pepper are the main crops cultivated. The Alabas live modest lives. Their homes are typically round with mud and wood walls, mud floors and a thatched roof. The Alaba keep their livestock inside their homes at night. Most Alaba do not have access to clean water. They will walk long distances to get water from a stream or pond. Pray for that God would open doors to bring clean water to these communities, but most importantly, pray that the Alaba would discover Jesus Christ who offers life-giving water. Pray that Alaba believers would grow strong in faith and that they would be able to share the hope they have found in Him.
August 21, 2021

Country: Syria | Population: 1.3 million | Language: Arabic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.02%
The Alawis have long faced persecution and threat of extinction from Sunni Muslims who regarded the Alawis as heretics because of their secret beliefs. The Alawi believe that they are the chosen people of God, the only ones to have seen the light in a world of darkness. They believe that all people were stars in the world of light, but fell from there due to disobedience. Alawis believe they must be reincarnated seven times before they once again return to the stars. If they are sinful, they will be reborn as Christians until their atonement is complete. Infidels will be reborn as animals. Pray that the Alawi refugees would encounter believers in countries like Turkey and Greece, through whom Jesus shines brightly. Pray that God would open their eyes so they would see that Jesus is the light of the world, and that He alone is their Savior.
Albanian Gheg
June 13, 2020

Country: Albania | Population: 2.7 million | Language: Gheg | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.58%
Prior to Communism, Albanians were a tribal people divided into to major groups: the Gheg and the Tosk. In the 1950’s, it was decided that the Tosk dialect would be used in all publications. Communism then further erased the Gheg identify, as tribal differences, religion, and even dress were restricted to achieve national unity. Following the fall of Communism, Albania was left with an identify crisis, and as the poorest and least developed European country. Centuries ago, many Albanians were converted to Islam, although they practiced a form of folk Islam. In 1967, Albania declared itself as the world’s first atheistic state, closing borders to outside influences. Today, there has been a resurgence in the practice of Islam and Catholicism, but there is pressing legislation to keep other religions out. Pray that the people can find the hope and security that can be found in Jesus Christ.
March 21, 2024

Country: India | Population: 12,675,000 | Language: Urdu | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: Unknown

India’s Urdu-speaking Ansari derive their name from the Arabic word meaning “friend indeed” or “one who helps.” They are friendly, hospitable people, but in India’s caste system, they are considered low-class citizens. Most work as artisans, and traditionally, they worked as silk weavers and textile sellers. Today, many have small businesses in a variety of sectors, but most are poor and illiterate. The Ansari are Sunni Muslims who adhere to a deterministic interpretation of Islam. They use charms and amulets to appease the spirits that control the direction of daily life. There are no known Ansari Christians. Pray for God to raise up believers who will faithfully proclaim the Gospel to the Ansari and commit to making disciples among them. Ask God to give the Ansari an intense hunger for the hope and truth that is found in Jesus Christ.

July 28, 2023

Country: Madagascar | Population: 187,000 | Language: Malagasy, Antankarana | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.74%

The Antankarana, literally “the people of the rocks,” occupy the far northern part of Madagascar, where they are isolated from the southern regions by the Tsaratanana mountain range. In the 19th century, while hiding from an enemy people, the Antankarana king made a vow that if his people survived, they would embrace Islam. They still honor this vow today, intermingling Islamic religion with traditional Malagasy customs. Pray for Gospel witnesses to go live and serve among the Antankarana. Pray that they would learn that Jesus is inviting them to find refuge in Him. Pray that the Antankarana would choose to embrace Jesus and vow to follow Him.

March 12, 2022

Country: China | Population: 303,000 | Language: Chinese, Xiang | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.70%
The Aoka live in the southeastern part of China. They have been heavily assimilated into the surrounding Han Chinese language and culture. Some have retained the spoken Aoka language which is recognized by linguists as a distinct and unique Chinese language. The Aoka are a communal people who work together to build homes for each other and problem-solve during crises. The Aoka are animists who have also incorporated elements of ancestor worship from their neighboring Han Chinese. They believe that the stove is the center of the home. They are not allowed to put their shoes or feet on the stove so as not to offend the spirit of the stove. They also must remove the pots and pans from the stove each night so as not to bring on a curse. Pray for the Aoka to meet the Spirit of the Living God who seeks to bring blessing, not curses, and life, not death. As few Aoka are literate, pray for missionaries to come and live there and share the Gospel. Pray for the entire communities to repent of their ways and to receive Christ as King.
April 7, 2023

Country: Ethiopia | Population: 221,000 | Language: Argobba, Amharic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.4%

The Argobba speak a Semitic language and are believed to be the first Muslims in the Horn of Africa. They claim Arab descent, and in the 9th century, they helped launch the Sultanate of Showa, the first known Islamic state in East Africa. In the 19th century, they fled from central Ethiopia to avoid forcible conversion to Christianity. Today, the Argobba live in networks of isolated villages and towns situated in well-watered, hilly areas in eastern and northern Ethiopia. Most are farmers or weavers, although some are merchants with a reputation for shrewdness. Common crops include coffee, cotton, qat, and food crops. Many are bilingual, but few are literate. Today, some children do not speak the traditional language. The Argobba are Sunni Muslims who feel distant from Allah. Pray God would draw the Argobba close to Himself. Pray for bold yet sensitive laborers to enter the harvest among the Argobba.

May 11, 2019

Country: Uganda | Population: 611,000 | Language: Aringa | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.5%
The Aringa live primarily in the Yumbe District in northwestern Uganda. Traditionally hunters and herdsmen, a growing number of the Aringa are becoming businessmen. They typically have large families and are hard workers. They are mostly Muslim, with a small number of Christians. The Muslim response to evangelism has been mixed, but recent peace in the area has led to mvore cooperation. Pray for growth of the church and acceptance in their communities. Pray for continued peace and development in Uganda.
October 19, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 1,012,000 | Language: Avar | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%

The Avar call themselves "Ma'arulal", meaning "free mountaineers who inhabit the highest lands" and are the largest, most powerful people in Dagestan. Both before and after the Russians came, they have been the leaders of Dagestan's 34 people groups. Imam Shamil, probably the most famous Avar, led Dagestan in the Islamic resistance against a Russian invasion in the first half of the 1800s. Like their neighbors, the Muslim Avar possess a strong sense of honor and shame with little understanding of grace. This has led to an increasing cycle of violence between Muslim power factions, thwarting economic prosperity. While still Muslims, many Avars mix traditional religious practices into their worship. Pray that a desire for peace will open the door for God's grace to take root among the Avar. Ask God to establish a bold, reproducing Avar church. Pray for completion of an Avar Bible.

December 14, 2023

Country: Pakistan | Population: 5,680,000 | Language: Punjabi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Awan were among those considered by the British to be “martial races,” and as such, they formed an important part of the British Indian Army. During both world wars, they served as the core of Muslim recruits in the British military. Historians describe them as valiant warriors and farmers. The Awan belong to the landowning class (Zamindar). Many families still live on and farm the same land that their ancestors worked in past centuries. The Awan have been exclusively Muslim since the 10th century, and there are no known Jesus followers within this people group. Pray that the Lord will begin to move among the Awan and that they will have opportunities to hear the Gospel message. Pray that translators would successfully complete a Bible in the Awan’s heart language. Pray for a thriving Awan church to take root.

February 24, 2023

Country: China | Population: 118,000 | Language: Axi | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.08%

The Axi, a Yi people of Yunnan Province, are one of the best-known indigenous peoples in China. They live deep in the Qui Mountains, avoiding assimilation into Chinese culture. They are world famous for the Axi Tiaoyue, a traditional dance depicting a great fire that burned for nine days and nights. The Axi had to hop up and down on one leg to avoid being burned by the hot ground. This dance also initiates courtships between young people from different villages. Those looking for a spouse from their own village will visit the Gong Fang, a dedicated meeting place. The Axi practice tribal animism, engaging in animal sacrifices, dances, and other rituals to pacify offended demons. There are very few Axi Christians. Pray for the Bible to be fully translated into Axi. Pray that the few believers will be bold in their faith and that their daily lives would point people to the one true God. Pray that all of the Axi would meet Jesus and choose to follow Him—the One who even demons obey.

August 7, 2021

Country: Azerbaijan | Population: 8.8 million | Language: Azerbaijani | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.22%
The Azeri’s name is believed to have come from a 4th century Persian ruler, however “azer” is the Persian word for fire, and Azerbaijan means “the place of holy fire.” The Azeri were first conquered by the Persiansi in the 6th century B.C. followed by the Turks, Ghengis Khan, and eventually incorporated into the Soviet Union. Today Azerbaijan, thanks to its oil production, is the most developed and powerful nation in that region. Pray for God to call believers to live and serve among the Azeri. Pray that God would raise up a strong and vibrant Azeri church. Pray that the Azeri would recognize that Jesus is Holy and that He is calling them to follow Him.
April 16, 2022

Country: Pakistan | Population: 85,000 | Language: Pahari-Potwari | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.0%

The name Bafinda was derived from the Persian word baften, or cotton dresser, which has been their traditional occupation. When foreign-made fabrics caused a decline in cotton cultivation, the Bafinda mostly shifted to carpet weaving. Today they engage in many different vocations. The Bafinda generally only marry within their own community and follow the Islamic law of inheritance. Pray that God would open doors for believers to engage with the Bafinda. Pray for those who have been working on translating portions of Scripture. Pray for seeds of the Gospel to be planted among the Bafinda and that their eyes would be opened to the Good News and the saving power of Jesus Christ.

December 7, 2019

Country: India | Population: 582,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Baiga people are part of a larger group known as Romani, which are all linked linguistically. They have maintained a mystical lifestyle that keeps them somewhat socially separate from their surrounding communities. Although Hindu, many follow folk beliefs and have high moral standards. Many live in poverty. Unsanitary lifestyle has created many physical needs among them. The quality of health care, nutrition and education is poor. Most children do not attend schools because their families are always on the move. Pray that resources and relationships will be made to help the physical and spiritual lives of the Baiga
August 10, 2023

Country: Iraq | Population: 78,000 | Language: Bajalani Gurani | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.03%

The Bajalan of Iraqi Kurdistan likely originated near the Caspian Sea in Iran. The first Bajalan earned a reputation for military prowess. They fought for the Ottomans in the 1600s, then settled in modern-day Iraq among the Kurds. Today, the Bajalan live near Mosul (ancient Nineveh) and mainly work as farmers, raising grain crops, cotton, olives, sugar beets, and tobacco as well as livestock. They now identify as Kurds rather than a distinct ethnic group. The Bajalan are Muslims. Some practice simple, formal Sunni Islam, while others are Shi’ites, focusing on ecstatic worship and man’s free will. Pray for the completion of a Bajalani Bible. Pray for open hearts among the Bajalan. Ask God to send witnesses to them, just as He sent Jonah to Nineveh many years ago. Pray that they would respond to the Gospel message and choose to follow Jesus.

June 23, 2023

Country: Kenya | Population: 94,000 | Language: Swahili | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.00%

The Bajuni reside on Lamu Island, just off the coast of Kenya. They are a Bantu people, but centuries ago, Arab traders settled among them. The settlers intermarried with the Bajuni, introducing them to Islam and other Arab cultural elements. Bajuni life has changed little over the past 1,000 years. Most modern amenities, like cars, electricity, and running water, are almost non-existent on Lamu. Drinking water can be difficult to find. Many Bajuni men spend their time at sea as fishermen, sailors, shipbuilders, or merchants. Others farm coconut and rice. Women spend their days with housework, childcare, and market visits and only visit friends late in the afternoon after all their work is finished. The Bajuni are devout Muslims. Pray that God will soften the people's hearts and lead them to the source of Living Water. Ask God to protect, strengthen, grow, and embolden the tiny Bajuni church.

June 19, 2021

Country: Iran | Population: 1.2 million | Language: Bakhtiari | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Bakhtiari are mostly shepherds and carpet weavers who live in the Zagros Mountains of Western Iran. Their society has been largely isolated by the rugged terrain and is made up of some 80 clans. Divisions between clans keeps them socially isolated. Once largely nomadic, more are turning to farming with some becoming more westernized by working in commerce and the oil industry. Pray for the Bakhtiari to find audio and visual resources where they can hear the Gospel in their heart language. Pray that God would also lead them to encounter believers who can tell them more about Jesus and that they would follow Him.
January 9, 2021

Country: India | Population: 2,244,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Balai are traditionally known to be weavers, watchmen, and farm laborers. In Hindi, “Balai” means messenger. While some Balai have been able to have stable and secure jobs as masons, carpenters, and business owners, many are illiterate and trapped in poverty. The Balia are known to be a “scheduled caste,” which means they are eligible for certain government benefits including reserved places in educations and jobs. The Balai are practicing Hindus with a particular focus to the mother warrior goddess Durga. Pray that the Balai would hear the message of Jesus and how He has come to set the captives free. Pray that they would receive and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and be willing to go and share the message of His Good News to others.
March 13, 2021

Country: Indonesia | Population: 4.1 million | Language: Bali | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.16%
The Island of Bali is known world-wide as a tropical paradise. Bali is a favorite destination for tourists who come to see its natural beauty, beaches, art, culture, dance, and friendly people. Most Balinese live in close-knit villages with strong family, religious, social, and economic ties. Balinese Hindus believe in one god who has three aspects, the creator, the protector, and the destroyer. Communal shrines can be found in every village or neighborhood where families and larger group assemblies gather to offer food and flowers to their gods. Pray for Indonesian believers and missionaries who are eager to share the Good News with the Balinese. Pray that God would break spiritual strongholds and that the Balinese would come to know Jesus as their Creator, Provider, and Savior.
June 9, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 111,000 | Language: Karachay-Balkar | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.04%

The Balkars are a Turkic-speaking people. They practice folk Islam and are known as mountain-dwelling shepherds and herdsmen. Boys learn to care for livestock at a young age, learning the skills from their fathers. Girls often learn to become skilled seamstresses. As in biblical times, a Balkar man's fortune is directly linked to the number of animals he owns. Balkar villages consist of a village square, a mosque, and two-story stone or brick houses. Every home features at least one guest room. In 1944, Stalin deported the entire Balkar population to Central Asia in a single day after accusing them of collaborating with the Nazis. The first known Balkar Christian accepted Christ in 1957, but very few have followed his example. Ask God to build a strong, vibrant, and discerning Balkar church. Pray that Balkar hearts will soften to the Gospel. Ask the Lamb of God to reveal Himself to them.

April 25, 2024

Country: Mali | Population: 6,831,000 | Language: Bambara | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.10%

As the largest ethnic group in Mali, the Bambara are also one of the most powerful and influential. Their native language is spoken throughout the country. The Bambara work as farmers, raising crops and livestock, and many also hunt game and gather wild honey. During the short rainy season, they often entrust their livestock to their Fulani neighbors while entire households work the fields. The Bambara highly value marriage and children. Virtually all adults marry, and even elderly widows have suitors. While most Bambara identify as Muslims, many still practice traditional animistic religious beliefs. Ask God to raise up intercessors and to break up spiritual ground among the Bambara. Pray for discipleship among Bambara believers and for a healthy, growing church.

July 21, 2023

Country: India | Population: 29 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown

The Bania are traditionally a large trading community, and are third in hierarchy within the Hindu caste system. They are highly literate, and both boys and girls are encouraged to attain university degrees. Overall, the Bania are a wealthy and influential community who exercise control over much of the economy. Pray that God would send Christian witnesses to the Bania people. Pray that they would come to faith in Christ and serve as a blessing to their country.

September 11, 2021

Country: Indonesia | Population: 4.4 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.08%
The Banjar people live on the southern coast of Kalimantan (the Indonesian part of Borneo). They tend to marry and settle near parents or relatives, seldom moving to other parts of Indonesia. They are devout Muslims, and Islam influences every aspect of their identity and daily life. Yet they hold on to traditional animistic beliefs of supernatural beings living in stones, trees, and mountains. The Banjar do not look positively on modern methods or technologies. They do not mix much with other groups and are suspicious of outsiders’ intentions. Pray that the Banjar would be open to hearing the Gospel. Pray for church planting efforts and that these fellowships of believers would flourish and grow. Pray that the Banjar would find their true identity in Christ, who is their Creator and Savior.
September 28, 2019

Country: Indonesia | Population: 3.16 million | Language: Sunda | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.08%
The Banten were Sunda people who broke off from the Padjajaran Kingdom in the 15th century to form the Banten Kingdom and have been Muslims ever since. They live in the Banten Province in the southwest part of the island of Java. Many Banten work in agricultural co-ops where their wages are pooled for community improvements. The Banten are led by formal leaders, Muslim religious leaders and leaders of traditions and cultures. Historians, archeologists and tourists are fascinated by the ancient Banten culture. While Banten is open to the outside world as a tourist destination, their traditions and culture are protected. Although they are faithful Muslims, Banten are known to practice black magic, and have great knowledge of the occult. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough among the Banten and for their hearts to be opened to the Gospel message.
May 30, 2020

Country: Russia | Population: 1.6 million | Language: Bashkort | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.10%
The Bashkirs are a Turkic people who primarily live in the Ural Mountains of Bashkiria, Russia. Some also live in the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Bashkirs are very closely related to the Russian Tatars. The only distinction is that their languages differ in dialect. The Bashkirs speak Bashkir; however, even today, many have declared Tatar as their native language. In the past, the Bashkirs were nomadic shepherds. Today, the village itself is regarded as the key to their social structure. The only national schools that are available to the Bashkir children are those within their national boundaries. Similarly, the only printing press in their language is located within their region. Pray for the creation of the Bible and other Christian materials to be translated into their heart language, and for their dissemination.
October 7, 2022

Country: Sri Lanka | Population: 388,000 | Language: Sinhala | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: Unknown

The Bathgama's name was derived from their historic caste occupation as rice growers. During the 19th century, the Bathgama were categorized as a subservient low caste, and as such, were unable to obtain any role of authority. But in recent years, several members of the caste have become successful businessmen and others have gained prominent positions within the Sri Lankan government. As Buddhists, the Bathgama seek to follow a path of right intentions and right actions to achieve nirvana—a transcendent state where they are free of the cycle of death and rebirth. Pray that the Bathgama would discover the true freedom that is available to them now simply by choosing to believe and follow Jesus. Ask God to empower Bathgama believers to make His name known and grow His church in a mighty way.

April 21, 2023

Country: Indonesia | Population: 104,000 | Language: Madura | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.08%

An Indonesian journalist once described the Baweans as a "crystallization of Indonesian ethnic variety." Though mostly descended from Madura travelers, they have a distinct ethnicity and culture. Bawean, their home island in the Java Sea, is sometimes called the "island of women". Traditionally, Baweans are sea traders, and most men travel abroad for work. Those who stay on the island often farm, fish, run shops, sell handicrafts, or quarry onyx. Almost all Baweans are devout Sunni Muslims—a source of great pride. Every village has at least one mosque, and all boys and girls receive traditional Islamic schooling from a kyai, a greatly respected teacher. Pray that Baweans abroad would receive the Gospel and take it home with them. Pray that Christians meeting physical and economic needs will open doors for the Gospel.

Bedar (Hindu traditions)
August 14, 2021

Country: India | Population: 2.5 million | Language: Kennada | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Bedar, which means “hunter,” often serve as village police, soldiers, traders, messengers, laborers, or servants. Both Bedar men and women wear silver and gold jewelry. Bedar girls at the age of 4 or 5 are ritually tattooed on their forearms, forehead, temples, and corners of the eyes. Their primary Hindu deity is Shiva, the destroyer, and they have faith in soothsaying, sorcery, and astrology. Pray for opportunities for believers to share Christ with the Bedar. Pray that the Bedar would come to know that Jesus, their creator and Savior, who knows the past and the future, offers them freedom from their rituals, forgiveness of their sins, and new life in Him.
March 9, 2019

Country: Sudan, Egypt, Eritrea | Population: 3.5 million | Language: Bedawiyet | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0%
The Beja are a group of nomadic shepherds who represent the largest non-Arabic ethnic group between the Nile River and the Red Sea. They are said to be the descendants of Noah’s grandson, Cush, and have occupied their current homelands for more than 4,000 years. Pray that God will send more workers and evangelistic tools to share the gospel among the Beja.
April 13, 2019

Country: Sudan | Population: 319,000 | Language: Arabic, Sudanese | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0%
The Berti are a tribal people that have only been recently reported in Sudan, after 300 families were led there to a refugee camp to escape fighting in their home region. The Muslim people herd livestock and raise crops. They did not join the violence around them, but wars encroached upon their region. Berti are now a displaced people in Sudan. Pray for peace, justice and salvation for the Berti people. Pray that Christian workers in the refugee camps would be able to demonstrate God’s love for the Berti people in such a way that they would come to know Jesus.
June 6, 2020

Country: India | Population: 16.67 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0%
Today, the Bhil primarily work as peasant farmers, field laborers, and village watchmen. They are experts in handling bows and arrows. In fact, the name “Bhil” was derived from the word billee, which means “bow.” For years, the bow has been a characteristic weapon of the tribe, and the men usually carry their bows and arrows with them. Almost all of the Central Bhil practice ethnic religions that have been highly influenced by Hinduism. Shiva is considered the supreme god. Ancestor worship (praying to deceased ancestors) is also popular. Shamans (priests) are called upon to offer sacrifices to the many gods and mud idols. Ask the Holy Spirit to soften their hearts towards Christians so that they will be receptive to learning about the one true God.
February 3, 2023

Country: India | Population: 647,000 | Language: Urdu | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Bhisti (from “bihisht”, the Persian word for paradise) once served a crucial role in India, but today, their traditional livelihood is threatened by modern plumbing. Like their Hindu neighbors, Indian Muslims employ a strict caste system, and the Bhisti, water carriers, hold a low position within this structure. They claim ancestry from Hazrat Abbas Alamdar who fetched water with his skin-bag for the followers of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad, as they marched toward Damascus. Years later, another Bhisti saved the life of a Moghul emperor, earning the caste a degree of honor. Today, Bhisti peddle water from traditional leather bags, receiving little pay for their backbreaking work. They practice Sunni Islam, although animism and tribal religions often influence their worship. Pray that God would provide deliverance from economic collapse and fear of evil spirits. Pray that they would receive the Living Water from Heaven to quench their spiritual thirst.

September 14, 2023

Country: India | Population: 5,941,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown

The Bhoi, also known as the Kewat, hold many common positions in Indian society. While not from the highest castes, they can still own farmland, work in Hindu temples, and own businesses. Many Bhoi own restaurants, fabric shops, and food stalls, while others work as teachers, craftsmen, or transportation professionals. Some have even become politicians. Many Bhoi have an altar to Manasamata and images of other Hindu gods and goddesses in their homes. Few have responded positively to the Gospel. Pray that Christians living near the Bhoi would have a good witness to their neighbors. Pray the Bhoi will be able to see the difference between true disciples of Christ and those who are only nominal Christians. Pray that God will deliver families and communities within the Bhoi people from fears that hinder them from embracing His blessings.

December 9, 2022

Country: Benin | Population: 179,000 | Language: Biali | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 1.00%

The Biali (or Burba) are considered a Somba people, often described as “castle people” for their distinctive two-story mud houses. Biali culture is individualistic, and men often have multiple wives. Many families live on scattered homesteads, although a few compact villages do exist in certain regions. The Biali farm, hunt, fish, and gather food, and they maintain a barter-based market system. Men take responsibility for hunting and farming, while women primarily focus on navigating the market and gathering wild plants. Both men and women fish. While some are influenced by Islam, most adhere to tribal religions, believing in many gods, reincarnation, and the supernatural powers of the stars. Pray that the Biali would embrace the one true God of creation. Pray for a completed translation of the Bible in their heart language. Ask God to grow, strengthen, and multiply the Biali church.

April 2, 2022

Country: India | Population: 1.1 million | Language: Gujarati | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Bohra are known for their business skills developed by manufacturing and trading cloth. The Bohra choose to separate themselves from others and live in a tightly knit community. They are well educated and successful which makes them an influential force in society, and envied by other Muslim groups and the Hindu majority. Bohra women are well educated and highly skilled at knitting hats. They wear brightly colored veiled dresses or burkas, which are in stark contrast to other Muslim women whose burkas are brown, dark blue or black. The Bohra see Christianity as a Western religion for which they have no need. Pray that they would recognize their need for a Savior in spite of their success. Pray that God would open their eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ who offers them forgiveness and new life in Him.
January 20, 2023

Country: China | Population: 12,000 | Language: Bonan | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Bonan (“I protect you”) are one of China’s smallest ethnic groups. They are believed to have descended from Mongol imperial troops who settled in China in the 13th century. The Bonan converted to Sunni Islam in 1750 and coexisted with the Buddhist Tongren Bonan until they split in 1862 over religious and economic disputes. They resettled in the mountains to the east, becoming a distinct people group. Most Bonan work as farmers or loggers, but they are famous for making durable, ornate knives with ox horn handles. Traditional clothing is very colorful. Single women typically wear a green veil or hijab, while married women choose black. Men usually wear white skull caps. No Bonan churches, Christians, or Bible translations are known to exist. Pray for bold, loving Christians to heed the call to take the Gospel to the Bonan. Pray that those who answer the call will encounter men and women of peace. Pray that God would reach Bonan university students through Christians who demonstrate Christ’s love.

May 8, 2021

Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina | Population: 1.6 million | Language: Bosnian | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.03%
The Bosniaks have had a tumultuous history having been conquered by the Romans, invaded by the Slavs, ruled by the Ottoman and later Austro-Hungarian Empire, before becoming part of Yugoslavia. Many tragic events throughout their history, including ethnic cleansing, have left deep scars and ongoing hatred between groups that once intermingled peacefully. Wars caused many Bosniaks to flee for safety in the West. While the Roman Catholic and Orthodox church once had great influence, today most Bosniaks are Sunni Muslim. Their Islamic identity however has more to do with cultural roots than religious beliefs. Pray that God would soften their hearts towards Christians and that they would be receptive to hearing the Gospel. Pray for the missionaries working in the country as well as the few believers. Pray that they would demonstrate God’s compassionate love and forgiveness that can heal even the deepest hurts.
July 10, 2021

Country: China | Population: 3.3 million | Language: Bouyei | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.17%
The Bouyei are one of the ancient peoples of Guizhou and one of the 55 official minorities in China. They were once known as the Chunchia, or “people in the middle.” Thousands of Bouyei were burned at the stake during the Nanlang Rebellion of 1797, which caused many to flee to Vietnam. The government ended education in the Bouyei language in 1995. Only 12% of the Bouyei have attended high school. The Bouyei are polytheists. Superstitions rule their lives, and shamans are hired to cast out demons of illness or bad fortune. Pray for church planting efforts among the Bouyei. Pray that they would recognize that Jesus has power over all of the creatures of darkness and that they would find hope, life, peace, and freedom in Him.
April 24, 2021

Country: India | Population: 58.8 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Brahmins are the highest of all castes in India’s society, known for their influence and affluence. They have long been regarded for their performance of Hindu rituals. Most Brahmin perform some daily rituals, though many are now secularists, and few are actually involved in priestly duties. Brahmins place a high value on education and as a result, many have emigrated to the West. They excel as scholars, educators, doctors, politicians, engineers and computer programmers. Pray that the Brahmin would seek to discover the one true living God who loves them. Pray they will recognize that Jesus is the only one they should worship, and that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father but through Him. Pray for those who are producing radio programs in Hindi, and that God would use them to open Brahmin eyes, minds and hearts to the Gospel.
February 15, 2024

Country: Afghanistan | Population: 350,000 | Language: Brahui | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.10%

The Brahui live in the desert sands of southern Afghanistan and western Pakistan. Traditionally, the Brahui are shepherds and farmers who live nomadic lives much like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as they travel from well to distant well. Some Brahui will take their large herds all the way to Iran in search of water and good pastures. The Brahui are dedicated Sunni Muslims who have very little exposure to the Gospel. Pray that the Good Shepherd will soften their hearts. Ask God to raise up bold, faithful laborers who will introduce them to the Living Water. Pray that He will guard and strengthen the few Brahui believers.

October 10, 2020

Country: Indonesia | Population: 5.5 million | Language: Bugis | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Bugis are one of the major ethnic groups on Sulawesi, the third largest island in Indonesia. Most Bugis are farmers who grow wet rice, while others are fisherman or live in the port cities. Historically the Bugis practiced indigenous animism, but converted to Islam in the 1600s. Today the majority are Sunni Muslims who integrate some of the animistic beliefs. Bugis believe the first Wednesday and last Thursday of each month are special days that bring good fortune, while Saturdays are a bad day that could bring about misfortune. The Bugis place high value on both personal honor and communal honor. They build honor through hard work and faithfulness. When their honor is denigrated, they will pursue serious forms of revenge. Pray for God to reveal to them the abundance of grace and truth in Christ. Ask God to send laborers to live and work among the Bugis so that they can share the freedom that is in Christ.
October 28, 2022

Country: Myanmar | Population: 31,024,000 | Language: Burmese | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.08%

The Burmese have a rich cultural heritage of dance, music, poetry and the arts. But the single most important thing in their village is the Buddhist temple. To have a son enter a Buddhist monastery brings great honor to the family. The temple symbolizes unity within the community and provides a wide variety of activities. At the same time, the Burmese have mixed Buddhism with their own animistic beliefs which are centered around inherently evil spirits called nats. The Burmese spend their lives trying to appease the nats. They have altars for nats in their homes and the village shaman gives them amulets and charms to help protect them from harmful evil spirits. Pray that Burmese Christians would be a shining example of the freedom and hope we have in Jesus who is more powerful than the nats or any evil spirit. Pray that many Burmese would tune-in to radio broadcasts that present the Good News of Jesus. Ask God to prepare the harvest and to send more workers to the fields.

Chaamba Bedouin
November 7, 2020

Country: Algeria | Population: 137,000 | Language: Badawi (Bedouin Arabic) | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Chaamba Bedouin live on the northern edge of the Sahara Desert in central Algeria. The majority of Chaamba live a more settled life in the fertile regions as opposed to the nomadic desert lifestyle of other Bedouins. Their daily meals consists of dairy products such as milk, yogurt or rice covered in ghee (butter). Out of a need for money or better living conditions, some Chaamba have taken up manual labor jobs, though they despise this type of work. The Chaamba are Maliki Muslims—one of the four major schools of Sunni Islam. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to the Gospel. Pray for the Lord to raise up people willing to live among the Chaamba and be a witness for Christ among them.
November 2, 2019

Country: Pakistan | Population: 359,000 | Language: Punjabi | Main Religion: Islam| Evangelical: 0.00%
The Changar are found among the poor and the rich, the educated and illiterate, landlords and religious leaders. There is no way to generalize their lifestyles. Some practice Purdah, which is the seclusion of women. Women often live separately from their husbands and do not go outside the home without a male family member. They are often required to cover their entire body, with only a small screen around the eyes. This is done to protect the honor of both her husband, and her father’s family. The Bible has been translated into the Changar language, and the Gospel message is being broadcast, but there are few, if any, Changar Christians or churches. Pray that they would receive the message of hope and come to know Christ.
February 29, 2020

Country: Myanmar | Population: 182,000 | Language: Rakhine, Burmese | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.07%
The Chaungtha are historically and ethnolinguistically related to the Burmese. Because of this, in recent decades their identity has been eroded as an increasing number of Chaungtha choose to identify themselves as Burmese, hoping to benefit from being aligned with the majority ruling people in Myanmar. Unfortunately, no missions agencies are currently working among the Chaungtha, and no part of the Bible has been translated into their language. The reason is probably because they use the Burmese script, and their language is so close to Burmese, it didn’t warrant its own translation. In the future, it is possible that the Chaungtha may cease to exist as a distinct ethnicity, as they are already well on the path to being assimilated by the Burmese. Pray that they would maintain their cultural uniqueness. Pray that the few Christian Chaungtha in Myanmar would be a witness to their people.
March 5, 2022

Country: Russia | Population: 1.45 million | Language: Chechen | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Chechen live in southern Russia between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea in the valleys of the Caucasus Mountains. They are a strong and determined people who attempted to gain independence from Russia after the breakup of the USSR in 1991. This independence movement led to many years of wars and violence. Numerous terrorist attacks further generated much distrust between ethnic Chechens and the rest of Russia. Chechens are highly devout Muslims and hold strong to their Islamic faith in spite of attempts to eliminate Islam in the region. Pray for the Lord to remove barriers so that Christian workers can live and work in the region. Pray that Chechen hearts would become open to the message of Jesus, and that they would accept the peace, forgiveness and new life He offers.
January 25, 2024

Country: Algeria | Population: 106,000 | Language: Chenoua | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Muslim Chenoua are one of many Berber peoples scattered across North Africa. They live along Algeria’s Mediterranean coast in the shadow of Mount Chenoua. They speak one of three distinct dialects, yet Chenoua speakers can understand each other regardless of dialect. Today, many parents teach their children Arabic to increase educational opportunities, but kids still pick up Chenoua at home. Civil war and threats from terrorist groups have pushed many to abandon their villages in favor of larger towns and cities. When they move, many stop speaking Chenoua. The only known Chenoua Christians live outside of Algeria. Pray that the Chenoua will hear the Gospel in their native tongue. Ask God to open doors and remove obstacles for Christians to enter the country and share the Good News. Pray for opportunities for Christians to establish schools and hospitals among the Chenoua. Pray for the completion of a Chenoua Bible.

December 26, 2020

Country: Nepal | Population: 4.19 million | Language: Nepali | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: less than 2%
The Nepalese Chhetri are the major ethnic group in Nepal. They speak Nepali, which is the country’s official language. The Chhetri have many racial, cultural, and linguistic similarities to the people of northern India. Their domestic and religious practices are also similar to the higher Hindu castes of India. The Chhetri have held onto their traditional animistic beliefs (a belief that non-human objects have spirits). They recognize local gods, goblins, and spirits and also believe in ghosts and demons that haunt the crossroads and rivers. The Chhetri make offerings to these spirits in order to appease them. With Hinduism embracing 330 million gods, Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, has more temples, houses, and idols than people. Pray that the Chhetri would encounter Nepali believers and recognize the peace, forgiveness, joy, and freedom that is only found through Jesus.
Chinese Buryat
June 2, 2023

Country: China | Population: 168,000 | Language: Buryat | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.90%

The Chinese Buryat live in the remote grasslands of Hulunbuir in northeastern China. The Buryat first arrived in China in 1917, migrating from nearby Siberia. Historically, the Buryat are a nomadic people, but today, most Chinese Buryat have given up that lifestyle and live in mud and wood houses instead. They speak two distinct dialects of the Buryat language: New Bargu and Old Bargu. Neither dialect is spoken by Russian or Mongolian Buryats. During traditional holidays, they perform the yokhor, a traditional round dance with elements mimicking horses and birds. Traditionally, the Buryat practiced shamanism, but in China, Tibetan Buddhism is more prevalent. Some practice Burkanism or atheism. A few have come to Christ thanks to Chinese house church efforts. Ask God to remove the Buryat's spiritual blindness. Pray they will hunger for truth and freedom. Pray for completion of a Buryat Bible and a bold, equipped church.

May 2, 2024

Country: Indonesia | Population: 5,227,000 | Language: Javanese | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.16%

The vibrant Cirebon people live in the northwestern coastal regions of Java surrounding the city named for them. They speak a unique form of Javanese and are famous for their salted fish and shrimp dishes, like petis and terasi. Most Cirebon work as fishermen or farmers, and they are an open, spontaneous people who love colorful and artistic clothing. Cirebon craftsmen produce many products, including the world-famous batik cloth. Compared to other Indonesian Muslims, the Cirebon are a devout people, although elements of traditional Javanese beliefs, including the occult, influence their practice. Pray for the God of Light to vividly reveal Himself to them through dreams and visions. Ask God to establish a strong Cirebon church and that they would become fishers of men among their own people.

September 21, 2023

Country: Czechia | Population: 10,089,000 | Language: Czech | Main Religion: Non-religious | Evangelical: 0.70%

After Czechoslovakia broke apart in the 1900s, the Czech people formed the Czech Republic, now called Czechia, a landlocked country in Central Europe. The Czech are a Slavic people who trace their ethnic heritage back to the Migration Period of the 6th Century, when they were known as Bohemians. Key leaders of the Protestant church were Czechs, such as Jan Huss and Count von Zinzendorf. While once a Christian nation, most Czechs now identify as non-religious, and many participate in occult practices, such as astrology and fortune telling. The rest identify as Catholics or Protestants, but most are nominal Christians. Pray for a spiritual re-awakening among the Czechs. Pray that faithful Christians would be a beacon of light to nominal Christians and that many would give their lives to Jesus. Ask God to grant believers wisdom and creativity in reaching their fellow Czechs.

Dai Zhuang
April 30, 2022

Country: China | Population: 111,000 | Language: Zhuang, Dai | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.14%

The Dai Zhuang have a rich and colorful culture with records dating back to the first century. They have their own calendar, which started in 638 A.D., and books showing how to calculate solar and lunar eclipses. The Dai Zhuang typically live in homes built on stilts and are highly skilled in agriculture and irrigation techniques. They are a superstitious people and are careful to not offend the spirit world that surrounds them—in the water, the forest and the mountains. A newly married woman will stay with her parents until after the birth of her first child. Only then does she go to live with her husband in his village. Pray that the Dai Zhuang would recognize Jesus as the Creator of all the world around them. Pray for opportunities for believers to share their faith with others in their community.

December 2, 2022

Country: India | Population: 840,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Dangi live in the rocky hilly forests of west central India. They are hard-working but live largely in poverty since they expend much effort acquiring food. Dangis are also called ‘children of nature’ since they respect animals and treat them as equals. They live in one-room bamboo huts with thatched roofs. The Dangis enjoy singing and animated tribal dances. They believe in good and evil spirits, and their fear of spirits drives much of their daily lives. They hold magic rituals to worship trees, animals, serpents, demons, the Hindu tiger god, and all sorts of spirits, including those of their ancestors. Pray that the Dangi would learn that Jesus created the world they live in and realize that He is above all of the spirits they worship and fear. Pray that all Dangis would soon choose to follow Jesus.

August 3, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 442,000 | Language: Dargwa | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%

The influential Dargin make up the second-largest ethnic group in Russia’s Dagestan region. They were originally a collection of multiple tribes and their language has many distinct dialects. Most Dargin work in agriculture, but many use carving, woodworking, tanning, and metalworking to supplement their incomes. The Dargin were introduced to Sunni Islam in the 8th century and officially adopted it six centuries later, although animism and other pre-Islamic beliefs still heavily influence their worship. To escape alcoholism, violence, and other social ills, many have moved to urban areas surrounding the Caspian Sea. Pray for the Dargwa Bible translation to be completed. Ask God to connect faithful Christians with men and women of peace in each town and village. Pray for dreams, visions, and tender hearts among the Dargin. Ask God to grow the tiny Dargin church.

July 11, 2020

Country: India | Population: 2.9 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Darzi originally lived in Central Asia and migrated to India long ago. The word darzi means “tailor” in Hindi-Urdu. Not surprisingly, the primary occupation of the Darzi is sewing and production of clothes and fabrics. Darzi are endogamous (marry within their group), and marriages are often arranged to cement clan ties. Darzi are entirely Hindu and are considered a frontier unreached people group. Pray that God would send a Christian witness and that the Darzi would come to know Jesus.
Deaf in India
August 8, 2020

Country: India | Population: 10-15 million | Language: Indian Sign Language | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
In other parts of the world, the children of deaf adults often serve as interpreters. However, in India, the grandparents or other extended families often raise children of deaf adults, and the children do not admit to having deaf parents, nor do they engage in the deaf community. There are actually about 60 evangelical churches serving the deaf community throughout India. Pray for these churches. Pray for a Bible training program specifically for the deaf Christian community to educate and raise up leaders. There is also a great need for interpreters. Pray for nationals as well as cross-cultural workers to serve as liaisons between the deaf and hearing populations. Pray for families to stay together, and that the deaf community would not feel abandoned.
September 18, 2021

Country: Benin | Population: 274,000 | Language: Dendi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.03%
The Dendi are one of some 65 ethnic groups in Benin, the least evangelized non-Muslim country south of the Sahara. Farming is a noble profession for the Dendi, but it is only for men. Women have gardens where they grow vegetables and fruits. Villages are comprised of people with a common male ancestor. Over 99% of Dendi are at least superficially Muslims, however spirit possession, magic, sorcery, ancestor worship, and witchcraft are core components of their beliefs and daily practices. Pray that God would open their eyes so they would see that Jesus is above all of the spirits, powers, and rulers of darkness. Pray that the Dendi would recognize the lies they have been told, and would choose to follow Jesus, who offers them the whole armor of God to withstand the evil one. Pray for the Dendi church to thrive and shine the light of the Gospel brightly for all to see.
January 18, 2020

Country: India | Population: 2.8 million | Language: Gujarati | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Bharwad is a sub caste of the Dhangar community, one of the oldest existing communities of India, tracing its history back to Mahabharata times. The Dhangar have originated several ruling dynasties. Traditionally being warriors, shepherds, cowherds, buffalo keepers, blanket and wool weavers, butchers and farmers, the Dhangars were late to take up modern day education. They live a socially isolated life and are mostly illiterate. Pray that the Gospel message would reach them through radio. Pray that Christian believers among the Dhangar community will become mature in the faith, able to have a bold, kind witness for Jesus to their neighbors.
July 4, 2020

Country: India | Population: 4.2 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
Dhanuks reside primarily in India, although they also live across Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Their looks, language and culture are similar to the Tharus. They mainly serve as household help for wealthy landlords, and they are heavily influenced by the Hindu religion and Indian culture. While it is unknown how many Evangelicals live among the Dhanuk, we praise God that there are several churches and quite a few believers among them. Pray that these believers would be bold in sharing their faith, and that more would be transformed by the Gospel.
June 5, 2021

Country: India | Population: 11.9 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: 0.02%
The Dhobi people have traditionally been the ones who washed laundry throughout the Hindi world. As a Dalit caste, they are among the lower status communities. The men wash the clothes, the women iron them, and boys deliver the packages of clean laundry to their owners. The Dhobi are pragmatic Hindus who will worship whatever spiritual force they believe will help them in practical ways. Besides worshipping popular Hindu gods and local gods, they worship the stones they use for washing clothes. Pray that the Dhobi will recognize Jesus as the Living Water and the only one who can wash their sins away. Pray for believers to go and make disciples among the Dhobi. Pray that the Dhobi would understand God’s love for them and that they would choose to be called His sons and daughters.
May 5, 2023

Country: Kenya | Population: 451,000 | Language: Chidigo | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.05%

The Digo are one of nine Bantu tribes that make up the Mijikenda ("nine towns"). They live along the southern coastal strip of Kenya, between Mombasa and the Tanzanian border. Most Digo are farmers or fishermen. For many years, the Digo traded with Arab merchants, resulting in a comparatively high standard of living. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Digo experienced major famine and began the practice of giving themselves or their children as temporary collateral for food. Many could not pay back their debts and became slaves. Many Digo slaves taken to Mombasa converted to Islam to obtain their freedom. Today, the Digo practice folk Islam with animism, ancestor worship, and blood sacrifices heavily influencing their practice. Few have studied Islam or the Koran closely. These beliefs combined with economic self-sufficiency and materialism make them difficult to reach. Ask God to soften their hearts and set them free from sin and death. Pray that God will embolden and equip the Kenyan church to reach the Digo.

December 21, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 103,000 | Language: Digor-Ossetian | Main Religion: Islam| Evangelical: 0.02%

The Digor people live in southern Russia, mostly in the mountainous northwest section of the province of North Ossetia. Their language comes from an ancient Ossetian branch, descending from the Scythians mentioned in Colossians 3:11. A high percentage of Digor Ossetians have been Muslim since the 17th Century, whereas most other Ossetians identify as Russian Orthodox. Their ways are deeply rooted in Islamic tradition, making it difficult for the Gospel to break through. Additionally, there is a great need for Gospel resources in written and audio form to be created or translated into Digor Ossetian. Praise God that a Digor Ossetian Bible was completed in 2022. Pray for more resources to be developed. Ask God to soften the hearts of the Digor to receive the Good News and to connect Christians with Digor men and women of peace. Pray for a strong, growing Digor church.

March 14, 2020

Country: India | Population: 2.1 million | Language: Odia | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Dom people are traditionally day-laborers, street musicians and beggars. Tradition says they were cursed to this life of poverty by their god for eating a cow. Most Doms are committed Hindus, with particular devotion to the gods Baba Ramdeo and Bhainro. Along with this devotion, each family worships a deity of its own choice. There are also a significant number of Dom Animists who constantly make small animal sacrifices to deter ill luck. Education is encouraged for boys, but not for girls. Pray that the Doms are presented with the Truth of the Gospel and freed from poverty.
December 7, 2023

Country: China | Population: 636,000 | Language: Dongxiang | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Dongxiang are one of China’s 56 officially recognized ethnic minorities. They are described as being Mongol in race, Muslim in religion, and Chinese (Han) in culture. They are believed to be descendants of Genghis Khan’s Mongolian troops posted in the Linxia area who converted to Islam soon after their arrival. Today, the Dongxiang are mainly farmers and are among the least educated people groups in China with only a 12% literacy rate. They are hospitable people and hold elders in high regard. In the 1940s and 1990s, missionaries made brief efforts to reach the Dongxiang, but their progress was short-lived. Pray that God would open the door for new, sustained missionary activity among the Dongxiang. Pray for God to establish a healthy, growing Dongxiang church. Pray for increased education and literacy. Pray for the Bible and other resources to be translated into their heart language.

April 29, 2024

Country: Kazakhstan | Population: 70,000 | Language: Dungan | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Dungan first arrived in Central Asia after having been taken from China to serve as slaves. A failed rebellion caused greater numbers of the Dungan to flee China in the late 1870s. The Dungan are proud of their storied heritage and call themselves “Chinese Muslims”. These hospitable people mostly live in farming villages located in river valleys where they raise crops and livestock. They also love flower gardens. There are no known Dungan believers in Kazakhstan. Pray that God would cultivate the soil of their hearts to receive the Gospel. Ask Him to plant seeds of Truth through dreams and visions and the faithful witness of other believers.

August 27, 2022

Country: Indonesia | Population: 147,000 | Language: Duri | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.04%

The Duri live in a small mountainous area of southern Sulawesi Island. Most live by tending orchards, raising livestock and farming crops including coffee, rice, red onions and other vegetables. The Duri make a traditional cheese by boiling cow or water buffalo milk along with sap from papaya leaves or fruit. They pour the mixture into small coconut shells and later package the cheese in banana leaves for sale at local markets. The Duri are family oriented and their society is based on mutual help and cooperation. Social status is determined by education and wealth. The Duri are very open to learning things which can help raise their standard of living. Almost all Duri are Muslim, but combine it with traditional animistic beliefs. They rely on shamans to heal sickness and cast out evil spirits. Pray that the Duri would come to know that Jesus is the only one who can truly heal them and give them freedom. Pray for the small group of believers among the Duri—that they would grow strong in faith and be a shining light to everyone in their community.

September 14, 2019

Country: Indonesia | Population: 136,000 | Language: Malay, Central | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Enim people live along a section of the Trans-Sumatra Highway bordering the Ogan people group. Many Enim living in villages sell sand and rocks that they collect from river beds. Enim follow Islam out of tradition, but they are very open to newcomers. They are free to form relationships with other ethnic and religious backgrounds, allowing for more opportunities for engagement. Pray that the Enim people would come to know more Jesus-followers. Pray for their immediate physical needs including better access to education, electricity and water. Pray that God would open their hearts to the Gospel message.
French Jew
November 23, 2019

Country: France | Population: 453,000 | Language: French | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0%
Jews represent the oldest monotheistic religion. The Jews of Europe arrived on the continent at least 2,000 years ago during the early days of the Roman empire. Since then, they have been a significant influence in the history and culture of Europe. Much of what is considered “Jewish” today finds its roots among the European Jews. For religious Jews, God is the Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and the ultimate Judge of human affairs. Beyond this, the religious beliefs of the Jewish communities vary greatly. European Jews are extremely diverse in religious practice. The Jews have a wonderful understanding of their connection with the Abrahamic covenant. However, they also have a history of rejecting Jesus Christ as Messiah, the one who has fulfilled that covenant. Pray that as the Gospel is shared, it will not be viewed as anti-Semitic, but rather as the fulfillment of what God promised through Abraham centuries ago.
Fula Jalon in Guinea
September 26, 2020

Country: Guinea | Population: 5.7 million | Language: Pular | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Fula Jalon are a semi-nomadic people who also raise livestock and crops. They are a subgroup of the vast Fulani people group who live across west Africa and the Sahel. While the majority of Fulani raise “humped” cattle, the Fula Jalon raise a native Djallon breed that is resistant to the tsetse fly, which is notorious for carrying disease. The Fula Jalon live in beehive-shaped huts that are surrounded by a cattle corral. While the homes in the villages are spread out, there is a central court and mosque. The Fula Jalon are devout Muslims. Some villages have Islamic schools for the children. Pray for a willingness for the Fula Jalon to learn about Jesus and His teachings and to be open to His truths.
Fula Maasina
July 17, 2021

Country: Mali | Population: 1.29 million | Language: Maasina Fulfulde | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Fula Maasina are much like the Fulani peoples found throughout West Africa. They are largely agricultural-based, raising cattle along with sheep and goats. They farm crops like millet, rice, and peanuts. Fula Maasina villages or communities are typically scattered but include a center court, a mosque, and often an Islamic school. They are very devoted to Islam and view it as part of their identity. The Fula Maasina are very resistant to Christianity as they fear that it will divide their families. Pray that God would open the eyes and hearts of family and village leaders so they would see the truth. Pray for more believers and workers to live among the Fula Maasina. Pray that the Fula Maasina would recognize Jesus as their Savior and that they would choose to follow Him.
Fulfulde, Borgu
June 15, 2019

Country: Benin | Population: 616,000 | Language: Fulfulde, Borgu | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.8%
The Fulfulde, Borgu of Benin are part of the Fulani, a large people group that immigrated from North Africa and the Middle East, to Central and West Africa centuries ago. They are mostly nomadic herdsman, although some have become farmers or educated leaders in their communities. The Fulani are grouped and named according to their dialect, location and occupation. The Fulfulde, Borgu occupy the northern and central regions of Benin and speak a Niger-Congo language. They are a proud people group, with a strong belief that showing any fear is a sign of weakness. Pray that God would raise up witnesses among the Fulani in Benin.
October 2, 2021

Country: India | Population: 6.6 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Gadaria were literally named for their traditional occupation as shepherds of sheep. While some Gadaria continue to raise goats and cattle for milk, most are hardworking day laborers in construction and masonry work. Few Gadaria are able to read and write, so they rely on Brahmin priests to conduct rites of passage and teach traditions. There are no known Gadaria followers of Jesus. Pray that Gadaria would hear the Gospel by radio. Pray that believers in India would reach out to them so they would be able to hear the Gospel in person or watch the story of Jesus. Pray that the Gadaria would choose to follow the Good Shepherd who loves them and longs to care for them, not just as His sheep, but as His children.
June 4, 2022

Country: India | Population: 1,798,000 | Language: Kannada | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Gangakula have been boatmen and fishermen in Southern India for hundreds of years. Their traditional occupations placed them in a lower caste which resulted in less education, literacy and opportunities. Many work today as fishermen, boatmen, agricultural laborers or village watchmen. Women often help supplement family income by working as domestic employees. Improved access to all levels of education is now allowing the Gangakula to become doctors, engineers and other professionals. Virtually all Gangakula are Hindus; however, their lower social status means they are still often denied access to Hindu temples. As a result, they erect smaller temporary structures to worship Hindu deities. Pray that God would remove every kind of barrier that hinders them from learning the truth of the Gospel. Pray that Gangakula would understand that Jesus is inviting them to follow Him and that they are welcome to enter His presence as His dearly loved children. Pray that God would establish a life-giving church among the Gangakula.

June 16, 2023

Country: India | Population: 105,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%

Among India's four castes, the Gawaria fit into the lowest caste. They are not Dalits (outcasts), but their traditional roles as nomadic shepherds, goat herders, and traders give them a position of low importance. Literacy rates are low among the Gawaria, so today, many work as handicraft makers, brick masons, or other labor-intensive roles. The Gawaria marry other Gawaria but always from their clan. All weddings include a sacred fire which the bride and groom must circle seven times. After the ceremony, the new couple likely will live with the groom's family. Only the community's caste council can approve a divorce or remarriage. Like all Hindus, the Gawaria worship many gods. Rituals and good works seemingly provide the only escape from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Ask God to raise up faithful workers to reach the Gawaria. Pray that provision of education and medical care will open doors for the Gospel. Pray they will soon discover just how precious they are to Jesus.

July 18, 2020

Country: Iran | Population: 2.9 million | Language: Gilaki | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Gilaki live in northern Iran in the Gilan province, a protected forested area between the Elburz Mountains and the Caspian Sea. Their ancient cultural language (also called Gilaki or Gilani) remains unwritten. Today, the educated Gilaki speak Farsi, the national language of Iran. Their economy is primarily agriculture, which has seen an influx of investments as a result of the oil boom. Farmers usually grow rice, tea, and tobacco. History records that the Apostle Bartholomew spent time evangelizing in this area of the world around 50 A.D., and although Christianity once had a strong presence, today all Gilaki are Muslim. Pray that God would open up the hearts of the Gilaki to the gospel.
February 26, 2022

Country: Liberia | Population: 177,000 | Language: Gola | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.82%
The Gola are skilled farmers who live in the rural areas of western Liberia. They grow rice, yams, peanuts, and taro. The entire family works together in raising the crops; men cultivate the land, women and children plant the seeds, boys keep the animals and birds away from the fields, and girls winnow the rice. Gola celebrations center around agriculture including the yam and peanut harvests. While the Gola are mostly Muslim, many still practice ancestor worship. For example, in a season of drought, the village elder will pray to a god called Da while holding the skull of an ancestor. He will sacrifice an animal and pour the blood over the skull. They believe that when someone dies, he or she is reincarnated and born into the family of either the mother or father. Pray for the Gola to recognize the one true God who created the heavens and the earth and is Lord over the rain and the crops. Pray that they see Jesus is the one true sacrifice that takes away their sin as well as provides for all of their needs. Pray for believers in Liberia to be bold and share the Gospel with their unreached neighbors.
July 30, 2022

Country: China | Population: 169,000 | Language: Amdo Tibetan | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.01%

The name Golog reportedly means “those with their heads on backwards” reflecting their reputation as being extremely stubborn and rebellious. The Golog were the fiercest warriors sent by the Tibetan king to the northern border in the 7th century to defend against the Chinese invasion. When the Tibetan kingdom collapsed, the Golog remained there defying any outside authority. Today they are nomads who wear oiled sheepskins, yak-hide boots, and felt bowler hats—which they assimilated after the British invasion of 1903-04. The Golog are Tibetan Buddhists and many women wear 108 braids of hair, which matches the number of prayer beads. Pray that the Golog would find peace in Jesus. Pray for Golog believers to grow spiritually and become strong in their faith. Pray that God would build His Church among the Golog so they would be a radiant light to everyone around them.

September 16, 2022

Country: India | Population: 10,034,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: Unknown

The Gond work in agriculture growing crops like rice, beans and cereals, and raising livestock. They typically live in small communities of 25-30 homes surrounded by farmland. The Gond believe that evil spirits and enemies’ witchcraft cause sickness in their community. To appease the evil spirits, a local high-priest sacrifices a goat in the presence of the community, but not until the goat nods to give its approval. Once the village men have eaten the meat, they will stuff the skin with hay and hang it on the village gate to scare off evil spirits. The Gond also offer sacrifices relative to their harvest —a goat when it is good, a pig if moderate, and a chicken if it is poor. Pray that the Gond would discover how Jesus became the only perfect sacrifice for their sins—once and for all. Pray they would recogize that Jesus is our high priest and it is only through Him that they can be delivered from the evil spirits they fear. Pray that believers would be welcomed in their villages, that they would be receptive to the Good News, and that they would choose to follow Jesus.

Gujar (Muslim traditions)
June 12, 2021

Country: Pakistan | Population: 4.9 million | Language: Punjabi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
Invaders brought Islam to the Gujar region of Western India during the 11th century. As a result, many Gujar converted to Islam. When neighboring Hindu groups regained control of the region, they pushed out both the invaders and those who had become Muslims. The Gujar combined Islam with some Hindu beliefs and traditions causing further rejection. They were labeled as an untouchable caste destined for a life of poverty, illitercy, and social oppression. The Gujar are seasonal nomads who raise buffalo and sheep along with some minimal farming. Pray that God would soften the hearts of family, clan, and government leaders so they would be open to hearing the Gospel of Jesus. Pray for believers to go, live, and work among the Gujar. Pray that the Gujar will understand how much God loves and values them. Pray that they would choose to follow Jesus.
April 27, 2019

Country: Tanzania | Population: 493,000 | Language: Gujarati | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.10%
The Gujarati are originally from the state of Gujarat in western India, but significant Gujarati communities are located in some 27 nations, many in Africa. The Gujarati who have emigrated are usually from wealthier castes and involved in trade or small business. Most of the communities have no Christian witnesses, even though the Bible is available in their language. Pray that God will raise up missionaries willing to share Christ with the Gujarati in Tanzania. Pray that Gujarati businessmen will accept Christ and take the gospel to their own people.
August 6, 2022

Country: India | Population: 2,331,000 | Language: Urdu | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Hajam have a long tradition of being barbers, hair-cutters and manicurists. Today many are respected owners of barber shops and salons all throughout India and neighboring countries like Pakistan and Nepal. Within the Muslim community the Hajam are an essential part of major life rituals and events as they trim hair for weddings and funerals and even perform circumcisions. Some Hajam also perform other services like extracting teeth, lancing boils, matchmaking and serving as midwifes. They are Sunni Muslims who claim to have descended from the Biblical King Solomon, who Muslims regard as a prophet. At the same time, many married Hajam women will adorn themselves like Hindus with the traditional “Bindi” dot on their forehead along with some form of nose stud. As Muslims, they are free to eat beef, along with grains like rice, wheat and corn. There is little to no known ministry outreach to the Hajam. Pray that God would begin to work among the Hajam. Pray that they would choose to follow Him and then use their influence to reach others with the truth of the Gospel.

January 25, 2020

Country: China | Population: 763,000 | Language: Hani | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.30%
The Hani are a needy and poverty-stricken people, ranked among the lowest on China’s quality of life index. The Hani life expectancy is just 58 years. They practice ethnic religions, believing in a sky god named Abo-Momi, who sent a water buffalo to earth to teach man how to grow crops. The water buffalo is still revered among the people today. When a Hani man dies, his buffalo is slaughtered and buried with him, so that the animal can guide him to the next world. Their language consists of three tones and five dialects, but efforts to introduce an alphabet were never widely embrassed by the Hani, who today have a low literacy rate. As such, communicating the Gospel can be difficult. The Hani have traditionally been one of the most Gospel-neglected of China’s minorities. The few efforts to evangelize them were met with resistance. Pray for the Hani people. Pray that both their physical and spiritual needs would be met.
Hararghe Oromo
March 7, 2024

Country: Ethiopia | Population: 7,743,000 | Language: Eastern Oromo | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.05%

The Hararghe Oromo consist of six tribes living from central Ethiopia to the eastern border with Somalia. They are friendly and hospitable people who farm the land and raise livestock. Only about half of their children attend primary school. Like many people groups to the south, most Hararghe Oromo converted to Islam because of their Harari neighbors. The few who do become Christians often move away. Pray for God to prepare the Hararghe Oromo to receive the Gospel. Praise Him for a completed New Testament and pray for the translation of the entire Bible. Ask God to raise up laborers who are dedicated to reaching them with the Gospel. Pray that they would discover the Good Shepherd who deeply loves them.

August 17, 2023

Country: Ethiopia | Population: 56,000 | Language: Harai | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.05%

The Harari come from the city of Harar in eastern Ethiopia. Known as the “City of Saints” with 99 mosques and shrines, Harar is considered to be the fourth most important city in Islam, and many people travel to study there. For centuries, the Harari have worked as traders, and even today, they host busy markets serving neighboring peoples. Many also tend fields outside the city walls, growing citrus, tropical fruit, and cash crops. Harari women have a high degree of independence compared to many Muslim women. Despite heavy outside influences, the Harari have maintained a strong cultural identity, only speaking Harari to each other and rarely marrying outsiders. Pray for completion of the Harari Bible. Ask God to move among family and community leaders and instill a strong hunger within them for the Truth. Pray that He will raise up faithful laborers who will share the Good News with the Harari.

March 6, 2021

Country: Nigeria | Population: 34.8 million | Language: Hausa | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.1%
The Hausa are the largest ethnic group in West Africa and are very influential politically and culturally. The Hausa have been doing long-distance trading throughout Africa and the Middle East for many centuries. As a result, Islam was introduced to the tribe sometime prior to the 16th century. Hausa culture is very strongly tied to Islam which makes it difficult for them to be reached with the Gospel. These deep religious ties have also led to intense persecution of Hausa believers. Pray that God would encourage and protect the Hausa believers. Ask God to send Christians to share His Good News with the Hausa in Nigeria. Pray that God would establish a vibrant and thriving Hausa church.
Hawrami Gurani
March 26, 2022

Country: Iran | Population: 215,000 | Language: Gurani  | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Gurani live in the region of northern Iran and Iraq known as Kurdistan. They often are categorized as Kurds but are an Iranian ethnic group that consists of the Bajelani and the Hawrami. They were most likely originally located near the Caspian Sea and were assimilated by the expansion of the Kurdish population. They were able to retain their language and their reputation for their military qualities. As such they have provided a regiment of soldiers for the Persian army. The Gurani are farmers who raise cattle and alternate between living on the plains and the high mountain pastures based on the season. The Gurani are Muslim and devoted to the five pillars of Islam. Pray that they would encounter the Good Shepherd who knows them and cares for them. Pray that they would accept Christ and see transformation in their families and communities.
September 4, 2021

Country: Afghanistan | Population: 3.8 million | Language: Hazaragi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.03%
The Hazara are set apart from fellow Afghans by religion and mixed ethnicity, and they have faced persecution and hardships for it. Their traditional homeland lies in central Afghanistan amidst rugged mountains. It is a wildly beautiful, nearly inaccessible region of craggy peaks and rushing rivers called the Hazarajat. Living among a Sunni Muslim majority, they are Shi’ite Muslims. Many believe the Hazara are descendants of Mongol soldiers left behind by Genghis Khan in the 13th century. Their language is unwritten and contains regional dialects of Arabic, Urdu, Mongol, Turkish, and Farsi. Prior to the 19th century, they made up a majority of the Afghan population, but years of persecution have decimated their numbers. Their semi-nomadic life is harsh, and food is usually inadequate. There are no missionaries currently working among the Hazara. Pray that they would come to know their worth in the Father’s eyes.
Hbrogpa Amdo
May 12, 2023

Country: China | Population: 743,000 | Language: Amdo Tibetan | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.05%

Cecil Pohill of China Inland Mission began reaching the Amdo of Tibet in 1888 through a mission station in Xining. Hbrogpa Amdo is the largest of the four Amdo Tibetan dialects. It is considered the "purest" form of Amdo Tibetan and is used in most literature, publications, and media. "Hbrogpa" means "nomad" or "herder" in Tibetan. Most Amdo are seminomadic herders who tend sheep, yaks, and goats, finding new pastures once new grasslands are needed. Traditionally, the vast majority of Hbrogpa Amdo are Tibetan Buddhists, but in recent years, some have started practicing Bon, a shamanistic religion that predates the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet. Multiple missions agencies existed in Amdo before the Communist takeover of China in 1949, but today, only about five small churches are known to exist in the region. Pray for the church to reach their lost brothers with news of the Good Shepherd. Pray that God would free the Hbrogpa Amdo from wandering in spiritual darkness.

Hmu (Northern)
April 3, 2021

Country: China | Population: 2.1 million | Language: Hmu | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.25%
The Hmu (or Miao) are known for their distinctive and ornate embroidered black clothing. They have been despised by the Chinese for centuries who called them “men-dogs” since it was once believed they had tails. Protestant missionary work began among the Hmu in 1896. Two years later, a China Inland Mission missionary and the first Hmu believer were killed along with 32 more Hmu who had shown interest in the Gospel. Missionaries returned to that area some 14 years later and completed a New Testament translation in 1934. Pray that the seeds of the Gospel planted long ago would take root and grow among the Hmu. Pray that the Hmu would know they are valued and loved by God, and that they would experience His forgiveness and grace.
February 8, 2020

Country: China | Population: 13.8 million | Language: Chinese, Mandarin | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
China’s third largest ethnic group, the Hui, have influenced and been influenced by the Han majority culture, so much so that the two often look like one. A major difference, however, is that the Hui are almost entirely Sunni Muslim, whereas the Han tend towards Buddhism and Taoism. The largest clusters of Hui live in China’s northeast along the ancient Silk Road route, where their origins are thought to have begun. Unlike other Muslim minorities in China, the Hui have been able to build their own mosques, worship freely and educate their children in Muslim private schools. Mission outreach to the Hui began in 1885, but few Hui have come to faith. Pray that more would hear the message of Salvation and come to believe.
March 17, 2023

Country: Mexico | Population: 51,000 | Language: Huichol | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.4%

The Huichol of Mexico’s Sierra Madre Occidental mountains call themselves Wirrárrica and are famous for their colorful art. They live in some of Mexico’s most rugged terrain and successfully repelled colonists for many years. Traditionally, the Huichol have subsisted as hunters, fishermen, and slash and burn farmers, growing “the three sisters” (corn, beans, and squash) and other crops. Infertile soil often results in poor harvests. Many Huichols sell cattle and lumber or work as artisans to make a living. Politically, they are highly autonomous, creating a complicated relationship with the government. While a few have become Roman Catholics, many converts still hold to the traditional shamanistic religious beliefs practiced by most Huichols. Pray that God will break up this rocky spiritual ground. Pray that Huichol believers would be shining lights in the darkness. Pray for a complete Huichol Bible. Pray for missionaries among the Huichol to be strengthened and encouraged.

August 10, 2019

Country: Benin | Population: 165,000 | Language: Ede Idaca | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.70%
The Idaca are one of 64 distinct people groups found in Benin and little is known about them. The nation of Benin gained its independence in 1960, but the seventh coup after independence brought a repressive Marxist regime, and change is slowly occurring. While the Church in Benin is experiencing significant growth, few of the Idaca have heard a clear Gospel presentation. Pray for local testimony among the Idaca. Pray for continued growth of the Church in Benin, and for God to be glorified throughout this nation.
May 19, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 426,000 | Language: Ingush | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

Since possibly before Jesus' time, the Ingush (and their Chechen and Vainakh brothers) have built stone towers in the mountains of southern Russia. Ingush families built these three-story towers as a refuge from foreign invaders. However, these towers could not prevent Stalin from deporting the Ingush and Chechens to Central Asia during WWII nor could they stop Ossetians from settling in their traditional homelands. In 1957, the Ingush were allowed to return home but not all their lands were returned. In 1992, war between the Ingush and Ossetians failed to settle the land dispute, and a 2009 Islamic insurgency against Russia further unsettled the region. Today, the Ingush work as farmers, but unemployment is high despite a strong tourism industry in Ingushetia. Most Ingush are Sunni Muslims, and there are virtually no known Christians. Pray the Ingush find salvation and refuge in God Almighty. Pray for more workers to enter the fields and reap a bountiful harvest.

August 22, 2020

Country: Philippines | Population: 264,000 | Language: Iranun | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.30%
The Iranun are a Filipino people group who were traditionally sailors and pirates. Many Iranun today make a living through fishing while others raise food crops. Their communities are centered around traditional laws and a headman, who is the leader that facilitates discussions and often settles local disputes. They practice the pillars of Islam but also integrate many animistic rituals into their beliefs. Pray for the Filipino Christian community to engage with the Iranun, to serve and love them and to share the message of Jesus.
Isan Tai
October 9, 2021

Country: Thailand | Population: 18.5 million | Language: Northeastern Thai | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.27%
The Isan Tai, or Lao Isan, are found throughout northeastern Thailand. This region is primarily a flat arid plain with few natural resources. Infrequent rainfall limits the production of their crops and many Isan suffer from poverty. Originally forceably relocated from Laos, the Isan retain much of their language, beliefs, and culture. The Isan are world-reknown for their exquisite mudmee process of repeatedly dyeing silk threads, which are woven into fabric. Most follow the teaching of Buddha and seek happiness and prosperity in this life, and in their future lives through merit, with the hope of someday achieving Nirvana, or perfect peace. The Isan believe that they can earn merit by doing good deeds including feeding Buddhist monks, donating to temples, and frequent worship. Many of the Isan combine Buddhist teaching with traditional folk religion practices, including the worship of spirits and objects. Pray for God to open the Isan to hearing the Gospel. Pray for Thai believers and others who are actively seeking to share Christ with them. Pray that the Isan would choose to follow Jesus—the Prince of Peace who offers them His peace in this life, and eternal life in His presence.
Israeli Jew
December 25, 2021

Country: Israel | Population: 4.8 million | Language: Hebrew | Main Religion: Judaism | Evangelical: 0.23%
The formation of the State of Israel in 1948 led many Jews to return to their ancient homeland after years of hardships. Most Israeli Jews live in cities since attempts to live in more rural settings has resulted in unrest between Jews and Palestinians. However, collective farms or settlements called kibbutz are still common. Rabbinical Judaism is the most common religion of Jews in Israel, which focuses on studying the Torah and a national restoration of the Promised Land. In practice, two-thirds of Jews today are non-observant and celebrate Jewish religious holidays more as a social gathering than a religious practice. They have a history of rejecting Jesus as Messiah, and unfortunately, are still looking for that covenant to be fulfilled. Pray that the Jewish people will understand that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah and will be open to hearing the message of salvation. Pray for the planting of strong local churches throughout Israel.
March 21, 2020

Country: Sudan | Population: 3.4 million | Language: Arabic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.60%
Like so many other Sudanese people groups, the Jaaliyin follow the Islamic faith and are generally very committed Sunni Muslims. The Jaaliyin consider themselves to be direct descendants of the prophet Mohammed. They live in small villages and cities along the banks of the Nile River. The area is very hot and dry, with an average yearly rainfall of about three inches. They are easily recognized by their facial scars, many of which are in the form of a T or H. The scars are a sign of tribal pride and are even more common on women than on men, for they are considered a sign of beauty. Pray for the Jaaliyin to recognize the true beauty of Christ and accept His love.
July 14, 2023

Country: Indonesia | Population: 1 million | Language: Malay, Jambi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0%

The Jambi people are a proud people with links to the ancient Malay kingdom that flourished from the 7th century AD until the Middle Ages. Because of this pride, the Jambi are less willing to accept modernization and reform. They live in a lowland basin of dense jungles, swamps, and rivers. Travel between communities is done more frequently by water than land. The Jambi are Muslim, and every village has a mosque or prayer house, and typically a Muslim school (madrasah). Pray that the Jambi people would be open to greater educational assistance and medical support. Pray they would have access to a Gospel witness.

April 10, 2021

Country: Japan | Population: 126 million | Language: Japanese | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.3%
Racially, culturally, and ethnically, the Japanese are one of the most homogenous people groups in the world. They identify themselves in terms of biological heritage, birth in Japan, a shared culture, and a common language. 60% of Japanese live in nuclear families, while around 20% live in a three-generation household of grandparents, parents, and children. Japan’s native religion is Shintoism, which is rooted in animism, or the belief that non-living objects have spirits. Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the sixth century. Most Japanese today claim to be both Shintoist and Buddhist. Japanese religious principles include ancestor worship, a belief in religious continuity of the family, a close tie between the nation and religion, and a free exchange of ideas among religious systems. Religious practices are centered on the use of prayer meditation, amulets, and purification. Pray that God would call missionaries to go and share Christ with the Japanese. Pray that radio and other media broadcasts would be effective in reaching the Japanese people. Pray that God would cause the seeds of the Gospel that have been planted over many decades to grow. Pray that God would empower the Japanese church to be a vibrant and powerful witness of His love, mercy and grace, and that everyone would come to know Him.
July 3, 2021

Country: India | Population: 19.3 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: <0.03%
The Jats live scattered around the world among several ethnic groups, yet retain their own identity. A well known Jat proverb says that men may come and men may go, but I go on forever. It has been said that no Jat wants to be ruled. They are brave, hardworking people who possess both the desire and ability to rule. The Jat are known for their military prowess. They place great pride in their ancestry and rarely marry people from other ethnic groups. They can be found in all walks of life including high academic and technical positions. Jats are traditionally nomadic herdsmen or settled farmers who grow crops including wheat, corn, millet, and sugar beets. Pray for opportunities for Christian doctors, nurses and other workers to share the love of Jesus with the Jats. Pray that the Jats would know God as the Beginning and the End—who is, and who was, and who is to come. Pray that influential members of the Jat community would believe in Christ and that they would boldly share the Gospel with their people.
Java Banyumasan
April 18, 2024

Country: Indonesia | Population: 9,274,000 | Language: Banyumasan Javanese | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.18%

The Java Banyumasan farm fertile lands near the Serayu River in southern Central Java. They are accomplished farmers who use advanced techniques and modern equipment. Some work in heavy industry while others work in smaller industries, such as bamboo weaving and brown sugar production. Other Javanese sometimes refer to them as “Java Mendoan” for their famous dish: mendoan tempe, a fermented soybean cake coated in spiced batter and fried. Over 97% claim a Muslim identity, but only about 20% take their faith seriously. Most practice traditional animism and seek to appease the spirits. Ask God to set them free from spiritual bondage. Pray that they will see that Jesus rules over all spirits. Pray that He will establish a vibrant church among them.

Java Mancanegari
July 9, 2022

Country: Indonesia | Population: 21,002,000 | Language: Javanese | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.22%

The Mancanegari have a rich history dating back over a thousand years. They left cultural relics all throughout Southeast Asia from New Guinea to Vietnam. Today, the Macanegari simply refer to themselves as being Javanese from East Java. Their economy is largely based on agriculture and they have extremely fertile volcanic soil which can support four crops a year. As their economy grows, other industries are beginning in urban areas. While the Macanegari are considered less “refined” than other Javanese people groups, many were instrumental leaders in Indonesia’s independence, including the country’s first President. The Mancanegari mix Islam with traditional Hindu and even pre-Hindu beliefs. The spirit world is very real to them. They give offering to a guardian spirit who watches over their village and use Islamic text as charms to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck. Pray that God would establish His Church among the Macanegari. Pray they would recognize that Jesus is above all spirits they worship or fear. Pray that the Macanegari would hear about Jesus and understand that He is their Creator, their Provider and their Protector, and that they would choose to follow Him.

Java Pesisir Lor
July 24, 2021

Country: Indonesia | Population: 37.5 million | Language: Javanese | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Java Pesisir Lor are a distinctive people group living in the villages, towns, and cities in the north-central part of the Island of Java. Most are farmers or fisherman, but many are seeking urban occupations throughout Indonesia. The Pesisir Lor’s diet consists of a variety of spiced rice and soybean-cake dishes with vegetables, along with an occasional egg or bit of meat that is served with tea or coffee. Nearly all Pesisir Lor people profess to be Sunni Muslims, but Sufi mystical beliefs are widely practiced. The Pesisir Lor travel throughout the year to the burial site of two men who introduced Islam to the island many centuries ago. At these graves, the Pesisir Lor venerate and ask the ancient spirits for health, salvation, and sustenance. Pray for Christians who are working to plant churches in this part of Indonesia. Pray that God would bless and bring fruit from their efforts. Ask God to call more people to go and live and serve among this unreached people group. Pray that the Pesisir Lor would find true salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
July 7, 2023

Country: Morocco | Population: 1.25 million | Language: Arabic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The roots of the Jebala Arabs go back to the original Arabs from the Arabian Desert. From there, their ancestors migrated into northern Africa. Although there was some mingling with the native Berbers of the area, the Arabs remained a distinct group. Most Jebala Arabs are rural peasants who farm for a living. As a means of preserving their people and as an influence of their Muslim religion, Arabs practice endogamous marriages (marrying only within a small social circle). Very few Jebala Arabs have heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. Even among the few who have heard, a profession of faith in Jesus may cost them their families, honor, jobs, and sometimes their lives. Pray for doors to open to the Gospel in Morocco. Pray that the Gospel message would be clearly translated and presented for the Jebala. Pray that whole communities would come to faith in Christ, and that families would remain intact.

September 3, 2022

Country: Pakistan | Population: 822,000 | Language: Western Punjabi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Jhinwar have tradionally worked as boatsmen, fishermen and water-carriers. They are considered a low status people group, and as such, often work in highly labor-intensive roles like cutting stone or wood, building roads, making baskets or working as agricultural laborers. Jhinwar Mulims follow the teachings of Mohammed, yet few, if any, are able to read the Koran for themselves since it is in Classical Arabic. They rely instead on imams and mullahs to teach them the fundamentals of Islam. They hope that when they eventually face eternal judgement that their good deeds will outweigh their bad deeds. Pray that God would send workers to teach the Jhinwar about Jesus who willingly gave His life to pay for all their sins. Pray that Jhinwar would come to know that God loves them and offers them freedom and eternal life in His presence as His dearly loved children. Pray that God would call disciples from among the Jhinwar who would choose to follow Him and begin a church-planting movement among their own people.

December 30, 2022

Country: China | Population: 23,000 | Language: Jinuo, Youle | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.52%

The Jinuo are a Tibeto-Burman people living in the thickly forested mountains of Yunnan in southeastern China. They are descendants of soldiers of Kong Ming, a famous Chinese war hero. They eat rice, corn, and fresh spicy dishes. The Jinuo wear bright, colorful clothing and women wear distinctive triangular hoods. “Jinuo” means “uncle’s descendants,” and in their culture, the mother’s brother holds almost as much influence in a child’s life as his or her father. The Jinuo lack a written language and instead rely on a strong oral tradition. During the Iron Forging Festival, they beat a large drum and remember the story of a massive flood that destroyed all of humanity except for their ancestors who took refuge in a huge drum. Pray for a translation of the Bible that the Jinuo can access. Ask God to soften hearts and make them ready for the Gospel. Pray for the roughly 300 known Jinuo Christians as they often face strong persecution. Pray that God will strengthen and embolden Jinuo believers.

February 5, 2022

Country: India | Population: 3.2 million | Language: Bengali | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Jogi are a people group who practice yoga as part of their daily routine. Jogi is the colloquial term for yogi. The Jogi were originally a community that over time formed into a caste. They worship the Hindu god Shiva and follow the yoga belief system where they seek to attain complete union with the supreme being. They traditionally wear saffron colored clothing which indicates they are followers of yoga. Many have taken on a lifestyle of religious begging, relying on charity to survive. Others earn a living through fortune telling, divination, or practicing exorcism. Pray that they would recognize Jesus as the Supreme Being and they would give their life to following Him as the one True Lord. Pray for them to have open hearts to receive the Gospel and the freedom that is found in Christ. Pray that they would be freed from the beggar mentality and would have viable employment opportunities.
April 25, 2020

Country: Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) | Population: 2.6 million | Language: Jula | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.10%
The Jula people, also known as Dyula, were skilled craftsmen and traders in the 1500s. They held high status as merchants for centuries, and eventually their trading posts morphed into market villages and cities. Jula have been Muslim since the 1400s, but they maintain good relations with non-Muslim neighbors, trying to convert them by setting a good example rather than by force. They are fiercely loyal to their clans, and they maintain their cultural history through the oral traditions of dance and storytelling. The best way to present the Gospel is probably orally, and at the clan level in order to start a disciple-making movement. Pray that radio might be a tool to reach the Jula people. Pray that leaders of the Jula clans would come to know Christ, and that the Gospel would spread as a result.
January 1, 2022

Country: Chad | Population: 890,000 | Language: Kanembu | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.0%
The Kanembu live in the arid desert region of north west Chad and were once the most powerful tribe in central North Africa. The king converted to Islam in the 1200s and then conquered and converted many neighboring tribes. The dynasty went into decline in the 1500s and ended with the arrival of the French in the 1900s. However, there are still sultans and traditional rulers who hold more power and influence than government officials. The majority of Kanembu are farmers while many others work at salt mines. Most are illiterate, or only read and write the Arabic that they learn in Islamic schools. Kanembu is not yet a written language. Pray that God would take away the stony hearts of the Kanembu and give them new hearts and a new spirit in them. Pray that God would call workers to come live among the Kanembu in Chad. Pray that the Kanembu would choose to walk with Jesus and then share their new faith with other tribes.
March 19, 2022

Country: India | Population: 300,000 | Language: Bengali | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Kapali live primarily in the state of West Bengal in eastern India. The name Kapali means “fortunate.” Many are landowners and primarily do agricultural work. Some do work as teachers or government officials. The Kapali are not vegetarians and therefore do not have a high status within the Hindu community. The Kapali worship the gods of the Hindu pantheon. They offer prayers and incense as well as food and flowers in order to gain favor and protection from the gods. Pray that the Kapali would meet El Shaddai, the one true God who can be their protector. Pray that they would have dreams and visions to encounter Jesus and receive Him as their Lord and Savior. Pray for Indian believers to be witnesses among the Kapali.
April 23, 2022

Country: India | Population: 15.4 million | Language: Telegu | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown

The name Kapu means farmer or protector. The Kapu were the first to migrate to southern India 2,500 years ago where they cleared forests to develop settlements and farmland. Throughout their history, the Kapu alternated between times of military service and farming. Many live in villages where electricity and basic necessities like clean water are non-existent. Virtually all Kapu are Hindu, but they live among Muslims and other Hindu groups. Over 30 major church denominations are found in the areas where the Kapu live, but few have ever heard the Gospel. Pray for God to move in a mighty way among the Kapu. Pray for many Indian believers to share the freedom and hope they have found, and that all Kapu would choose to put their faith in Jesus.

November 18, 2022

Country: Russia | Population: 227,000 | Language: Karachai | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.02%

The Karachai live in the North Caucasus region of southwestern Russia along the border with Georgia. They have had a long and difficult history of being conquered, including by the Mongol-Turks in the 14th Century (who converted them to Islam), the Russian Czars in 19th Century, and the Germans during WWII. When Stalin reconquered the Karachai after the war, he deported them to remote parts of Central Asia as a reprisal for “accepting” German rule. Some 35% of the Karachai died during that forced relocation. Today, most Karachai have returned to their homeland and have preserved much of their heritage and cultural traditions. There are less than 50 known Karachai followers of Jesus. Pray that God would strengthen, encourage and multiply the Karachai church by His Spirit. Pray that the believer’s daily demonstration of God’s love and redemptive grace would cause people to ask about the hope that they have found in Christ. Pray that the Karachai would choose to follow Jesus and find refuge in Him. 

July 2, 2022

Country: Uzbekistan | Population: 741,000 | Language: Karakalpak | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.0%

The Karakalpaks are literally named for their black hats. They primarily live in an extremely dry region of northwestern Uzbekistan where rainfall is less than 4.5 inches per year. They rely instead on water from rivers to irrigate their cotton fields—Uzbekistan’s primary cash crop—and to grow alfalfa for their livestock. Unemployment is very high among the Karakalpak, and as a consequence, they must be ever resourceful to meet their own most basic needs. Even though the Karakalpak language did not exist in written form until 1930, literacy is quite high. The Karakalpaks are Sunni Muslims who highly value conformism with the majority. Getting the Gospel to them is challenging and few have responded. Pray that God would open their hearts. Pray that the recently completed translation of the Bible (2019) and other Gospel-based content would find their way into Karakalpak homes. Pray diligently for the believers who are using digital media and other evangelistic tools to reach this people group. Ask God to encourage, strengthen and give them wisdom. Pray that God would open doors and begin building His Church, in His way, and in His timing among the Karakalpak.

November 16, 2023

Country: Turkey | Population: 1,203,000 | Language: Kabardian | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

Originally from the Caucus Mountains, the Kabardians were nearly exterminated during the Russo-Circassian wars. Some managed to escape to present-day Turkey. The Kabardians are Sunni Muslims who highly value hospitality yet maintain a code of blood revenge. Radicalism is drawing more and more young people. Most Kabardians are farmers who grow wheat, maize, and fruit or herdsmen who raise horses, cattle, sheep, and goats. Some work in education, business, and finance. Kabardians are known for their dances and distinctive dancing apparel. Men dance on the “knuckles” of their toes, and all dancers wear knee-length sleeves. Pray for the peace and joy of the Lord to overtake the Kabardians. Pray for culturally sensitive Christians to build relationships with Kabardian men and women of peace. Praise God for a complete Kabardian Bible. Ask God to soften their hearts to the Gospel.

January 11, 2024

Country: India | Population: 7,945,000 | Language: Kashmiri | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The people of Kashmir live in one of the most breathtaking yet unstable regions in the world. Kashmir sits in the western Himalayas, it has been a battleground between India, Pakistan, and China for years. Each country claims all of the region, and all three control parts of it. Violence breaks out often. Still, the Kashmiri people are very hospitable, regularly hosting guests for tea. Persians and Muslim mystics have strongly impacted Kashmiri culture. Most are farmers who live in remote villages, and many are skilled weavers and carpenters. Most Kashmiri are devout Sunni Muslims, and they believe the Bible is wrong when it contradicts the Koran. They see converts to Christianity as degenerate and immoral. Pray for God to protect Kashmiri believers from persecution. Ask Him to soften the hearts of Kashmiri Muslims toward the Gospel. Pray that the Prince of Peace will rule over all of Kashmir.

January 2, 2021

Country: Bangladesh | Population: 1.8 million | Language: Bengali | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
There are no known followers of Christ among the Kayastha in Bangladesh, and there are very few believers who speak Bengali as their first language. The Kayasta are a highly influential and intellectual caste that has long been regarded for their administrative, writing, and record keeping abilities. Bangladesh is a country that allows few opportunities to share the gospel, even with the Hindu minorities like the Kayasthas. The Kayasthas have high prestige which can easily give them the false impression that they do not need a savior to save them from sin. Pray that believers with a high-status background would have opportunities to share their faith with the Kayastha. Pray that the Kayastha would recognize that only Jesus Christ is worthy of their attention, and that they will follow Him.
June 20, 2020

Country: India | Population: 1.7 million | Language: Odia | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
For generations, the Khandai, or Kandayat, have been soldiers and landowners. “Khandai” means “man of the sword” or “landowner,” and this still applies today. The Khandai are landowners who have lower castes farm their property. They also serve in the Indian Army and in the police forces. Education is a high priority. Almost all are Hindus. They worship and serve the gods of the Hindu pantheon. Pray that the Khandai would humble themsleves and realize their need for a Savior.
December 16, 2022

Country: Cambodia | Population: 14,086,000 | Language: Khmeri | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 1.90%

The Khmer ruled much of Southeast Asia prior to the 13th century when they were defeated by the Thai and Vietnamese. Today, they represent the dominant majority in Cambodia. In the late 1970s, the ruling Communists, the Khmer Rouge, killed up to 25% of all Cambodians, deeply scarring the Khmer and other Cambodians. Most Khmer live in rural regions and subsist on rice and fish with many raising additional crops and livestock. Rural families are often large, although many rural children die before turning ten due to malaria, malnutrition, and lack of access to clean water and modern medicine. Many young people are moving to the cities to pursue better jobs and education with unskilled workers taking menial or even demeaning jobs. The Khmer practice Theravada Buddhism mixed with Hinduism and animism. Pray for the Khmer to find healing and forgiveness through Jesus. Pray for increased growth and strength for the Khmer church. Pray that believers will demonstrate Christ’s love in practical ways, opening doors for the Gospel.

Kim Mun
November 13, 2021

Country: China | Population: 339,000 | Language: Kim Mun | Main Religion: Ethnic religions | Evangelical: 0.12%
Kim Mun means “people in the forest.” They are well-know for their unique customs and creativity including making paper from roots and leaves. The Kim Mun practice ancestor worship and sacrifice pigs three times a year as a way to honor them. They believe that bad people go to their version of hell, which is a dense, dark forest with no villages. They also believe that there are several levels of heaven. Good people will go to one of these levels based on how much the eldest son takes care of the spirits of their dead parents. If a man has no son, he believes his soul will be lost. He will do whatever he can to birth a son. Pray for the Kim Mun to recognize that Jesus is the Son of the living God who has paid the price for their sins. Pray that they turn from their false beliefs and accept the revelation of the Gospel. Pray for the tiny groups of believers scattered throughout southern China who can be a witness to their own people.
July 16, 2022

Country: India | Population: 1,039,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Kirar live along riverbanks in central India. While some own small plots of land, many simply work as laborers. Literacy among the Kirar is about 80% for men, but only 50% for women. The government of India granted special status to their caste to make it easier for them to get certain roles in the public sector. Kirar life revolves around weather seasons, Hindu festivals and holidays. They are vegetarians and primarily eat sorghum. Only during special Hindu festivals will the Kirar eat rice and wheat, and some men may eat meat (not beef). They go often to Hindu temples to give offerings to deities like the warrior-mother goddess Durga, and the cobra god Nag Deo. The Kirar pay Brahmin priests to perform important rituals including births, weddings and funerals. When a Kirar dies they are  cremated if they were married, and buried if they were not. Pray that God would remove every barrier keeping the Kirar from hearing the Gospel. Pray that they would no longer be deceived by traditional rituals, but experience instead a live-giving relationship with Jesus. 

September 30, 2022

Country: India | Population: 1,200,000 | Language: Korku | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown

Korku legends say the god Shiva took the form of a lion and scared their ancestors into the forest. Shiva declared that each family would be named for whatever tree, plant or object they hid under. The Korku love the forest and almost all live in rural areas. They are also known as excellent agriculturalists. The Korku never complain in spite of having much to complain about. As a low status people, they have little income. Many suffer from hunger, malnutrition and exploitation by those in power who take much of what they earn. Pray that the Korku would develop a spiritual hunger that would open their hearts to Jesus. Ask God to send Christian workers to teach them the Gospel. Pray that they would believe that Jesus loves them and that He will ultimately give them justice.

Kui Khond
July 25, 2020

Country: India | Population: 1.8 million | Language: Odia | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Kui people are a people with an immense sense of community. They have educated among them who live in more urban areas but they primarily dwell in thick jungle and are not easily accessible. They live in huts made from a mixture of dung and mud with thatched roofs. Their education is brief and many are illiterate. They have few materials possessions. Some have come to faith in Christ, but at great cost. They have suffered intense persecution. Pray for strength and boldness for these believers, and that they would receive help and resources as they share the gospel with their people. Pray that unbelieving Kui would soften their hearts toward Christ.
August 20, 2022

Country: Tajikistan | Population: 866,000 | Language: Tajik | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990, unrest in Tajikistan led to a five-year civil war that devastated the country’s people and economy. The war ended with the Kulobi as the dominant group in government, education and business. The Kulobi were traditionally semi-nomadic herders and many today live in cities in the winter and return to the countryside to farm their crops each year. The short growing season allows them to raise wheat, barley, fruits and vegetables. Like most Tajik people, the Kulobi are Sunni Muslims who try to obey the teaching of the Koran and the prophet Mohammed. They believe by following the Five Pillars of Islam they will go to heaven when they die, but that Allah determines who enters paradise. Many Kulobi also practice animistic folk religion and seek to appease the spirits who inhabit nature and objects around them. There are no known believers among the Kulobi. Pray for the person who will be the first Kulobi believer. Pray that their family would also be receptive to the Gospel. Pray that all Kulobi would soon recognize that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that He is the only way to God, the Father. Pray that they would choose to follow Jesus.

Kumbi Kadwa
October 17, 2020

Country: India | Population: 1.2 million | Language: Gujarati | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Less than .01%
The Kunbi Kadwa live in the state of Gujarat and surrounding areas in Western India. They are the primary landholders and act as landlords and engage in farming and animal husbandry. They are non-vegetarians and eat rice as a regular part of their diet. They regularly smoke chutta, a homemade cheroot, which leads to high rates of mouth and throat cancer. The Kunbi Kadwa are practicing Hindus and worship many spirit beings. Pray for Christian workers to come and help them in their farming practices, which can lead to open doors to share about Jesus. Pray that the Kunbi people would give up smoking and think about the value of both their earthly life and eternal life. Pray that the Holy Spirit would move in their communities to bring spiritual healing and transformation.
March 31, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 507,000 | Language: Kumyk | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%

The Kumyk are one of only two Turkic-language people groups in Dagestan (southern Russia). They farm, tend vineyards, and raise cattle on the fertile Kumyk Plateau by the Caspian Sea. They are a proud, respected people who once held major political influence in the region. Their art, dance, folk music, and weddings present a unique fusion of cultural and religious traditions. Once a Christian people, the Kumyk have been Sunni Muslims since the 9th century. They rarely marry outsiders, and they see large families as a blessing from Allah. Islam is integral to Kumyk identity, although they tend to mix folk religion into their practice. They see Christianity as a Russian religion which makes it unsafe for the tiny Kumyk church to exist publicly. Pray for boldness and safety for Kumyk believers. Ask God to open the hearts of Kumyk elders and leaders to hear and receive the Gospel.

September 5, 2020

Country: Iraq | Population: 4.6 million | Language: Kurdish | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Kurds trace their heritage back to the Medes of ancient Persia. It is likely that the wise men who traveled to see Jesus at his birth were Zoroastrian priests, ancestors of the modern Kurds. The Kurds have faced much discrimination throughout modern history and are the largest ethnic group without a state of their own. They hold strong loyalty to their immediate family and then to their tribe. Most Kurds are Muslim but hold their faith lightly and still connect with their ancient Zoroastrian faith. Pray that the Kurds would come to know Jesus as the Light of the World. Pray that those who walk in the Light would have fellowship and unity with one another.
November 30, 2019

Country: Thailand | Population: 420,000 | Language: Kuay | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.41%
The Kuy are mostly poor wet rice farmers. Farming is labor intensive, plowing with cows or water buffalo, and transporting goods by oxcart. The Kuy have an oral culture with high illiteracy. For most, education is only available for two or three years. Their beliefs are a mixture of animist and Folk Buddhist ideas with animism being the older and more dominant belief structure. The Kuy have little access to good health care. Pray for committed Thai believers to bring the Good News to these people.
October 24, 2020

Country: Laos | Population: 3.2 million | Language: Lao | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 2%
The Lao live on the plains along the rivers and roads that give them access to traveling merchants. They are farmers who grow rice, cotton, mulberry bushes (for silk worms), coco palms and various fruits. Some Lao will supplement their farming with fishing or with a trade such as blacksmith or carpentry. Certain villages are known to specialize in goods such as charcoal or pottery. Laos has had a turbulent history with various countries vying for power and control. There are a still numerous unexploded bombs scattered throughout the country which makes much of the potential farm land too risky to cultivate. More than half of the Lao are Buddhist and young men will typically study Buddhism for three months at their village monasteries. A third of the Lao combine folk animism with Buddhism. Pray that the Lao would come to see God and His glory. Pray that they would step into God’s calling for them to be a holy nation and to proclaim His excellence. Pray for workers to come and live among the Lao and to make disciples.
May 21, 2022

Country: Indonesia | Population: 240,000 | Language: Col | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Lembak are known by a variety of different names based on where they live. However, people living around them call them the “Cul” people since the word “cul” in the local language means “no”. Lembak society is largely involved in farming rice, coffee, rubber and some local fruits. They tend to give away much of their crops since they would be ashamed to charge relatives for food. If a Lembak chooses to move away from their traditional home for work, they will always take two relatives with them. The Lembak are Muslims but continue to hold to traditional animistic beliefs and practices. They blame the unseen spirits living around them for sickness and turn to rituals to cast out evil spirits. There are very few believers among the Lembak. Pray that this people group would no longer be resistant to the Gospel. Pray for church-planting efforts in areas around where the Lembak live. Pray that the recently translated portions of Scripture would open their eyes to see the light of the Gospel and that they would choose to follow Jesus.

January 8, 2022

Country: Russia | Population: 431,000 | Language: Lezgi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.02%
The Lezgi live in the republic of Dagestan in Russia. They are subsistence farmers who also raise sheep and goats. Some engage in skilled work such as leather working or textile production and are well known for their hand woven carpets. The Lezgi have preserved much of their literature and music. They also perform a world-renown ancient folk dance called the Lezginka which portrays the history and culture of the Lezgi people. This dance is performed at small village weddings as well as on stage in front of thousands of people in large cities across Russia and Europe. The Lezgi are Muslim with animistic practices woven into their faith, including tying rags on holy trees or holy graves to bring favor upon their finances, marriages, or health. Pray for the Lezgi to recognize the tree of the cross upon which the Holy Son of God died to set them free from sin and death. Pray that they would receiving the healing power of the resurrected Christ and join His family. Pray that they would dance with joy as they are filled with the Holy Spirit.
July 13, 2019

Country: Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire | Population: 626,000 | Language: Lobi | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 1.5%
The Lobi occupy the Black Volta region where Ghana, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso meet. Primarily farmers, they continually migrate in search of adequate farmland. The Lobi follow traditional animistic beliefs centered on the worship of deceased ancestors and objects from nature. The Lobi’s close neighbors, the Wala, have partially adopted the area’s dominant Islam religion. Even though the Lobi have the New Testament in their language, very few have become Christians. Pray they would hear a clear presentation of the Gospel. Pray that the fruit of the Spirit would be evident among Lobi believers as they share Christ with their own people.
Lohar (Hindu traditions)
March 27, 2021

Country: India | Population: 9.3million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: <0.01%
The Lohar are nomadic smiths who travel to sell their handmade goods. While they descended from high-caste weapons makers of the Mewar Kingdom, they became poor nomads after being conquered by the Mughals in 1568. The Lohar have difficult lives. Even though they work hard and up to 14 hours a day, they live in extreme poverty as a despised caste considered untouchable. Few Lohar are able to read or write since their nomadic lifestyle is not conducive to attending school. The Lohar practice Hinduism in hopes that their gods would show them favor. Pray that the Lohar will open their hearts to our Heavenly Father who shows no favoritism and loves them more than they can imagine. Pray for God’s protection over Lohar believers who are extremely persecuted for their faith.
lu Mien
October 3, 2020

Country: China | Population: 1.3 million | Language: lu Mien | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.15%
The Iu Mien are the largest subgroup of the Yao people and have a history of fleeing persecution. Legend states that there was a dispute between Iu Mien King Pan and the Chinese Emperor over some territory. Being outnumbered in people and weapons, King Pan agreed to surrender the territories and accepted a treaty called “passport to cross the mountains” where the Iu Mien people could live and travel in the hills and mountains. The Chinese sometimes refer to them as Guoshan (Crossing the Mountains) Yao. They are Daoists who believe Pan created the world. They have several centuries of preserved literature, which includes Taoist rituals written in Chinese characters. Pray for the Iu Mien to see Jesus as Lord. Pray for those who hear the Gospel to receive it and to walk in the truth. Pray for the small number of Iu Mien believers to be bold and share about who Jesus is.
Luri (Northern)
May 2, 2020

Country: Iran | Population: 1.85 million | Language: Luri | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Luri are a nomadic tribe of shepherds who live in the Zagros Mountains of southwestern Iran. Many believe they were the original inhabitants of this area. They travel six to eight months out of the year, only living in permanent dwellings during winter. The valleys in this area have rich pastures that make it ideal for this lifestyle. The Luri language is very similar to modern Persian, or Farsi. The men, who have regular contact outside the community, are generally bilingual, but the women only speak Luri. The Luri have had little chance of every hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While portions of the Bible have been translated into Luri, they do not have a complete New Testament. Pray that the Luri would receive a Christian witness. Pray for more openness in Iran to share the Gospel.
February 17, 2023

Country: Indonesia | Population: 7,625,000 | Language: Madura | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.05%

The Madura trace their origins to the island of Madura, off the northeast coast of Java, but today, they have spread throughout Indonesia and become the third-largest ethnic group in the country. They are said to be the fiercest of enemies and most loyal of friends. Today, most Madura live on Java. They have earned a reputation as a harsh yet hard-working people, but most live on one third the median income of their countrymen. The Madura live in close-knit farming communities, yet most must find supplemental work due to the arid, salty land they farm. Due to limited education access, many work as fishermen, salt farmers, and sailors to supplement their small rice and tobacco harvests. Most Madura are devout Sunni Muslims, yet many incorporate elements of animism into their worship. Pray for better education and vocational training. Pray that God would prepare their hearts to receive His salvation and rest.

September 28, 2023

Country: Malaysia | Population: 13,951,000 | Language: Malay | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.08%

Traditionally, the Malay are a seagoing people with a strong reputation as coastal traders. Their traditional homelands in Malaysia, Indonesia, and other nearby countries placed them strategically along sea routes between India and China. The Malay are found throughout Southeast Asia and Australia. They are proud of their language and heritage, and despite lingering Hindu influences, all Malays receive a lifelong Muslim identity at birth, no matter where they live. In Malaysia, it is illegal to evangelize Malays and for Malays to convert to other religions. Reaching the Malay is much less difficult in countries with religious freedom, such as Australia. Pray that God would soften the hearts of Malaysia’s rulers toward the Gospel. Ask Him to open doors to boldly proclaim the Gospel to Malay living in other countries. Pray that Malay Christians would be a light in the darkness to family and friends.

February 15, 2020

Country: Iran | Population: 124,000 | Language: Luri, Southern | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Mamasani people are a subgroup of the Luri people of Iran. They have been nomads in the western area of Iran for hundreds of years. They migrate wherever they can find enough food and water for their livestock. Because of their mobile lifestyle, education is low and illiteracy is high. They are entirely Muslim and have had no Gospel witness. They are considered a frontier unreached people group. Pray that Farsi speaking believers will take the Gospel to the Mamasani people. Pray for the development of Gospel-related stories and skits in the language of the Mamasani people.
April 4, 2024

Country: Iran | Population: 124,000 | Language: Luri, Southern | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Mamasani people are a subgroup of the Luri people of Iran. They have been nomads in the western area of Iran for hundreds of years. They migrate wherever they can find enough food and water for their livestock. Because of their mobile lifestyle, education is low and illiteracy is high. They are entirely Muslim and have had no Gospel witness. They are considered a frontier unreached people group. Pray that Farsi-speaking believers will take the Gospel to the Mamasani people. Pray for the development of Gospel-related stories and skits in the language of the Mamasani people.

November 11, 2022

Country: Indonesia | Population: 545,000 | Language: Mandar | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Mandar live in the mountains and low coastal plains of West Sulawesi. Many Mandar farm rice fields, tend orchards or harvest coconut and cocoa, while others fish for cakalang (shipjack tuna) or sea turtles. The Mandar were once an independent kingdom and continue to have a king chosen by the traditional elders. Once the elders choose to replace the king, they will go to the palace with their headdress angled to the left and carrying spears and sacred Keri knives. If the king does not step aside, they will attempt to use force. If the king still refuses, he is regarded as a bad king and many people will abandon the villages. The Mandar are Muslims but traditional animistic beliefs remain strong. They seek out a shaman to heal the sick and cast out spirits. Pray that the Mandar would welcome believers to share the Gospel story with them. Pray they would come to know Jesus as the good and perfect King of Kings, who eternally reigns over everything in the heavens and on earth.

December 21, 2019

Country: India | Population: 1.9 million | Language: Teluga | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
In the Teluga language, “Mangala” means happiness. The name was given to the Mangala people because they traditionally played flutes at weddings. Today, they read and write in Teluga. They have a low regard for literacy, although they believe in education for their children. They work as barbers, musicians, midwives, hairdressers, and some work in government. They have one spouse and prefer cross cousin marriages. It is very difficult, if not illegal, for a Mangala to change religions, as Hinduism is so tied to their cultural identity. Pray that spiritual barriers will be broken, and the Mangala people will come to know Christ.
November 28, 2020

Country: Philippines | Population: 1.4 million | Language: Maranao | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.23%
The Maranao live on the island of Mindanao in southern Philippines. They live around Lake Lanoa and their name means “people of the lake.” The Maranao have a rich culture with distinct expressions in their textiles, woodwork, architecture, and music. UNESCO declared the Maranao’s Darangen epic (a song consisting of some 72,000 lines) as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. They are highly educated, yet many degree holders cannot find a job in their profession, so they return to traditional occupations of agriculture and craftsmanship. The Maranao identify themselves more as Muslim than Filipino, and have worked hard to rid the local culture of traditional island beliefs. Pray for Christians to establish businesses to supply high-level jobs to educated Maranao and to be a witness to them. Pray for the Maranao to see the truth and wisdom of Jesus through His teachings.
Maratha (Mahratta)
May 29, 2021

Country: India | Population: 30.8 million | Language: Marathi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Maratha are a proud people who consider themselves as belonging to the upper class of rural society. The Maratha live throughout all of India, with the largest concentrations around Mumbai. As members of the “kunbi” (farmer) caste, almost all Mahratta own land and raise crops. They are somewhat liberal in comparison to other castes in India. Arranged marriage is not strictly enforced as long as they marry someone who is Maratha or from the higher Brahmin caste. Most Marathas worship Shiva “the Destroyer” who they believe is the supreme lord who creates, protects and transforms the universe. Pray that the Maratha would come to know our heavenly father who created and sustains the world. Pray that they would choose to follow Jesus and that they would find eternal hope in Him.
November 4, 2022

Country: Tanzania | Population: 295,000 | Language: Matumbi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.50%

The Matumbi are known as the people of the mountains. They live in a small area of eastern Tanzania that extends from the highlands out to the Indian Ocean. Most Matumbi are subsistent farmers who raise various crops including rice, corn and cassava and tend livestock like sheep, goats, chickens and cattle. Others are fishermen who fish in streams and coastal waterways. While the majority of Matumbi are Muslim, they see Allah as far-off and distant, and instead depend on the nearby spirit world—particularly the spirits of their ancestors—to meet their daily needs. The Matumbi pray to their ancestors, hold ceremonies, present gifts and even offer sacrifices to their spirits. Pray that the Matumbi would recognize who Jesus is—a close and personal Savior who loves them and cares about their daily needs. Pray that God would send workers to live among them and teach them the Good News of Jesus. Pray that the Matumbi would discover the hope that is found in Jesus and that they would choose to follow Him.

September 7, 2023

Country: Iraq | Population: 2,568,000 | Language: Mazandarani | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.67%

The Mazanderani live in northern Iran along the Caspian Sea coast, a region of marshy plains that give way to highlands farther inland. The region has been invaded multiple times throughout the centuries. They are an ethnic mix of Turkic tribes, Armenians, and Russian immigrants. Although closely connected to Farsi, the Mazandarani language has never been put into written form, creating a roadblock to cultural and spiritual growth. Many Mazanderani raise crops and cattle. They are famous for their Arabian horses. Pray for doors to open to Christian teachers to serve this people group. Ask God to open the hearts of Iran’s government leaders to allow access to the Gospel. Pray for the completion of an audio Mazandarani Bible.

February 16, 2019

Country: Indonesia | Population: 804,000 | Language: Bima | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.02%
Although most Mbojo are devout Muslims, they still believe in spirits and practice forms of animism. Pray for the medical needs of this people group, who only make use of healers for their physical ailments. Pray that they will come to hear the truth of the gospel and be set free of the fears and lies that keep them in poverty and darkness.
March 10, 2023

Country: India | Population: 718,000 | Language: Memoni | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Memon are known as India’s maritime merchants. In the 15th century, a Muslim missionary converted 700 Hindu families to Islam. They were called “mumins” (faithful Muslims). Due to conflict with their neighbors, the mumins resettled in India and Pakistan. They quickly became proficient traders, shippers, and businessmen. Memons take very good care of each other, living in close-knit communities and setting up charities, mosques, and other social welfare organizations around the world. Memons rarely marry outsiders, and divorce is extremely unusual. Pray that God would shine the light of Truth into Memon communities through dreams and visions. Pray for wisdom in Bible translation as the Memoni language lacks its own written script. Pray that Memon businessmen would encounter Christians who are ready to share the Gospel and give an answer for the hope that they have.

Meskhetian Turk
May 26, 2023

Country: Azerbaijan | Population: 109,000 | Language: Turkish | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

A Turkish military expedition in 1578 established a permanent Turkish settlement in Meskheti, a mountainous region in southwestern Georgia. The Meskhetian Turks were highly productive farmers that provided Georgia with much produce. During WWII, Joseph Stalin ordered the Meskhetians deported to Uzbekistan, an increasingly hostile and foreign land. In 1989, anti-Meskhetian violence forced many to flee to Azerbaijan and other countries. Jobs are difficult to find despite their excellent farming skills. Meskhetians have maintained ethnic cohesion since the deportation with marriage traditions playing a significant role. Marriage partners must be from within the family community, and adoption is a common practice that introduces new blood into family communities. Most Meskhetians are Sunni Muslims who sprinkle superstition, sorcery, and magic into their practice of Islam. Pray that they would meet the Father who wants to adopt them into His family. Pray that believers would be bold and obedient in reaching Meskhetians.

October 14, 2022

Country: Chad | Population: 94,000 | Language: Amdang | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Mimi migrated to Chad from Egypt's Nile valley in the 15th and 16th centuries. Some Mimi continue to live as nomadic herdsmen but most are settled farmers who grow various crops including grains, beans and sesame. The scarcity of water limits the number of animals they can raise. Drought and starvation are a constant threat. As Muslims, they follow most of the Islamic rules, but their beliefs are influenced by folk religion and animism. The Mimi have never heard the Gospel story of Jesus. Pray that Scripture and other Christian resources would soon become available to them. Pray that God would call believers to go live and work among them. Ask God to prepare the hearts of the Mimi to become receptive to hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

February 20, 2021

Country: Indonesia | Population: 6,600,000 | Language: Minang | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Minangkabau or Minang are the fourth largest ethnic group in Indonesia and have a great deal of influence. They come from West Summatra and their name literally means “winning water buffalo.” The Minang outsmarted their Javanese neighbors in an ancient war that was eventually decided by a battle between two water buffalo. They are famous for their cuisine and they run restaurants all throughout the country. The Minang are orthodox Muslims, and those who leave Islam are disowned by family and will lose their jobs. Pray for those believers who are actively trying to share the Gospel with the Minang. Pray that God would open the hearts of the Minang so that they would follow Jesus who has won and triumphed over sin and death.
January 15, 2022

Country: Mauritania | Population: 3.8 million | Language: Hassaniya | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.1%
The Moor people group are a subset of Berber people who are descendants from an Arab/Tuareg tribe. When the Arabs conquered North Africa in the 600s and 700s, the Tuareg helped them spread Islam across to the west coast of Africa. The Moors and other Berber tribes grew in influence and took over the Iberian Peninsula where they ruled until 1492 when Spanish rulers kicked them out. The Moors retreated to North Africa where they were persecuted for following their particular form of Sunni Islam. The Moors fled to the desert where they took up the nomadic lifestyle as skilled tradesmen. Pray that Moors would see Jesus as more than a prophet and receive Him as Lord and Savior. Pray that the Holy Spirit would open their minds and hearts to the truth of the Gospel. Pray for opportunities for missionaries to live and work among the Moors.
Muhamasheen umbi Kadwa
November 14, 2020

Country: Yemen | Population: 1.5 million | Language: Arabic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Muhamasheen are believed to be descendants of Ethiopian soldiers who came to conquer the land in Yemen. They were unsuccessful and became slaves. Today, the Muhamasheen are at the bottom of the social hierarchy and they refer to themselves as “the marginalized ones”. The men work as street sweepers while the women and children collect cans and bottles for income. Very few of the children attend school. They are highly discriminated against and mistreated by supervisors and others. The mistreatment of the Muhamasheen is rarely punished, even if the mistreatment led to death. Pray for the Muhamasheen to come to know how deeply they are loved by Jesus and to receive a new identity in Christ. Pray for Christian workers to come and share the Gospel with them. Pray for societal changes and protection that will led to better wages and living conditions for the Muhamasheen.
November 6, 2021

Country: Indonesia | Population: 346,000 | Language: Muna | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.05%
The Muna people live on the islands of Muna and Buton as well as several surrounding smaller islands. They are farmers who grow cashews, corn, rice, and spices. Those who live on the coast work in pearl farming or harvesting seaweed. The Muna are highly communal and live in kinship groups; they have a practice of pokadula (mutual assistance) which they integrate into a number of their activities. The Muna have a tradition of kite flying using a large dioscorea hispida leaf as the kite. Tradition has it that farmers used kite flying as a form of entertainment while keeping watch over their farms. One of their beliefs is that in the afterlife the leaf kite will change into an umbrella to protect the owner from the sun. Animistic beliefs like this are intertwined into their faith as Shiite Muslims. Pray for openness of the Muna people to have missionaries join their communities. There is a high need for education and practical training in managing their natural resources. Pray for workers to come and provide this training as well as to share the light of Jesus. Pray for the Muna to boldly approach the throne of grace and receive His gift of salvation.
March 20, 2021

Country: Vietnam | Population: 1.4 million | Language: Muong | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.06%
The Muong are the second largest ethnic group in Vietnam, and their language is closely related to Vietnamese. The two groups became separated during the Han dynasty when China invaded and ruled for 1,000 years. The Muong stayed in the mountain areas and the Vietnamese lived in the plains. The Muong live in a very socialistic society and most villages consist of 10-50 households. They work on community farms where they share equally in the production of rice or crops grown on terraced land. The Muong believe in and worship spirits living in objects, ancestral spirits, and supernatural deities. Every Muong home has a prominent altar in honor of their ancestors. Pray that the Muong would recognize God as their Heavenly Father and Jesus as the Creator and Savior of the world. Pray for those who are working to share the Gospel with the Muong and that God would send more workers to serve and live among them.
June 11, 2022

Country: Indonesia | Population: 663,000 | Language: Musi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Musi people live along the Musi River in southern Sumatra. Like many people groups, the Musi’s traditional way of life is changing as they adapt to a more modern society. However, some of their traditions remain very strong. The Musi follow Islam because it was the faith of their ancestors—not because they chose to—it is an essential part of their cultural identity. As a result, the Musi see no need for other religions and forbid anyone from leaving Islam. Marriage to someone of another faith is not allowed until they have professed to follow Islam, and in the case of males, become circumcised, otherwise the marriage is considered invalid. Even the local government will not allow any places of worship to be built other than mosques. Pray that God would remove all barriers for the Musi to hear the Gospel and freely choose to follow Jesus. Pray for opportunities for believers to engage with the Musi and demonstrate their personal faith and walk with Jesus. Pray that the Musi would find their true identity as followers of Jesus.

July 27, 2019

Country: Mozambique | Population: 154,000 | Language: Mwani | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.03%
Mwani tradition holds that just over 1,000 years ago, Arab traders came to the east coast of Africa to trade and take slaves. Entire people groups along the coast, including the Mwani, became Muslims since Arabs were not allowed to take Muslims as slaves. To be a Mwani is to be a Muslim. They go to the Madrassa (Islamic school) and learn to read the Quran in its original Arabic form, but many do not understand its meaning. Despite being able to read Arabic, most Mwani are illiterate in their own language and only speak a little of the national language of Portuguese. Most Mwani live on islands close to the coast in northern Mozambique. They live in poverty, making their living from fishing, water transportation and trading. Pray for the Bible to be completed in their heart language. Pray for opportunities for missions to bring education and microenterprise development to this people group. Pray for a Gospel breakthrough among the Mwani.
June 25, 2022

Country: Mozambique | Population: 503,000 | Language: Makhuwa | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.02%

The Nahara live along the coast of Northern Mozambique. Their name, an Arabic word for river, may have originated from Arab traders in the 10th century. However, in their native Makhuwa language today, Nahara means fisher—their primary economic activity. The Nahara are resistant to change and suspicious of outsiders­—likely a result of Arab traders and later Portuguese colonization which began in 1498. The Nahara identify as Muslims, but have retained and incorporated their traditional African beliefs, including ancestor worship, witchcraft, divination and certain rituals at life events. The Nahara see little value in formal education—only 20% of men and 5% of women are literate. Pray for the Makhuwa-speaking believers who are using things like radio and literacy training to share Christ with the Nahara. Pray that the stories of Jesus calling fishermen to follow Him would engage and resonate with them. Pray that the Nahara would put their trust in Jesus and embrace His wonderful gift of life to them.

Namasudra (Namassej)
January 30, 2021

Country: Bangladesh | Population: 3,273,000 | Language: Bengali | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The majority of Namasudra are day laborers while others work as rickshaw-pullers or poultry farmers. Their literacy rate is low though it has improved in recent years. The Namasudra are practicing Hindus who primarily worship Laksmi and Parameshwar. Pray that the Namasudra would value education and send their children to school. Pray for the Good News of Jesus to reach their communities through radio, films, and recordings. Pray that they would truly come to know who Jesus is and follow him fully.
August 13, 2022

Country: Ghana | Population: 78,000 | Language: Dagbani | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.10%

The Nanumba live in eastern Ghana between the White Volta and Oti Rivers. They are primarily farmers growing yams, peanuts and corn. Most farm work is done by men, but everyone helps during harvest. Hunting and fishing are other important sources of food and meat is shared with everyone in the village. Many Nanumba supplement their income by engaging in artisan crafts like weaving or carving. Some men leave their homes for several months to work on cocoa plantations in the south. The Nanumba have large family systems which are divided into hierarchical clan units. They live in clay huts within compact walled villages ruled by a chief who owns the land, and leases plots to other families. The chief controls the judicial system, the clan elders exercise moral authority, and the police enforce social order. The Nanumba have a relatively low standard of living with poor access to electricity or clean water. Tainted water drawn from dammed rivers carries Guinea worms that can lead to painful infections and cause serious disabilities. The Nanumba are Muslims but mix Islam with traditional religion including idol and ancestor worship. They believe the creator is unapproachable and so they look to local spirits for their daily needs. Pray for efforts to bring the Gospel to the Nanumba and ask God to move and make His presence known in a powerful way. Pray that His church would be established and that it would grow strong in faith.

September 12, 2020

Country: China | Population: 341,000 | Language: Naxi | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.075%
The Naxi are known for their script that was developed over 1,000 years ago and includes 1,500 pictographs. As of 1995, it was reported that only three elderly men could read the script, but it has since been revitalized and used in the region, including on road signs. Historically, the Naxi practiced Dongba religion, which is preoccupied with wonder-working and power, as well as belief in gods and demons who are manipulated with magic. Their creation myth traces the origin of humans to an elephant-headed god who helped people hatch from magic eggs. Currently, the majority of Naxi are non-religious, though many do believe in a creator god. Pray that the Naxi would come to know the true creator God. Pray that they would see the power of Christ to bring healing, restoration and transformation in their lives. Pray for the few Naxi followers of Jesus to be a witness to their families and communities.
September 23, 2022

Country: Libya | Population: 205,000 | Language: Nafusi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Nefusa were Libya’s first inhabitants. They live around the Jabal Nafusah plateau which rises to some 3,200 ft above sea level. The Nefusa live in small villages that were built for defense and can be difficult to reach. They are famous for their homes which have been carved into the sides of hills or dug deep into the ground with rooms surrounding a central shaft of light. The Nefusa have adapted to living in an arid climate where wealth is not measured by land, but by trees. Fig, olive and palm trees are highly valued. It is not unusual for a single tree to be owned by several families or by someone other than the landowner where it stands. The Nefusa are Ibadaya Muslims—a tiny sect which broke away in the 7th century over a dispute on how religious leaders are chosen. The Nefusa hold to many fundamental Islamic beliefs but have some unorthodox customs including mosques that don’t face East towards Mecca. Pray that God would open doors for believers to live and work among the Nefusa and that they would become open to hearing the Gospel. Pray for the very few Nefusa believers—that they would become strong in their faith, grow in numbers and be a light to those around them.

April 14, 2023

Country: Nepal | Population: 1,514,000 | Language: Newar | Main Religion: Hinduism, Buddhism | Evangelical: Unknown

The artistically-talented Newah are one of Nepal’s most cultured ethnic groups. They have a patrilineal, caste-based society in which sons are expected to enter their father’s occupations, and inter-caste marriage is strongly discouraged. Rice is a staple food typically eaten with soup, vegetables, or meat. Many Newah live in the Kathmandu Valley, the center of the India-Tibet trade route. Most are skillful traders and merchants. They live in elevated settlements filled with three-story brick buildings and ornate Buddhist and Hindu temples, and each settlement is surrounded by farmland. Most Newah see little difference between Hinduism and Buddhism and elevate ancestral traditions above specific creeds or affiliations. They believe in many gods and the spirit world. Pray the Holy Spirit would reveal the Father to the Newah. Pray for completion of a full Newah Bible. Pray that God would give Newah believers boldness to proclaim the Gospel among their people.

January 6, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 94,000 | Language: Nogai | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.02%

The Nogai are a Mongol-Turkic people that live in and around the Caucasus Mountains and claim descent from Nogai Khan, a general of the Golden Horde and the great-great-grandson of Genghis Khan. These patriarchal people were once nomadic warriors but now live in small villages where they farm and raise livestock. Much like their Mongol ancestors, the Nogai enjoy horse racing, archery, wrestling, and falconry. They are famous for Nogai tea, a hot black tea prepared using boiling milk, butter, salt, and pepper. The Nogai practice Sunni Islam influenced by folk religion. They believe that to be Nogai is to be Muslim. There are only about 20 known Nogai Christians. Pray that God would raise up men and women of peace to listen to the Gospel. Pray that the Nogai would desire to read the New Testament and explore Jesus’ claims. Pray for those who are faithfully translating the Bible into Nogai.

North Korean
December 29, 2023

Country: North Korea | Population: 25,582,000 | Language: Korean | Main Religion: Non-Religious | Evangelical: 1.56%

Prior to the Korean War, the majority of Korean Christians lived in the north, but growing Communist rule caused many to flee south. Since 1953, the people of North Korea have lived in isolation from the rest of the world. The Communist-run government exerts strict control over daily life, including education, work, and entertainment. Traditional aspects of Korean life, such as strong family ties and marriage commitments, have begun to break down, especially in the cities. Anything perceived as challenging Communist rule is strictly forbidden. The country has experienced many severe famines over the past 70 years. Most North Koreans practice no official religion, although many view the nation's leader as a godlike figure. Christians are heavily persecuted, and missionaries are strictly prohibited. Pray for God to remove government barriers to the Gospel. Ask Him to protect, strengthen, and encourage North Korean Christians. Pray for safe, creative, and effective ways to proclaim the Gospel in North Korea.

Okinawan Ryukyuan
October 5, 2019

Country: Japan | Population: 981,000 | Language: Okinawan | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.15%
The Ryukyuan are a group of indigenous people of the Ryukyu Islands. They are a tight-knit community that sees themselves bound together by their home island. They are Ryukyuan first and Japanese second. They are among the longest-lived people in the world. Native Ryukyuan religion places strong emphasis upon the role of the women in the community, with women holding positions as shamans and guardians of the home and hearth. Pray that the small number of Ryukyuan believers would have opportunities to boldly share their faith, and that others would come to understand the Good News of Jesus.
December 28, 2019

Country: India | Population: 4.5 million | Language: Kurux | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Oraon call themsleves Kurukh, taken from their hero-king Karakh. They speak Kurukh, Sadri and Hindi, but they write using the Devanagari script. They are mainly settled cultivators and also work as wage laborers and industrial workers. Their main deity is taken as Dharmes, and they also believe in a host of spirits. A priest is invited to perform their life cycle rituals. An Ojiha or mati is specially called to cure diseases by appeasing evil spirits. Pray for Christian witnesses to work among the Oraon.
Oromo Garre
November 9, 2019

Country: Kenya | Population: 886,000 | Language: Garre | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Garre are a sub-tribe of a much larger ethnic group known as the Somali. Those living in Kenya are concentrated mainly in the Wajiir and Mandera districts. Most of the Garre are nomadic herders. They live in portable huts made of bent saplings that are covered with animal skins or woven mats; the women live in separate huts. Villages are made up of several related families. The Somali tribes were converted to Islam in the 1400s. Today, the Garre are virtually all Shafiite Muslims. They are very orthodox in their religious practices. In recent years, the northeastern regions of Africa have suffered from severe drought. Healthcare facilities are also insufficient to meet the needs of the people. Pray that God would send workers to the Garre to meet their physical and spiritual needs.
January 22, 2022

Country: India | Population: 1.1 million | Language: Chhattisgarhi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Panika live in central India in the fertile river basins of the Maikal Mountains. The Panika tribe is divided into two broad groups: the Kabirpanthi, who follow the strict teachings of Saint Kabir, and the Sankta, who live more freely and are more tribal. The Karbipanthi Panika are wealthy farmers who own large fields and numerous cattle. Their children are educated and they value literacy so that they can read the holy books which contain the messages of Saint Kabir. These teachings place high value on sanctity and purity in daily lives. Meanwhile, the Sankta Panika worship numerous village gods and rely on hunting and gathering for survival. Ask the Lord of the harvest to bring laborers among the Panika. Pray for people from the Karbipanthi and Sanktu groups to leave behind their old selves and false beliefs and become followers of Jesus. Pray for fellowships of believers to be established among the Panika.
April 4, 2020

Country: India | Population: 2.2 million | Language: Tamil | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Paraiyan of India believe in education, although a subset still struggle with literacy. They practice traditional and modern medicines, and they believe in family planning. Although they are Hindu, they are not vegetarians and will eat both beef and pork, along with other meats. Paraiyan is a Tamil word meaning drums and comes from the word Parai. They play the drums at weddings and other occasions, too. The Gospel is currently available in both written and audio form in the Tamil language. Pray that the Paraiyan would come to know Jesus through these materials.
December 23, 2022

Country: Iran | Population: 29,000 | Language: Dari, Zoroastrian | Main Religion: Zoroastrian | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Parsee are an ancient people who trace their lineage to the ancient Persian kings, including Darius, Cyrus, and Xerxes. They believe that the magi who visited Jesus were Parsees. The Muslim conquest in the 7th century forced Parsees to flee their homeland, but some remained in Iran. Parsee identity is very closely tied to Zoroastrianism, a religion with many beliefs that parallel Christianity. Zoroastrianism has its own scriptures yet respects other religions, gods, and holy texts. Many Parsees are well-educated but have a distorted understanding of Jesus, the Bible, and the Gospel. Zoroastrianism does not accept converts, and those who marry outside the community are often rejected. Pray that God would overcome the hold Zoroastrian scriptures have on them. Pray for trained believers to engage with the Parsee in a respectful way so that they, like the magi, would see Jesus as the one and only Messiah.

November 9, 2023

Country: Pakistan | Population: 32,262,000 | Language: Pashto | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.06%

Many consider the Pashtun the world’s largest Muslim tribal society. They consist of 30 major tribes, yet they possess a strong common identity held together by their heritage, Islam, the Pashtunwali honor/ethics code, and a shared language. In 1818, William Carey translated parts of the Old Testament into Pashto marking the first known efforts to reach the Pashtun. The first organized missionary effort began in 1853, but successes have been limited. Today, many Pashtuns are extremely poor, live in unsanitary conditions, and live with little to no formal education. Pray that God will provide clean water, medical teams, and schoolteachers to help demonstrate and proclaim the love of Christ. Ask God to provide greater peace and freedom to live and work among the Pashtun. Pray for completion of the Pashto Bible. Ask God to protect, strengthen, and embolden Pashtun believers.

October 21, 2022

Country: Indonesia | Population: 150,000 | Language: Musi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Penesak are very friendly and seek to make people feel at home. They enthusiastically engage in open conversations with others and are known to share at length everything they know about a topic. The Penesak live in an area where soil fertility is low, and so they use slash and burn techniques—moving to new fields each year. They cultivate crops like rubber, pineapple, sugar cane and vegetables. The Penesak are Muslims but maintain other spiritual beliefs and practices in their daily lives. They regard the burial ground of their ancestors as a sacred place, with its own spiritual power, which can cause supernatural events to happen. Pray for God to send believers who will be able to share all they know about Jesus with the Penesak. Praise God for the portions of Scripture and Christian materials that have been produced in the Musi language. Pray that the Gospel stories of Jesus’s miracles, His sacrificial death and His resurrection from the dead, would lead the Penesak to follow Jesus

May 9, 2020

Country: Iran | Population: 37 million | Language: Persian | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 1.90%
The Persians come from a rich history of kings and kingdoms, poetry, art and advances in math and science. They were ruled by a king until the late 1970s, when their last king (or shah) was overthrown by Islamic revolutionists. Now Iran is an Islamic nation under the Ayatollah, or religious leader. They are fiercely devoted to family, gathering together almost every day. Iranian law dictates that women are to cover their heads and wear a special dress in public. Regardless of beliefs, most women abide by the rules, since penalties are strict. Although the majority profess to being Muslim, it is speculated that less than 10 percent of Persians strictly follow the practice of Islam. Pray for evangelization efforts among the Persians, as witnessing is illegal and conversion carries an even greater punishment.
Phu Thai
November 20, 2021

Country: Thailand | Population: 492,000 | Language: Phu Thai | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.10%
The Phu Thai live throughout Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. They highly value their traditions and embrace their rich cultural heritage. This allows them to have a strong sense of community which does make it challenging for them to be open to outside ideas and to change. The Phu Thai mix their Buddhist faith with the worship of 25 spirits. Each year they hold the Pi Tian (“Spirit of heaven”) festival. The community gathers to offer sacrifices and prayers to the spirit that lives in paradise. They believe that there is a moment where this spirit comes down from heaven. They respond by dancing and jumping for joy. There are stories of healing that take place during this ceremony. Pray for the Phu Thai to recognize that Jesus is the eternal Spirit who has come down from heaven and dwelt on earth. Pray that they would receive the Holy Spirit who gives lasting joy. Pray for the several hundred Phu Thai Christians to have the boldness to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with their people.
June 27, 2020

Country: China | Population: 1.48 million | Language: Chinese | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.04%
The Pingdi area is rarely visited by outsiders. As a result, they have minimal interaction with other people groups. The majority of Pingdi are farmers engaged in rice cultivation. In the ancient past the Yao had a legend of a creator god. The Yao claim, “Ages ago ... before we crossed the sea, we worshiped someone called Tin Zay, who lives in heaven and is a holy god.” In the 1990 national census, about half of the Pingdi were included under the Yao nationality. For centuries the Pingdi have lived and died without any knowledge of Christ and without a strong church in their midst. Although there is a Yao New Testament available in the Iu Mien language, the Pingdi speak a different language from Iu Mien. Pray for a translation of the Bible to be made into their heart language and distributed.
April 11, 2024

Country: Turkey | Population: 396,000 | Language: Bulgarian | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.4%

The Slavic Pomak (“people who have suffered”) converted to Islam between the 14th and 17th centuries when the Ottomans ruled their Bulgarian homeland. In the 1950s, Bulgarian Communists forced most to flee their farmlands for Greece and Macedonia. Most Pomaks eventually settled in Turkey. Today, they are rejected by both Turkish Muslims and Bulgarian Orthodox Christians. Pomaks bear Muslim names, but ethnically and culturally, they are Bulgarian. They celebrate feast days for Christian saints, and most ignore traditional Islamic practices, such as fasting during Ramadan. Pray that the Pomak will place their identity in Christ alone. Ask God to tear down the strongholds preventing them from experiencing His unconditional love and to raise up faithful workers to pursue them.

Qashqa'i (Kashkai)
February 6, 2021

Country: Iran | Population: 967,000 | Language: Qashqai Turk | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Qashqa’i are a nomadic people who left Central Asia in the 11th Century and today roam the harsh deserts of southwest Iran. They are probably best known for their expert weaving skills. They are a highly independent and proud minority people group who have resisted forceful attempts to be incorporated into mainstream Iranian society. Qashqai Turk is a spoken language that does not yet exist in written form. However, most Qashqa'i are able to communicate in Farsi. While virtually all Qashqa'i profess to be Muslims, in reality very few observe Muslim traditions outside of marriage and death. The Qashqa'i live in a constant state of political unrest. Pray that Qashqa'i would have opportunities to hear the Gospel. Pray that their desire for inner peace would open their hearts to hearing about Jesus and that they would choose to follow Him.

January 11, 2020

Country: India | Population: 1 million | Language: Urdu | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Qassab people, found throughout different states of northern India, are known by many different names, including Kasai, Kassab, Kasbi, Bakar Qassab, Quresh, Gau Gowa, Shaikh, Chikwa, and others. Qassab in Arabic means “to cut.” They belong to a professional Muslim caste of butchers and slaughterers of animals and selling meat, although many now work in business or as daily-wage laborers. They are entirely Sunni. Pray that God would open their hearts to the Gospel message.
February 19, 2022

Country: Afghanistan | Population: 306,000 | Language: Dari | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Qizilbash are descendants from the Azeri Turk tribe that originated in the regions of Anatolia and Azerbaijan. The Qizilbash came into Afghanistan in 1738, when they were serving as troops during the India campaign of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah Afshar. Today the Qizilbash live in the major urban centers as well as in the villages of central Afghanistan. They are craftsmen and tradesmen who have historically held important roles in government and continue to have important political influence on society. They adhere to Twelver Shia Islam as taught by sheikhs Haydar and his son Isma’il. They believe that their rulers are divine beings; thus, other orthodox Shias would consider them to be extremists. Pray for laborers to come and serve among the Qizilbash and to stand in the gap and intercede for their people. Pray that they would see that Jesus is Lord—the one true King and that He would be exalted among them. Pray for a strong local church to be planted among the Qizilbash people.
September 7, 2019

Country: Nepal | Population: 580,000 | Language: Nepali | Main Religion: Other | Evangelical: Unknown
The Rai is the largest ethnic group in eastern Nepal, living primarily as rice farmers. They speak several dialects of Kiranti, a Tibeto-Burman language, although most also speak Nepali. Although influenced by both Buddhism and Hinduism, the Rai retain their traditional religion, a worship of local deities and common ancestors. Proselytizing is illegal in Nepal, and families make it difficult for people to accept Christ. Pray for safety among Christians in Nepal. Pray that God would send bold witnesses to the Rai and that new believers would come to faith.
October 31, 2020
Country: Myanmar | Population: 2.7 million | Language: Rakhine | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.05%
The Rakhine make up an estimated 5% of the population in Myanmar. They are farmers and fishermen. They claim to be among the first groups in Southeast Asia to become followers of Gautama Buddha and hold tightly to their beliefs. Pray for an openness in their hearts and minds to learn the truths of the Gospel. While they can understand the Bible written in Burmese, there is no complete Bible translation in Rakhine. Pray for translators to work on the Bible and other materials, such as audio visuals and songs, to be in their heart language. Pray that they would hear and receive the message of grace and truth in Jesus.
January 16, 2021

Country: Malaysia | Population: 160,000 | Language: Malay | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Rambang live a simple agrarian lifestyle growing rice as the primary crop as well as corn, peanuts, fruits, and vegetables. They do not have access to a consistent supply of clean water. The Rambang are practicing Muslims who highly value competitions in the Qur’anic readings. At the same time, they integrate animistic beliefs such as the existence of supernatural forces in certain objects. They have practices and rituals centered around natural phenomena such as lunar and solar eclipses, earthquakes, and requests for rain. They also have specific practices for honoring natural cycles such as birth and death. Pray for the Rambang to see that the one true, supernatural force is Jesus, and that He has compassion on them and longs for them to come into His Kingdom. Pray for opportunities to bring physical and living water to them. Pray for Christian workers to go and share the truth of Jesus with them.
October 12, 2019

Country: India | Population: 321,000 | Language: Marathi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Ramoshi have a difficult history. Considered a low caste, near untouchables, they served as security in the Maratha kingdom and fought under freedom fighter Umaji Naik Khomane against British rule in the early 1800s. For their role in the rebellion, they were categorized as a criminal, or “denotified” tribe, but the Ramoshi were finally recognized after successfully protesting the Indian government in 2017. The economy of the present day Ramoshi is based on agriculture, including tending cows, buffalo and sheep. They are Hindu and belong to the Lingayat sect. They worship a family deity as well as a village deity. Pray that God will open doors and send evangelistic tools to share the Gospel among the Ramoshi. Pray that they would see their worth as part of God’s Kingdom.
Ravidas Chamar
May 16, 2020

WEEKEND PRAYER FOR UPGs | PRAY for the Ravidas Chamar
Country: India| Population: 47 million | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Chamar people live primarily in India’s western states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. They are among the largest untouchable, or Dalit, communities in the Hindu world. This translates into frequent joblessness, lack of education and lifelong poverty. Day labor and petty business are main sources of income, along with the manufacture of shoes and chappal, an Indian sandal. The origins of the name “Chamar” come from their leather work. The Chamar are Hindu and follow the spiritual teachings of Ravidas. They recite mythological tales and sing songs from the religious epics. There is a slightly higher degree of responsiveness to the Gospel among the Chamars than among other Dalits. Pray for the ongoing church planting movement underway among Chamars in several districts across India, and for openness of heart and mind to the Lord.
January 29, 2022

Country: India | Population: 780,000 | Language: Hindi | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.0%
The Rawat people traditionally have been the landowners of farms in their communities. The word Rawat signifies royalty such as “prince” and is a title used by those related to a king. They worship multiple gods including Ashapridebi (the family deity), Bherujee (the village deity), and Matajee (the regional deity). The Rawat do not have a concept of one Creator God who loves them personally. Pray for the Rawat to recognize that the deities they worship are not true gods and they would turn to the One God who is true and faithful. Pray for Christian workers to go and do educational and medical programs among the Rawat as they gladly accept these types of programs. Pray for more avenues for the light of the Gospel to come into their communities and for many churches to be planted.
April 18, 2020

Country: Egypt | Population: 1.76 million | Language: Domari | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.64%
Romani originated in India where they worked as musicians, entertainers and metal workers. Later, they were sent to Persia as minstrels. From there they were separated into two groups: one traveled northward and became the Romany-speaking European Romani; the other traveled southward and became known as the Domari, or Middle Eastern Romani. Rom is derived from the Indian word Dom, meaning “a man of low caste who gains his livelihood by singing and dancing.” The Romani live scattered throughout much of the world. Most of them are nomads, wandering from region to region, and they depend on a variety of entrepreneurial skills for their livelihood. Because of their nomadic lifestyle, it has been difficult for missionaries to reach them. Pray that Christian broadcasts and Scriptures would be made available.
Russian Buryat
March 24, 2023

Country: Russia | Population: 467,000 | Language: Buryat | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions, Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.04%

The Russian Buryat are the northernmost of all Mongol peoples and live on both sides of Lake Baikal in Siberia. Traditionally, they were nomadic herdsmen who lived in multiple permanent houses each year. Buryat dishes usually include meat, dairy, local plants, and flour. Traditional clothing and culture are very colorful. Today, many Buryats are farmers or loggers. Others are highly educated, working as businessmen, teachers, scientists, and medical professionals. Traditionally, Buryats practice a combination of shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism. The first protestant missionaries arrived among the Buryat in 1818, but work only lasted 22 years. Pray that God would send new laborers to build on past efforts. Pray that God would embolden the few Buryat believers to reach their people. Pray that educated Buryats would encounter and pursue the Truth through their studies. Pray for completion of a current, accurate Buryat Bible translation.

January 27, 2023

Country: Western Sahara | Population: 248,000 | Language: Hassaniyya Arabic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Sahrawi are North African desert nomads with mixed Berber, Arab, and black African ancestry. This desert people once had a caste-based society with warriors on top and slaves at the bottom. Today’s Sahrawi work as herdsmen, traders, and warriors, but drought, plagues, and warfare have encouraged robbery, fighting, and revenge. Throughout history, the eight Sahrawi tribes often battled for supremacy, but today, their conflict is with non-Sahrawis. Violence has forced many, mainly women and children, to flee to refugee camps, dividing families. Sahrawis consider themselves pure Sunni Muslims, but they also practice some pre-Islamic beliefs. Pray for peace in Western Sahara. Pray that the Sahrawi would see Jesus as the Prince of Peace and that they would run to him for salvation. Pray for ambassadors of Christ to bring the Gospel of Peace. Pray for completion of a Hassaniyya Arabic translation of the Bible.

May 15, 2021

Country: Madagascar | Population: 1.9 million | Language: Sakalava | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 1.8%
The Sakalava are semi-nomadic cattle ranchers, fisherman and rice farmers who live on the west coast of Madagascar. The Sakalava were known for their seafaring skills and were the first to receive firearms from the Europeans in exchange for cattle and slaves. During the 18th and 19th centuries the Sakalava captured slaves from Madagascar and East Africa. Sakalava culture revolves around the respect and honor of both living and dead Sakalava royalty. They believe that their ancestors live on a nearby sacred island. The Sakalava believe in a remote creator god, who can be reached through ancestral spirits and human mediums. Spirit possession is sought after and witchcraft and sorcery are widely practiced. Pray that God would open their eyes to see Jesus—who conquered death and offers them freedom from all of the taboos and fears that rule their daily life.  Pray that the Sakalava will find new life through Christ.
Sama Sindhi
May 1, 2021

Country: Pakistan | Population: 2.5 million | Language: Sindhi | Main Religion: Muslim | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Sama Sindhi are a group of Muslims in Pakistan, many of whom moved from India during the partition of 1947. All Sindhi were originally Hindu or Buddhist, however many converted to Islam in the early 8th century. The Sama Sindhi claim to be descendants of the Samma Dynasty who once ruled over the Indus Valley and West India. The Sindhi, unlike other Muslims, tend to organize society in castes based on clan and occupation, and do not marry outside their caste. Rural Sindhi combine Muslim and Hindu practices with traditional beliefs in folk spirits. Pray for opportunities for believers to go, work, live and share the Gospel with this unreached people group. Pray for opportunities for the Sindhi to see the Jesus film or hear the Gospel, and that many would choose to follow Him.
San Diu
March 14, 2024

Country: Vietnam | Population: 186,000 | Language: Yue Chinese | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.01%

The patriarchal San Diu emigrated to the northernmost coastal highlands of Vietnam from Guangdong, China around 1600. Despite their Chinese origins, they have adopted Vietnamese styles of dress. They are known for their no-wheel “carts” and traditional cakes. Most live in small villages and work as rice farmers, fishermen, and artisans. Short musical poems known as “soong co” are central to San Diu life. They are sung during work, courtship, and religious celebrations. The San Diu believe that when one dies, their soul is split into three parts with one going to heaven, one to hell, and one to the family altar. Pray that God will raise up laborers dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel to the San Diu in word, deed, and song. Ask God to set them free from spiritual darkness and to establish a multiplying church that sings praise to Him.

May 22, 2021

Country: Indonesia | Population: 3.5 million | Language: Sasak | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Sasak are predominately found on the Lombok Island, which is just east of Bali. Most are farmers, while others work as fisherman or craftsman. Some Sasak are highly skilled in making weavings or earthenware items that are sold to tourists and exported abroad.  Almost all Sasak are Muslims. Each year, many of them will go to great lengths and personal sacrifice to travel to Mecca. They know that by completing the Haj, they will be highly honored by family and neighbors for the rest of their lives. Many Sasak people continue to worship spirits of ancestors and spirits who live in the forest, mountains or rivers. They also try to appease evil spirits with offerings of food, flowers and incense. Pray for church-planting efforts among the Sasak. Pray that they would recognize that Jesus is more powerful than the evil spirits that they fear, and that He alone is the one they should worship.
May 23, 2020

Country: Senegal | Population: 1.47 million | Language: Serer-Sine | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.81%
The Serer-Sine, also known as the Sereer, have built their society upon strong family ties and tradition. Farmers and herders, the Sereer live on a subsistence basis, relying on good crop yields for a prosperous year. Most Sereer adhere to traditional beliefs, while some have converted to Islam or Roman Catholicism. All systems of belief among the Sereer, including Muslims, Catholics and Animists, use a type of charm that is worn to bless the wearer. Unlike other people groups in Senegal, Sereer face little persecution for turning to other faiths. Pray that this openness would allow the Sereer to find true freedom in Christ.
July 31, 2021

Country: Bangladesh | Population: 136 million | Language: Bengali | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Shaikh are decendents of Arab settlers who arrived after the Islamic Sultanate in South Asia was established in 711 AD. Technocrats, bureaucrats, soldiers, traders, scientists, architects, teachers, theologians, and sufis came from the rest of the Arab and Muslim world to this region where they would settle permanentlly. The word Shaikh means “elder” or “venerable old man” and is often used as a title to signify wisdom. Shaiks are highly regarded for their business skills and many work in the public sector. There are very few known Shaikh Christians, and believers can face much persecution. Pray that the Shaikh would discover that God is the source of true wisdom. Pray that they would realize that God knows their every hurt and thought and that His love for them is greater than they can comprehend. Pray for God to send more believers to demonstrate and share the Gospel with them. Pray that God would move in a mighty way to establish a strong, vibrant, and thriving church among the Shaikh in Bangladesh.
Shawiya Berber
October 26, 2023

Country: Algeria | Population: 2,939,000 | Language: Tachawit | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Shawiya, a Berber people, call themselves "Imazighen," or "free and noble men." They are a shrewd, proud, and independent people who often show great persistence, loyalty, and hospitality. They live in close-knit villages, and most are shepherds or farmers. The Shawiya live on the Aures Plateau in the Atlas Mountains of Algeria and Tunisia, the part of North Africa known as the Maghrib. From their mountain home, they successfully repelled invasions by the Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, and Arabs. A Muslim conquest in the late 7th century finally succeeded, and today, most Shawiya practice Islam mixed with traditional religious practices. After Algeria gained independence from France, Christian missionaries were expelled, and evangelism was banned. Opposition to the Gospel is still intense. Pray for God to open the doors of Algeria to the preaching of the Gospel. Ask Him to raise up a strong Shawiya church and for completion of a Shawiya Bible translation.

February 8, 2024

Country: China | Population: 660,000 | Language: Hakka, Chinese | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.12%

Music is very important to the She people, one of China’s officially recognized minorities. The She often sing while they tend their fields. When a guest visits a village, they will ask the visitor to sing a song. The She once inhabited nearby fertile lowlands, but harassment and exploitation have since pushed them into the mountains. Today, most She speak Hakka instead of their traditional tongue. Many also speak Cantonese, Min, or Mandarin. Most She practice a fusion of Daoism and ancestor worship, relying on folk songs to preserve their beliefs. Catholic missionaries worked among the She in the late 19th century, but little of their efforts remain. Pray that God would raise up laborers and give local believers the passion to reach the She. Pray that the She will respond to the Gospel and sing a new song of hope and joy to the Lord.

Shwe Palaung
January 18, 2024

Country: Myanmar | Population: 233,000 | Language: Shwe Palaung | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.12%

The Shwe (Golden) Palaung are one of several Palaung peoples living among the heavily wooded mountains and valleys of Shan State in northeastern Myanmar. The Shwe Palaung live among their neighbors, the Shan, who once ruled much of Myanmar. They speak their own Palaung dialect. Some are bilingual, capable of speaking either Burmese or Shan outside the home. Myanmar’s history of political unrest and ethnic enmity has created a history of strife and conflict going back to the 11th century. Today, the Palaung and other ethnic groups fight for government recognition but often find themselves caught in an armed conflict against their wishes. Most are slash-and-burn farmers who live in large, elevated homes with their extended family. The Palaung practice a fusion of Buddhism and animism and seek to please the spirits. Pray for God to send laborers who will deliver His peace and rest. Ask God to deliver the Palaung from violence and spiritual darkness.

October 19, 2019

Country: Madagascar | Population: 671,000 | Language: Malagasy | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 1.94%
The Sihanaka are a Malagasy ethnic group concentrated around Lake Alaotra and the town of Ambatondrazaka in central northeastern Madagascar. Their name means the “people of the swamps” in reference to the marshlands around Lake Alaotra that they inhabit. The traditional beliefs of the Sihanaka, as elsewhere in Madagascar, revolve around respect for a creator god (Zanahary) and ancestor worship. They are rice farmers and fishermen, with close ties to the Merina people. Pray that God will provide new contacts and strategies for reaching the Sihanaka, and that their hearts will be opened to the Gospel.
November 27, 2021

Country: Ethiopia | Population: 1.5 million | Language: Silt’e | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.09%

The Silt’e live in southwestern Ethiopia. The Silt’e were formerly considered part of the Gurage people group but after the fall of the Derg regime in 1991, they worked to form their own independent ethnic identity, and formed the Silte zone in 2001. In urban areas, they typically work as merchants. In the countryside, they make their living by farming or cultivating a type of banana. The majority of Silt’e are Muslim. Pray for the vast physical needs of the Silt’e people as they are experiencing food insecurity and poverty among other conditions. Pray for missionaries to come and show the love of Christ especially through the tools of medicine and education. Pray for those who have a heart to work with the youth as there are opportunities to invest in their lives and teach them about practical and spiritual truths.

Situ Jiarong
September 25, 2021

Country: China | Population: 209,000 | Language: Jiarong | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.3%
The Jiarong were divided into 18 small kingdoms up until 1949. Their language is puzzling to Chinese scholars because of the extreme variations between the five Jiarong languages, which are described as a language bridge between Tibetan and Burmese. The majority of Situ Jiarong are farmers who herd livestock and grow crops along river basins in central Sichuan. Ninety percent of the Jiarong are Tibetan Buddhists, while most of the rest follow the polytheistic practices of the Qiang. Missionary work to learn the Jiarong language began in the 1930’s, but all work was lost with the invasion of the Red Army in 1936. Pray for the Scripture to be translated into the Situ Jiarong language. Pray for the few scattered Jiarong believers to grow strong in their faith so that they would be able to disciple others. Pray that the Good News of Jesus would take root among the Jiarong and grow into a strong, active, and vital part of the Body of Christ in China.
May 28, 2022

Country: Yemen | Population: 113,000 | Language: Soqotri | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Socotran live on the island of Socotra off the east coast of Somalia and the Horn of Africa. They descended from a mix of Greek, Portuguese, African and Arab people. The Socotran speak a version of a language used for centuries in pre-Islamic Arabia. Tradition says that the apostle Thomas originally brought the Gospel to the island, but Christianity had completely disappeared by 1680. Portions of Scripture were translated in the early 1900s, yet sharing the Gospel is extremely difficult since the island is only accessible by permission from the Yemeni military. In addition, there are no regular flights and the island is inaccessible by boat for four months each year. Pray that God, in His miraculous way, would open a door for believers to live and work on the island. Pray that God would re-establish a thriving and vibrant church among the Socotran that would be a beacon of light in the region.

August 31, 2023

Country: Somalia | Population: 13,875,000 | Language: Somali | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%

The Somali people originated around 1200 in the Ethiopian highlands before growing in numbers and migrating south to Somalia. They consist of four main clans. The Somali are warriors and camel herders, and the overwhelming majority are Sunni Muslims. In recent times, Somalia has been plagued by droughts, famines, wars, malnutrition, and limited healthcare. The Somali language was not written down until 1972, and as such, most adults cannot read or write. Ask God to raise up missionary teachers and healthcare workers to demonstrate Christ’s love to the Somali. Pray the Gospel would be broadcast throughout Somalia in a faithful, culturally effective manner. Pray for God to soften their hearts towards the Good News.

Somali Bantu
March 3, 2023

Country: Guinea | Population: 852,000 | Language: Maay | Main Religion: Islam, Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.05%

Most Somali Bantus first arrived in Somalia during the 19th century, carried away from their homes by Arab slave traders. Bantus are excluded from Somali culture and lack protection by traditional Somali clan structures, leaving them very vulnerable. Although they speak Maay, a Somali language, they are ethnically, culturally, and physically distinct from other Somalis. Most Somalis refuse to marry Bantus, and some refuse to eat with them or enter their homes. During the Somali civil war, targeted violence forced many Bantus to flee their homes. Most Bantus are Muslim in name only and still practice traditional animistic beliefs brought with them from their original homelands. Pray the Somali Bantus would see God as their deliverer from physical and spiritual danger. Pray that God will raise up workers to serve among them. Pray that Somali Bantu refugees would hear the Gospel and be salt and light to their families in Somalia.

January 23, 2021

Country: Mali | Population: 1,735,000 | Language: Soninke | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Soninke live in the western region of Mali along the Senegal River. They are primarily farmers and herdsmen. However, there is a significant trend where the majority of men leave to do migrant labor work and are often gone for 2-4 years at a time. The Soninke have one of the highest labor migration rates in West Africa. Pray for opportunities for Christian workers to meet the men in migrant camps and to share the Gospel with them. Pray for Christian media broadcasts to reach the Soninke in the migrant camps and in their home territory in Mali.
South Giziga
June 8, 2019

Country: Cameroon | Population: 130,000 | Language: Giziga | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 1.3%
The South Giziga are located in parts of Cameroon and are considered “Kirdi” which literally means “pagan” in the Kanuri language. “Kirdi” is a name given by the Muslim Kanuri to the many cultures and people groups living in northwestern Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria who had not converted to Islam at the time of colonization. While the North Giziga are considered reached, with 59% identifying as Christian and 6% Evangelical, the South Giziga are still largely unreached. Pray that God would give favor to the Christians among the Giziga, and that they would be powerful witnesses to their neighbors. Pray that the Holy Spirit would soften their hearts toward Christianity and that a strong local church would be planted among each of the Kirdi tribes
March 28, 2024

Country: Indonesia | Population: 38,659,000 | Language: Sunda | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.06%

The Sunda live on the western part of the Indonesian island of Java in an area called “Tatar Sunda” (Land of the Sundas). Western Java is very fertile, especially in the mountains. The Sunda traditionally grow rice and tea, but today, many no longer farm. Many live in poverty and lack access to education, business training, financial investment, and modern resources. Those who can, pursue prestigious positions as Islamic religious leaders, government officials, or shamans. The Sunda are much like their Javanese neighbors with the same farming methods and styles of dress. However, they are more dedicated to Islam and are influenced more by traditional, animistic beliefs. Pray for Christians to invest in Sunda communities in ways that would open their minds and hearts to the Gospel. Praise God for a complete Sunda Bible. Pray that many Sunda would choose to follow Jesus.

February 1, 2024

Country: Guinea | Population: 2,429,000 | Language: Susu | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.02%

The Susu people are descendants of the Mali Empire who migrated south to the lush mountainous region of tropical West Africa. A holy war in 1725 drove them to their present homeland. Today, most work as farmers primarily growing rice and grains as well as pineapples, mangoes, and coconuts. Many boys and young men have begun moving to urban areas seeking more opportunities. Sadly, few find work in the cities. The Susu converted to Islam in the 13th century, and it remains a very integral part of their culture and practices. While many Susu have had exposure to Christianity, very few have responded to it. Ask God to open their hearts to the Gospel. Pray that local believers will actively seek to share the truth with their Susu neighbors.

February 12, 2022

Country: Russia | Population: 152,000 | Language: Tabasaran | Main Religion: Islam  | Evangelical: 0.08%
The Tabsaran people live in Dagestan, along the Caspian Sea in the southernmost part of Russia. The majority of the population live in 99 villages in the region while others live in some urban centers. They claim to be “the most hospitable of all Dagestani people” as friendship and hospitality are among their highest values. If a person has many friends, they are considered to be wealthy. Their culture is based on mutual aid in day-to-day life, respect for elders, and societal care for the sick and poor. The Tabasaran have a collective male decision making council at the center of each village that helps make village decisions. Male drunkenness is a prevalent problem as well as cycles of violence and vengeance. Pray for the Tabasaran to open their hearts to Jesus and to receive His hospitality to the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring transformation to their villages, that they would turn from their drunkenness and wicked ways, and seek forgiveness.
Tai Don
November 25, 2022

Country: Vietnam | Population: 337,000 | Language: Tai Don | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.25%

The Tai Don (or White Tai) are named for the color of their women’s traditional clothing. They emigrated from China to find peace in northern Vietnam only to endure violence and bloodshed. The Tai Don are extremely polite and hospitable. They teach their children to be independent, self-reliant and respect others. The family is the core of Tai Don society and in rural villages the entire immediate family often lives together. Tai Don men and women share in tasks almost equally, including plowing, tending fields, cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and caring for children. Wet-rice is their primary crop and they are excellent weavers of cloth. Most Tai Don combine animism with Buddhism. They believe in many spirits, including those of the dead, the natural world, the political world and of local places. The Tai Don believe they have multiple souls and use rituals to recall these souls back to the body to improve their personality. Pray that the Good News of Jesus­—the Prince of Peace—would take root and flourish among them. Pray they would entrust their soul to the One who created them and the world they live in. Ask God to bring healing to their emotional scars. Pray that the Tai Don church would be encouraged and grow strong in faith, hope, mercy and love.

August 15, 2020

Country: Tajikistan | Population: 7.1 million | Language: Tajik | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0%
The Tajiks are one of the oldest people groups in Central Asia despite being invaded and conquered multiple times throughout history. After the USSR dissolved, Tajikistan went through a destructive civil war that killed thousands and collapsed the economy. Many Tajiks farm in the summers and live in the cities during the rest of the year, which creates an unsteady labor force. The majority of Tajiks are Sunni Muslim, although about 10 percent identify as non-religious. The Tajik are a spiritual people and are open to spiritual conversations. Pray that they would be open to learning about who Jesus is and what He taught, and they would not see Christianity simply as a “Russian” religion. Pray for workers to invest in the communities and support the local churches.
July 23, 2022

Country: Chad | Population: 199,000 | Language: Tama | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Tama live in a small area on both sides of the border between Chad and Sudan. Years of conflict, war and severe drought have deeply impacted the Tama and caused them to flee or seek refuge across the border. They live in a harsh climate that rarely allows them to grow more crops than what they need to survive. What little livestock they have is often stolen by bandits or other tribes. Many Tama live in extreme poverty with little hope, and alcohol brewed from millet is a tempting escape. Pray that God would open up opportunities for more believers to live and work among the Tama, especially in areas of community development, clean water, education and relief. Pray that the Tama would realize that the hope they seek can only be found in Jesus. Pray that they will clearly see the Good Shepherd who wants to care for them by leading them to green pastures and still waters, and an abundant life in Him.

September 21, 2019

Country: Madagascar | Population: 1.35 million | Language: Malagasy, Plateau | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 2%
The Tanala, also called Antanala, are a Malagasy people living in a forested inland region of southeastern Madagascar. Translated to “People of the Forest,” the Tanala are skilled woodsmen, food gatherers and hunters. They trade in beeswax, honey and other forest products and engage in slash-and-burn agriculture. Their ethnic religion is deeply rooted in their ethnic identity, making it even more difficult to accept Christianity. Pray for the small number of believers among the Tanala. Pray that more will come to faith in Christ, while maintaining their cultural identity.
November 21, 2020

Country: Russia | Population: 5.4 million | Language: Tatar | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.49%
The Tatar are a Turkic ethnic group who have had a strong civilization and their cities are considered among the top cultural centers in the Islamic world. They are well-educated and enjoy the arts including opera, ballet, and orchestra. They are known to have 1800 libraries with over 20 million books in the Tatar language. The Tatar are Muslim, but are more liberal and intellectual than their orthodox Muslim neighbors. For example, they rearranged their daily prayers times to avoid conflict with work schedules. Pray that the Holy Spirit would soften their hearts towards Christians despite their negative perceptions. Pray that God would raise up Russian believers who would lovingly share about Christ. Pray that the Tatar would read the Bible and open their hearts to the message of the Gospel.
December 11, 2021

Country: Myanmar | Population: 460,000 | Language: Tavoyan | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 0.04%
The majority of the Tavoyan people live along the coast in Southern Myanmar centered around their ancient homeland city of Dawei. Ethnically they are very close to the Burmese-majority in Myanmar but they have some cultural distinctions. The Tavoyan dialect is distinctly different from Burmese which makes communications challenging. For centuries they have been a peace-loving and gentle people who were content to grow rice, tropical fruits, and lobsters. But in recent decades, the Tavoyan have faced many challenges. Pray that the Tavoyan would no longer be resistant to the Gospel. Pray for Scripture and other Gospel materials to be created in their language. Pray that Tavoyan would discover Jesus, who offers freedom from physical and emotional pain, and gives living water that will satisfy their souls. Pray for God to work in bringing His redemption and renewal to the Tavoyan people.
August 28, 2021

Country: Vietnam | Population: 1.8 million | Language: Tay | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.2%
The Tay were once master hunters, but today they are mostly peasant farmers working on community (or collective) farms growing wet rice and other crops. The Tay worship a multitude of gods associated with earth, water, fire, and important ancestors. The Tay are also animists who worship many other ghosts and spirits that occupy non-living objects. Pray that the Tay would recognize that Jesus is the one they should worship and that He can free them from their spiritual bondage. Pray that God would call people to go and share Christ with the Tay. Pray that the Holy Spirit would soften Tay hearts to hearing the story of Jesus. Pray that God would encourage and strengthen the few Tay believers. Pray that God would fill Tay believers with His Holy Spirit to empower them to boldly proclaim the Gospel.
Tegue Bozo
May 14, 2022

Country: Mali | Population: 296,000 | Language: Tieyaxo | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.0%

The Bozo are named for the temporary straw huts they build when fishing along the Niger river in Mali. Besides fishing, many Tegue Bozo work in rice fields along the river delta. The Tegue Bozo are a highly communal group with the clan chief living in the center of the village. They are a patriarchal society. Tegue Bozo bachelors live in special huts until they are married, after which they will go back and live with the husband’s family. Islam has only been the main religion for a couple of generations and has largely been in addition to their long-standing animistic traditions and worldview. Colonialism left a poor impression of Christianity on the Tegue. Pray that believers from neighboring tribes would be able to demonstrate Christ’s love in a way that would open Tegue hearts to the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray that the Tegue would identify with Jesus’s disciples who were fisherman like them, and that they too would choose to follow Jesus.

Teli (Muslim traditions)
October 23, 2021

Country: Pakistan | Population: 2.47 million | Language: Western Punjabi | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.0%
The Teli’s name is derived from the Sanskrit word for oil pressed from seeds. The Muslim Teli of Punjab claim to have descended from Baba Hasu, the inventor of the oil press. The Teli trace their ancestral roots back to the Biblical Job, and to Luqman, who they believe was an oil extractor for King David. Some Teli continue to press oil from sesame and mustard seeds, but many have started other small businesses, or work raising cash crops. There are very few followers of Christ among the Teli. Pray that all Teli would come to know God in the way that King David and Job did—a loving God who offers forgiveness and new life in Him. Pray that they would recognize Jesus as God’s son and believe in Him as their Personal Savior, and that He would establish a strong church among the Teli.
April 20, 2019

Country: Saudi Arabia | Population: 350,000 | Language: Teluga | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0.06%
Telugu is a Dravidian (southern Indian) language spoken mainly in India’s states of Andhra Pradesh and Telegana. This part of India was ruled in part by monarchs up until 1948, and it is still one of India’s most prosperous areas. However, Telugus have managed to make the marks in other parts of the world. In Saudi Arabia, they tend to live in Riyadh and other major cities. Most are professionals. The Hindu Telegu have been abused in the strict Sunni Islamic state, but they continue to grow and establish their own cultural heritage in Saudi Arabia. Surprisingly, 3% of Telugu in Saudi Arabia are Christian, although less than 1% are Evangelical. Pray for a disciple-making movement to emerge among this group. Pray for their safety
June 30, 2023

Country: Vietnam | Population: 1.1 million | Language: Nung | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.15%

The Thai-Nung people live in a highland area in northeast Vietnam, near the border with China. In China, the Nung belong to the Zhuang minority people group, whereas in Vietnam, they are considered an official nationality. The Thai-Nung are divided into a number of clans, based on the lands in China from which they originated. Marriages are arranged, and wives go to live with their husbands’ relatives. Marriages are strictly within the clan, and birth dates are taken into consideration to ensure compatibility based on zodiac signs. Their religion centers around ancestor worship and shamanism (spirit worship). Villages depend on shamans to cure the sick by magic, speak with the gods, and control events. Pray that the Bible would be translated into the Nung language, a feat made difficult by the differences in the clan languages. Pray for doors to open for missions activity in Vietnam and China. Pray that God would protect the few Thai-Nung believers, and that the spiritual strongholds over the Nung people would be broken.

December 4, 2021

Country: Nepal | Population: 1.7 million | Language: Tharu | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown
The Tharu people are an ethnic group indigenous to southern Nepal and northern India. They are a gentle people who live quiet, simple lives. Everything they use, they make themselves and add a touch of beauty or art to it. The important leaders in the village are the village headman­­—the Bharra who treats disease, and the Desi-Mahajan who is the moneylender. While their focus has been mostly on local concerns, they have become more aware of outside issues and discuss them during their fireside chats. Pray for the Tharu people to be convicted of their sins and that they would be receptive to the Good News of Jesus. Pray for Christian witnesses and disciples to live among the Tharu people, Pray that the Tharu can care for their families and for protection from outside influences who would seek to take advantage of their gentle nature.
October 12, 2023

Country: Eritrea | Population: 757,000 | Language: Tigre | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.06%

The Tigre are a Habesha (Abyssinian) people who are descendants of ancient Egyptians, Bejas, and Arabs. They live in Eritrea’s northern highlands and western lowlands. Many are nomads and raise sheep, goats, cattle, and camels, while some farm in small villages. They enjoy tobacco, coffee, and beer, and the women like jewelry made with silver or pearls. Parents arrange marriages for their children, but wedding traditions vary by tribe. The Tigre practice folk Islam. Drought, famine, and civil war have caused suffering and dependence on government aid. Ask God to open their eyes to the darkness around them. Pray that they will find hope in Christ. Pray for the establishment of a deeply rooted and reproducing church. Ask Him to encourage, strengthen, embolden, and protect Tigre Christians. Pray for completion of an audio Bible as Tigre has no written script.

July 20, 2019

Country: India | Population: 1.1 million | Language: Bengali | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: 0%
The Tili derive their name from the Sanskrit word for the oil extracted from sesame and mustard, which is their traditional occupation. There are many subgroups among the Tili, but most live in West Bengal. There is a wealth of resources available in the Bengali language, but few believers. Pray for church plants and disciples to work among the Tili, and that this entire caste group would hear the Gospel.
January 13, 2023

Country: India | Population: 303,000 | Language: Tiwa, Assamese | Main Religion: Hinduism | Evangelical: Unknown

Tiwa means “the people who were lifted from below.” They have lived in northeastern India since at least the 17th century. Rice, meat, fish, and eggs are Tiwa staples, which they season with sesame, mustard, ginger, and chilies. Rice beer is popular, although the educated prefer tea. The Tiwa live in two distinct groups: the Assamese-speaking Plains Tiwa and the Tiwa-speaking Hill Tiwa. The Plains Tiwa cultivate rice and practice a form of Hinduism. The Hill Tiwa are “slash and burn” farmers who practice a tribal religion. Hill Tiwa religious and political life centers around seven old villages, each home to a chief who oversees a network of smaller villages. The Tiwa honor many festivals, including Christmas, but there are very few Christians. Pray for intense spiritual hunger to drive them to Christ. Pray that God reveals Himself as the one true and just Chief who offers them eternal life with Him.

December 5, 2020

Country: China | Population: 9.8 million | Language: Mandarin | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 1.00%
The Tujia are one of China’s recognized nationalities and their name means “original inhabitants.” However, the Tujia have assimilated and are ethnically very similar to Hans Chinese. Only about 170,000 speak the original Tujia language. The Tujia commonly depict the eye of a bull in their embroidery, because of a legend about a herd of bulls that had been attacked by a tiger, but then attacked the tiger until it fled. The Tujia use the eye of a bull as a symbol of good having victory over evil. The Tujia practice animism and conduct exorcism ceremonies and evoke spirits. Pray for the Tujia to meet the Holy Spirit and to see the power He has over creation. Pray for the Tujia to see Jesus as the Good Shepherd, the source of living water, and the One who is good and has victory over evil.
Tunisian Arab
October 16, 2021

Country: Tunisia | Population: 11 million | Language: Arabic, Tunisian Spoken | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
Tunisia has a rich history of Phoenician, Roman, and Byzantine culture. A strong Christian church was established there in the first few centuries after Christ, but disappeared soon after. Virtually all Tunisian Arabs are Muslim, however the country is largely secular and many Tunisians seldom, if ever, go to a mosque. Tunisians place a high value on family. They are friendly and known for their hospitality. Nearly 40% of Tunisians are under the age of 25, and they are highly educated. Lack of employment in the country led to an overthrow of the government in 2011, and the beginning of the Arab Spring. Pray for God to strengthen, encourage, protect, and multiply the small number of Tunisian Arab believers. Pray for completion of Bible translation work in this language. Pray that entire Tunisian families would come to faith and choose to follow Jesus. Pray that God would establish churches in every city and village in the country.
December 12, 2020

Country: Turkmenistan | Population: 4.58 million | Language: Turkmen | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The majority of Turkmen live in Turkmenistan, which is located in south Central Asia along the Caspian Sea. Many others live in the surrounding nations of Kazakhstan, Iran, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. Turkmen culture has been strongly influenced by both the Turkic conquerors who imposed their language on them and the Arabs who forced them to convert to Islam. Long ago, the Turkmen developed a strong ethnic identity as “children of the desert” because they would plunder rich caravans of Persian traders. Tribal, clan, and family loyalties continue to have a strong influence over the people. Turkmen will only marry within their tribes, and arranged marriages are common. Ask God to strengthen, encourage, and protect the small number of Turkmen believers. Pray that these Christ followers will have opportunities and the boldness to share the Gospel with their own people.
January 4, 2024

Country: China | Population: 11,768,000 | Language: Uyghur | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%

The Uyghurs, Turkic farmers from western China, live in a region known as East Turkestan and may be the best-known people of Central Asia. They have a rich cultural history going back almost 4,000 years. Nestorian missionaries first appeared in Central Asia during the 500s AD. By the 12th and 13th centuries, roughly eight million people were considered Christian. Islam also began taking root at that time and became the dominant religion by the 1400s. Swedish missionaries planted a small Uyghur church during the 1890s. In 1933, Abdullah Khan expelled the missionaries and martyred the Uyghur believers. Today, most Uyghurs practice a superstitious form of Sunni Islam. Chinese authorities heavily persecute them. Pray that the Gospel would take root among the Uyghurs and bring hope to the millions detained in internment camps. Pray that Han Chinese Christians would serve faithfully as Jesus’ voice and hands to those who are suffering and would be an encouragement and support to the tiny Uyghur church.

Uzbek, Northern
February 13, 2021

Country: Uzbekistan | Population: 25,000,000 | Language: Uzbek, Northern | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The Uzbeks were traditionally semi-nomadic shepherds who roamed Central Asia. However, most today farm or work in larger towns and cities. Uzbeks are primarily Sunni Muslims but are not generally considered Orthodox as they have mingled many traditional beliefs into their Islamic practices. Uzbek believers are highly persecuted and threatened with arrests and fines since no religious activities outside of state-run and state-controlled institution are allowed. Pray that God would soften hearts and attitudes towards believers. Pray that the fruits of the Spirit would be so evident in believers’ lives that others would want to know more about Jesus and learn how to follow Him.
August 3, 2019

Country: Liberia | Population: 139,000 | Language: Vai | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.23%
The Vai are found in Northwestern Liberia, living among the coast surrounded by sandbars and swamps. Liberia is the oldest republic in Africa and the only African state never subjected to colonial rule. It remains primarily undeveloped. Most Vai are farmers, growing rice and vegetables. Others are skilled carpenters, weavers and tailors. Vai may attend three different schools: bush school to learn traditional Vai socialization skills, survival skills and other traits of village life; English language school; and Quranic schools to learn Arabic under the guidance of the village Iman (local Muslim religious leader). The Vai are predominantly Muslim, but they also hold on to traditional beliefs. They believe in a supreme god that manifests himself through spirits and nature. They also believe he is too distant to serve or worship directly, so they use a spirit medium. Pray that God would raise up career missionaries to serve in Liberia. Pray for spiritual strongholds to be broken, and for hearts to be open to the Gospel message.
August 1, 2020

WEEKEND PRAYER FOR UPGs | PRAY for the Vietnamese
Country: Vietnam | Population: 81 million | Language: Vietnamese | Main Religion: Buddhism | Evangelical: 1.40%
There are 118 people groups in Vietnam, but by far the largest group is the Vietnamese. They are an ethnic group that originated in Northern Vietnam and Southern China. Traditionally, Vietnamese life has revolved around family, fields and faith, a rural existence that has continued for centuries at the same pace. Originally, the Vietnamese practiced animism and a form of ancestor cult, but later Buddhist, Taoist and Confucianism made their way to Vietnam. Today, Vietnam is a communist state, but many people still practice the old forms of worship. Pray for unity and reconciliation as even today bitter divisions from the war years remain. Pray as the government increases repression of the minority Christians in the country, that they would remain strong in their faith and be a witness to their people.
February 22, 2020

Country: Venezuela | Population: 365,000 | Language: Wayuu | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 1.5%
The Wayuu are an indigenous American ethnic group of the Guajira Peninsula in the northernmost part of Colombia and northwest Venezuela, on the Caribbean Sea coast. They have been semi-nomadic (not keeping permanent homes) for hundreds of years. The Wayuu traditionally have ignored the border that divides Colombia and Venezuela and have freely traveled back and forth. Their nomadic habits have been recognized and respected by both countries, and they have been granted dual citizenship. Their language is part of the Maipuran (Arawak) language family. While 7% of Wayuu identify as Evangelical in Colombia, only 1.5% do in Venezuela, making them an unreached people group. Pray that the Wayuu in Colombia would be able to witness to the Wayuu in Venezuela.
Western Cham
September 23, 2020

Country: Cambodia | Population: 256,000 | Language: Western Cham| Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%

For almost a millennium, the Cham ruled the Champa Kingdom—a fusion of Malay-Polynesian and Indian cultures—in south-central Vietnam. In 1471, Champa was conquered by the Vietnamese, and most nobles and freemen escaped to Cambodia. The Cham thrived in Cambodia until the civil war began in 1969 and the Khmer Rouge began targeting the Western Cham for being Muslims. Hundreds of thousands died. Today, they often work as farmers, fishermen, boat builders, and shopkeepers, but most are extremely poor. Most Cham homes are simple, sparse, and have a feeling of impermanence. They often have enough food to eat but have very few possessions. Ask God to raise up and equip faithful Christians to reach the Cham. Praise Him for a Cham Bible. Pray that He would strengthen and grow the tiny Cham church. Pray for believers to share the Gospel and help meet their practical needs.

Wollo Amhara
November 30, 2023

Country: Ethiopia | Population: 6,492,000 | Language: Amharic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.2%

The Amhara, a Habesha (Abyssinian) people, represent one of Ethiopia’s two largest ethnolinguistic groups. Those living in Wollo are different than other Amhara. Instead of Orthodox Christianity, the Wollo Amhara practice Islam infused with traditional beliefs. Like the neighboring Tigre and Tigray people, the Amhara are descendants of ancient Egyptians who moved south and established new kingdoms, such as Sheba. Many are subsistence farmers who raise crops and livestock. Most lack access to modern farming tools and techniques. For centuries, the Amhara lived in peace with their neighbors, but in the past 100 years, ethnic tensions have led to civil war and persecution of the Amhara. Pray that God would bring peace to the region and that the Wollo Amhara would become friends with the Prince of Peace. Pray that the Amhara church would faithfully proclaim the Gospel to their Wollo brethren.

November 2, 2023

Country: Senegal | Population: 5,962,000 | Language: Wolof | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%

Hundreds of years ago, the Wolof conquered and ruled large swaths of what is now Senegal and Gambia. Their empire of self-governing states eventually broke into four major kingdoms, but their rule ended with French colonization in the 1800s. Traditionally, Wolof are born into one of three classes: freeborn (noblemen to peasant farmers), artisans, and slaves. Today, these classes hold less sway, but interclass marriages rarely occur. Most live in rural villages with mud houses and a central square. Farmers raise peanuts and other crops. Wolof women are considered very beautiful and are often Africa’s fashion leaders. Men often have two wives. Virtually all Wolof practice folk Islam. Pray for workers who are sensitive to the Muslim culture to go and work among the Wolof. Pray for the small number of Wolof believers to courageously share the love of Christ among their people, despite strong persecution.

October 5, 2023

Country: China | Population: 35,647,000 | Language: Xiang | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 2%

The Xiang (Hunanese) are a Han people with a long history and proud traditions. They are known for their operas and hot, spicy dishes. In the past, Xiang women possessed their own writing system which no man could read. Traditionally, the Chinese people recognize the Xiang as the nation’s proudest and most stubborn people, and they have strongly resisted the Gospel. Many engage in traditional religious practices, such as superstition and ancestor worship. Today, they constitute China’s largest unreached people group and the largest unreached people in the world without a complete Bible translation. In some places, traditional Xiang is still spoken, but in others, it is increasingly influenced by Mandarin. Pray for completion of a Xiang Bible. Ask God to soften the hearts of the Xiang to the Gospel and to give them a spiritual hunger that will lead them to Him.

August 24, 2023

Country: China | Population: 108,000 | Language: Dongshanba Lalo | Main Religion: Ethnic | Evangelical: 0.12%

The Xiangtang live farther south than any other Yi people in China. Government efforts to encourage assimilation into mainstream Han culture have largely succeeded, but small, remote pockets of Xiangtang still follow the old ways. Traditionally, their diet consists of maize, buckwheat, bean curd, pancakes, and sour or dried vegetables. At meals, important guests sit by the hearth with the host to their right, while those of lower rank sit close to the door. Xiangtang beliefs combine ancestor worship with animism. They revere the dragon and the “spirit of the ravine.” Very few Xiangtang have encountered Jesus, and no known missionaries have ever lived or attempted to plant a church among them. Ask the Father to defeat the dragon who oppresses the Xiangtang. Pray for Scripture to be quickly and accurately translated into their heart language. Ask God to burden and raise up faithful laborers for this harvest.

Yadav Gaoli
May 7, 2022

Country: India | Population: 5,700,000 | Language: Hindi (and many others) | Main Religion: Hindu | Evangelical: 0.00%

The Yadav Gaoli are well known as cattle farmers and producers of dairy products that they often deliver directly to people’s homes. As devout Hindus, they do not sell or eat beef. The Yadav claim ties to the Hindu god Krishna, who was a herdsman. They are easy to identify since their name always includes “Yadav.” Like most people groups in India, young Yadav are increasingly having to look beyond traditional occupations for work. There are no known believers among the Yadav Gaoli. Pray that they would hear the Gospel through radio and mass media, and that God would open doors for believers to share the Good News with the Yadav Gaoli. Pray that they would recognize Jesus as the Good Shepherd, who wants to care for them and loves them more than they can ever imagine.

February 29, 2024

Country: Russia | Population: 487,000 | Language: Yakut | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.10%

The Yakuts (or Sakha) are a semi-nomadic people whose traditional way of life has mainly been dictated by the extreme climate in their homeland. The harsh environment and permafrost in far eastern Siberia make agriculture difficult. Many Yakuts still raise reindeer and gather berries and edible plants during the short summers, and some work as diamond miners. Soviet attempts to settle the Yakut and integrate them into Russian society had some success, but education remains very limited. Traditionally, Yakuts practice shamanism, but many have adopted secularism or Russian Orthodoxy. Pray for God to open their hearts and move them to pursue and receive the Truth. Pray for the completion of the Yakut Bible and ask God to greatly multiply the Yakut church.

Yao, Muslim
February 27, 2021

Country: Malawi | Population: 2,000,000 | Language: Yao | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.5%
The Yao trace their history to the area surrounding Yao mountain in Northern Mozambique. Famine and tribal conflicts in the 1800s caused many Yao to flee. Most Yao are now found in Malawi and live as subsistence farmers and fisherman. The Gospel was brought to Malawi in the mid-1800s by the likes of David Livingston and other missionaries who were instrumental in Britain ending slavery. However, contact with Swahili-Arab slave traders led to the majority of the Yao converting to Islam between 1870 and 1920. Muslim Yao have insulated themselves from their Christian Yao neighbors by maintaining their unified language, cultural and religious differences including learning Arabic. Pray for those who are trying to share the Good News with Muslim background Yao. Pray that they would accept the Bible as Holy Scriptures and God’s Word to them. Pray that they would recognize Jesus as being their Savior and find their hope in Him.
Yemeni Arabs
April 17, 2021

Country: Yemen | Population: 6.7 million | Language: Taizzi-Adeni Arabic | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
Yemeni Arab society consists of over 1,700 different tribes or clans, that are ruled by sheiks who have often fought with each other. The majority of Yemeni Arabs still live in fortress-like villages. Their society consists of four classes of people: the wealthy (who trace their decent to the grandson of Muhammad), the townsmen (merchants, artisans, and craftsmen), the tribesman, and slaves. These four classes are easily recognizable by the clothing that they wear. Social life is important and the Yemeni like to share in a daily coffee time by sitting on the floor and drinking from simple round cups. Their diet basically consists of wheat bread and porridge made with boiled meat or chicken. Almost all Yemeni Arabs are Muslims, and those who profess faith in Jesus face severe persecution. Pray that the Yemeni Arabs would recognize Jesus as the Prince of Peace. Pray that God would lead people to reach out and share Christ’s love with them. Pray that God would soften hearts and open opportunities for the Yemeni Arabs to hear the Gospel.
Yerwa Kanuri
June 26, 2021

Country: Nigeria | Population: 7.1 million | Language: Kanuri | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.01%
The majority of Kanuri live in northeastern Nigeria. They are descendants of the once powerful Borno Empire who ruled until the British took control in 1914. Most Kanuri are farmers whose primary crop is millet, along with sorghum, corn and peanuts. They also raise sheep, goats, and some horses, which are a symbol of prestige. City dwellers are involved in all sorts of occupations. Kanuri involved in politics and religion have the highest social status, where blacksmiths, butchers and well-diggers have the lowest. Polygamy is common, however, 8 of 10 marriages end in divorce. The Kanuri became Muslims in the 11th century, but still practice some folk beliefs including wearing amulets or charms for various reasons. Pray that God would call believers to go live among the Kanuri and share the love of Jesus with them. Pray for the missionaries and missions agencies seeking to reach the Kanuri. Pray that God would give favor and bring fruit from their efforts. Pray that God would raise up strong and vibrant churches among the Kanuri that would reflect His heart.
Yongbei Zhuang
December 18, 2021

Country: China | Population: 2.2 million | Language: Yongbei | Main Religion: Ethnic Religions | Evangelical: 0.9%
The Zhuang are a collection of related Central Tai language groups who mostly live in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China. They are one of largest minority people groups in China. The Zhuang have a strong agricultural tradition of farming rice, bananas, and timber. As a result, the Zhuang are animists, worshiping spirits in nature such as rocks, trees, and animals. Ancestor worship is also a strong belief. Pray that the Zhuang can experience spiritual freedom from fear and oppression through the saving love of Jesus Christ. Pray they can hear about Him in the language that speaks directly to their hearts. Pray for more missionaries to go and work among the Zhaung. Pray that a full Bible translation project would begin for the Zhuang people. Pray for more pastors to be raised up among them.
August 24, 2019

Country: Tanzania | Population: 1.2 million | Language: Zaramo | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 2%
The Zaramo are a Bantu tribe who live in the coastal plains and low hills surrounding Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s capital. Their culture is matrilineal, meaning family names are passed down through women and children belong to the clan of their mother, not their father. Because of this, the birth of a daughter is especially celebrated. Marriage relationships are usually polygamous and divorce is common. The Zaramo began adopting Islam in the 19th century, which they mixed with their traditional ethnic religion. The New Testament is available in their language and there are Christians in the tribe. Pray that God would give these believers boldness to share Christ with their own people.
December 19, 2020

Country: Turkey | Population: 1.74 million | Language: Zazaki, Southern | Main Religion: Islam | Evangelical: 0.00%
The Zaza are a nomadic people who live in the middle-eastern part of Turkey. The majority of Zaza people consider themselves to be a part of the Kurdish people. However, the Zaza can trace their roots to the Persians and Medes. Zaza society is traditionally patriarchal, and their traditions and history are passed on orally. The Zaza people remain largely illiterate. They live in valleys and mountains as nomadic people, shepherding their livestock and relying on agricultural products. Pray that God would move in their hearts and that there would be opportunities for believers to go and share God’s Word and stories about Jesus with them.