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A New Year with God

December 26, 2016

A New Year with God

December 26, 2016

Before you Set New Year’s Resolutions do this One Thing…

Ah, it’s that time of year; Buy a gym membership, lose 10 pounds, get organized, develop a budget and slow down. The list of New Year’s resolutions goes on and on. We’ve got great intentions. It’s just, well…life gets in the way. We get distracted and our best intentions fall by the way side.  

With the value we place on personal growth why can’t we stick with our resolutions?  I think it’s our approach.

I’d like to suggest that before you set any resolutions, you do one thing that will shape the trajectory of your entire New Year!  Here it is, are you ready?

Spend an entire day alone with God in prayer, praise and personal reflection. Look back on the faithfulness of God over the past year and then look ahead towards the vision God is calling you to in the New Year.

I know. You’re thinking, Are you kidding me, Becky? I was expecting a more profound answer and besides my life is busy. I work hard and have lots of deadlines not to mention there’s my family. It’s impossible for me to spend a day alone with God.”  Well, before you decide, let me share with you three reasons why I feel this is so important.

1. You were designed and created for deep intimate connection with God. God wants a relationship with you that goes deeper than just your salvation. He designed you for fellowship with Him.  (I John 1:3, 4:19).  In fact He designed you with what philosopher, Blaise Pascal described as, a “God–shaped vacuum” that only He can fill.  That vacuum includes our need to worship and adore. When we spend time alone with God worshipping Him, God satisfies within us the deep need we feel for connection with Him.  When you create the space for an entire day alone with God you’ll catch a glimpse for how enjoyable He is to spend time with and my guess is you’ll long for more.

2. You want to follow Jesus and He continually withdrew to spend time alone with God. Not only did Jesus model withdrawing for time alone with the Father, Mark 1:35, but He invited His disciples to follow His example, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31). When Jesus offered this invitation He wasn't just saying come with me and take a nap, although there’s nothing wrong with a good nap. He was inviting His disciples to come enjoy deep fellowship with Him, seek God’s direction for their lives and have their souls refreshed.  

3. You need time apart from the chaos of your life to re-align your heart with God’s. Our lives are filled with noise, stress, demands and expectations. It’s easy to feel pulled in a million different directions and ultimately lose your focus. When you clear your schedule, get alone with God and embrace silence and solitude, you can ask God about His plans for your life. You’re able to reflect on questions like, “How has God moved in my life in the past year? What doors is He opening for the future? And, how can I get on board with what He’s doing? How can I be His voice and hands more effectively?”

 There in that quiet space, alone with God you are able to hear His voice clearly. Under the direction of His Holy Spirit you are able to set intentional goals and directives for the New Year.

 Father, there’s so much activity and noise in my life. Help me to create the quiet space to settle down in your presence so that I can hear your voice more clearly. Speak to me, Lord, I’m ready to listen.

For a complete guide on how to spend a day in prayer, praise and personal reflection please visit my website and click on “My Free Gift to You”.   

I’d love to hear from you. How has taking a day of prayer and personal reflection shaped the goals you’ve set for your life?




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