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Be Strong and Stand Firm

April 29, 2023

Be Strong and Stand Firm

April 29, 2023

A storm with high waves batters a lighthouseIn Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul reminds us that we live in a broken world. Paul points out that our struggle really is not with the people on this earth but is instead with the powers of darkness in the heavenly realms.

It is human nature for us to want to find solutions and fix things, yet as hard as we might try, we can’t fix this broken world. Paul doesn’t even suggest we try. Instead, he tells us to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Paul tells us to stand firm.

It is really easy to become anxious when we see spiritual battles taking place around us, yet we do not have to worry. Paul reminds us we have been given the Gospel of peace. We are protected by God’s truth and His righteousness. Our Heavenly Father helps shield us from attacks. He offers us full-body armor through faith and knowing His Word.

Paul then admonishes us to be alert, to pray in the Spirit, and to keep on praying for all of the Lord’s people. He further asks the Ephesians to pray specifically for Him—that God would give him the words to speak so he might fearlessly preach and make known the mystery of the Gospel.

We often ask you to pray for our teams and partners who work in sensitive locations around the world. God just did an amazing thing. On Easter Sunday, one of our team members presented the Gospel to the young people they have been mentoring. All five of them decided to follow Jesus! Praise God! Thank you for praying!

God is also at work in a church in West Africa. Almost all of their congregation are people who recently came to know the Lord through the ministry of our local radio partners. Hallelujah!

Please pray that these new believers would grow strong and stand firm in their faith. Pray that God would continue to give the right words to our missionaries and ministry partners as they disciple new believers and share Christ with others.

Be encouraged. Take heart and do not be afraid. The battle belongs to the Lord, and He will always be with you wherever you are. I pray that God will fill you with peace and joy as you walk with Him today.

I pray that God will help you be strong in your faith and stand firm.