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Boldly Approaching The King

January 31, 2023

Boldly Approaching The King

January 31, 2023

4 people sitting around a table, with Bibles open, holding hands and praying.Esther faced a difficult decision. She had just learned her people were about to be attacked and completely wiped out due to the pride of a single powerful man. Esther’s adoptive father begged her to use her influence with the one person who could stop the impending tragedy, but it meant risking her own life.

Esther agreed to go before the king, but only after all of the Jews had gathered together to fast and pray for three days and nights. The king hadn’t called for her in 30 days. Even though Esther was the queen, she did not have the right to freely approach King Xerxes in his inner court. Esther’s life would only be spared if she received the king’s favor.

Once Esther had successfully approached the king, he asked what she wanted. He offered to give her anything, up to half the kingdom. At first glance, that would have seemed like the perfect opportunity, yet Esther did not make her request known. Instead, she invited the king to a banquet where he again asked what she wanted. Esther deferred her answer a second time. She said she would make it known during a special banquet she was preparing for him the next day. While this story had a happy ending for Esther and the Jewish people in Persia, the process of approaching King Xerxes was not an easy one. It certainly was not for the faint of heart.

I am awestruck at the contrast between how Esther approached the Persian king and the complete freedom we have today as God’s children to go before our Heavenly Father and Christ our King.

Hebrews 4:15-16 (NIV) says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

We don’t need an appointment or a life-threatening situation to talk with God. We don’t have to wait until He sends us an invitation. God wants us to experience His grace and mercy in every moment as we walk and abide with Him. No conversation is too insignificant­, no prayer request too small to bring before our Father who cares for all our needs.

We could easily praise Esther’s wisdom and courage in approaching the king, but don’t overlook the importance of what happened first—God’s people fasted and prayed. God answered their prayers.

Thank you for praying for the ministries of Reach Beyond, our missionaries, and ministry partners. Your prayers are the foundation of everything we do! God is using your prayers to achieve His purposes and impact the world!

I pray you experience His mercy and grace as you spend time in His presence today!