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In this World You Will Have Trouble

March 1, 2023

In this World You Will Have Trouble

March 1, 2023

Earthquake damage in Turkey"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33b NIV

As I write this blog, I cannot help but think of the people in Turkey and Syria who have had their lives turned upside down by the recent earthquake. The World Health Organization has estimated that 23,000,000 people have been affected in some way. My heart aches for these people who are hurting without hope.

Over the years, Reach Beyond has helped a local media partner with several stations in that area. Our partner has yet to hear from one of their stations in a highly affected community. My heart aches for these believers.

Halfway around the world, one of our key media partners in an Asian country died last month in a plane crash. His absence will present challenges for that ongoing radio ministry. My heart aches for his family and friends.

Several of our missionaries are walking through difficult medical journeys. They know that God has numbered their days and are finding peace, even as they trust Him for healing. Yet my heart still aches for them and their loved ones as they travel on this journey.

We live in a world where tragedy and suffering are an everyday occurrence, and we are seemingly powerless to do anything about it. But our God is able. He is not limited or powerless. He sees the tears and the heartaches. He knows the needs, yet He still asks us to pray.

In each of these situations, I find myself wanting to ask God to somehow take all of this suffering away. Now!

It is too easy for us to present solutions to God. Our private prayer life with God should be absolutely honest, since He already knows what we are thinking. The Bible is filled with stories that show it is okay for us to wrestle with our questions and our feelings in God’s presence.

But God doesn’t need our solutions. Jesus told us that suffering will be part of our life here on earth. Rather than praying that God would take away our suffering, I am convinced that God just wants us to trust Him to give us the grace and the strength that we need for each day.

I know that God will one day wipe away every tear from those who have believed in Him.

We have the Good News and an eternal hope that people need to hear, and they will not hear it unless someone tells them. Please join us in praying for the people in Turkey and Syria. Pray for the ministries of Reach Beyond, our missionaries, our ministry partners, and for unreached people throughout the world. Your prayers are vital to everything we do!

I pray you experience His grace, strength, peace, and joy as you walk with Him today,
