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12 Radio Partners from Asia Pacific Region Help with Teaching in Singapore

May 8, 2009

12 Radio Partners from Asia Pacific Region Help with Teaching in Singapore

May 8, 2009

In late March HCJB Global's Asia Pacific Region held its annual Radio School of Mission II in Singapore as radio station leaders met in Singapore for a week.

Twelve different ministries were represented with attendees coming from across the region to take the more advanced training.

Participants had previously been in Singapore for Radio School of Mission I a year earlier. During the 12 months between visits, students worked on a research project, finding the answer to a key question relevant to their own ministry. Then they presented their findings to the class.

"There were some excellent projects presented, and so much of the teaching was done by the students themselves," said James, a HCJB Global trainer. "There was a wonderful camaraderie amongst this group of students, and they worked, played, worshiped, shared and prayed together like they'd known each other for years!"

The students said they were encouraged with the content of the training which including topics such as "Kingdom Building," "Leadership Principles" and "Mass Media Management."

Faculty members included Ron and Barb Cline and Tim Tomlinson from North America. Each student graduated with an HCJB Global-Asia Pacific "Certificate in Leadership."