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18 Complete Leadership Course in Indonesia

May 18, 2012

18 Complete Leadership Course in Indonesia

May 18, 2012

(May 18, 2012 - by Ralph Kurtenbach) For the 18 Indonesians who completed a recent leadership course in Bali, the certificates of completion will likely adorn a wall. And the students, well … they will go to work! Sharing their learning with others is not optional if the students from 18 different radio stations want to return in September for a follow-up Global Voice Institute (GVI) course offered by HCJB Global.

Indonesian students take notes at a class
during the Global Voice Institute April 19-25.

Of the eight subjects-each with five topics-taught in the April 19-25 sessions, students were asked to choose three topics and present those concepts to colleagues or fellow church members back home.

"I have to be a leader who believes God has chosen me and [given me this task]," wrote one participant afterwards. "I need to have good communication with my team to do the right things and to achieve goals." Another mentioned the need for humility and good relationships with co-workers in ministry.

"I realize the main goal is to build God's kingdom which I find difficult by radio," said a course participant. "After this course I will practice my leadership, especially to focus on the people and not just the job-to try and listen to them (staff members)."

Students and staff at GVI 2012 in Bali, Indonesia.

"These are the Christian leaders who are already in place in their communities," said Ty, director of HCJB Global's Asia Pacific Region which hosted the training, formerly called the Radio School of Mission. As ministry partners of HCJB Global, many raised funds for travel expenses. This was augmented by help from U.S.-based media outlets intent on developing Christian leadership in other parts of the world.

One such ministry is KSBJ, a Houston-based Christian radio station that sent two instructors to Bali, Jon Hull and Kristen Haskett. After Hull taught on "Setting, Keeping, Evaluating Goals," he challenged the students to develop plans and strategies for a new children's radio program and a marketing plan for a new radio station.

John Hull of KSBJ in Houston teaches a class.

"Like some of the cultures we have worked in, Indonesian people are gentle, kind and respectful," he said, acknowledging that these cultural strengths can also manifest themselves in a learning environment as polite nodding and passivity, even if the topic concepts aren't clearly understood.

"When I 'turned them loose,' I didn't know what would happen," said Hull, obviously pleased afterwards with the results. "Wow! God did a really wonderful work because they jumped in with both feet. They organized, chose leaders and started to work through the processes we had been discussing all week."

Next, Hull threw in such true-to-life twists as chopped budgets and tighter deadlines to find that "they not only accomplished the goal, they laughed, adjusted and listened to one another, and they came up with some really creative ideas."

The students, who traveled from across Indonesia, joined with HCJB Global Voice staff members from the Asia Pacific Region and beyond to learn leadership principles along with tips on operating community radio stations.

Barb Cline (right) and the staff
pray for the students.

"These are almost exclusively small stations in simple, rural areas where they operate at a basic level of equipment and staff," said Ron Cline, who taught classes together with his wife, Barb. Ron serves as global ambassador for HCJB Global. "And yet it's amazing how God blesses their efforts to bring people to Himself."

Ron taught on "The Qualities of a Leader," and he and Barb co-led a class called "Kingdom Building" that addressed the question, "Whose kingdom are you building?" Derek Kickbush, director of training and programming, taught the "Team Building" class. Joining them were two Indonesian partners who led sessions on "Evangelism Via Media" and "Personal Growth of a Leader."

Haskett's "Using Social Media" workshop had specifically been requested by GVI planners. Australia-based Jason Blaiklock of Leading the Way explored concepts of fundraising and marketing in the "Sharing Your Dreams" seminars.

Ron added that the students were chosen "based on their leadership potential. Some already lead stations and others will in the future. All of the professors dealt with personal growth and development-spiritually and professionally-along with equipping them in practical means of effectively leading their stations. This equipping will carry over into their involvement in churches, communities and other organizations."

Displaying a solar-powered,
fixed-tuned SonSet® radio.

"Some work within the hierarchal structures of their local churches where the possibilities and the vision of what could be is not as apparent or supported," he continued. "And yet for all of this, there is a commitment and grit to 'keep on keeping on' which would put many Western ministries to shame."

Each of the students returned home carrying a boxful of fixed-tuned SonSet® radios, giving the opportunity for folks in their communities to hear about Jesus in the predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia. The simple solar-powered radios are tuned to a local Christian station, promising to make a lasting impact in those communities.

Source: HCJB Global