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22 Students Travel from Across Indonesia to Hone Their Radio Skills

April 2, 2010

22 Students Travel from Across Indonesia to Hone Their Radio Skills

April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010

Source: HCJB Global (written by Harold Goerzen)

Twenty-two students representing a variety of radio ministries took part in HCJB Global's annual Radio School of Mission (RSM) March 16-24, held in Indonesia for the first time.

"All of them were invited to attend because of their leadership role at their stations," explained Ron Cline, the school's dean who co-led the "kingdom building track" with his wife, Barb. "Some have had a number of years experience in radio, and some have just begun with newly planted stations."

RSM is in its sixth year of existence, and until this year has seen three classes of students complete the training in Singapore which is home to the office for the Asia Pacific Region. The course includes a range of leadership and media topics essential for people in radio station management.

The most recent class was organized and hosted by Mercy Indonesia, one of HCJB Global's partners in Indonesia. This partner has established 35 local radio stations across the world's largest Muslim nation, comprising more than 4,000 islands. An additional five stations have been planted in Indonesia with other partners.

"Opportunities continue to open up faster than even our partner can respond," Cline added. "Related to the radio stations we are seeing churches planted, community projects, schools, orphanages, seminaries and Bible schools along with growing vision for training schools."

Traveling 36 hours across the international date line to participate in the event held in Denpansar, Bali, was "well worth every part of the inconvenience and discomfort one faces in international travel," he said. "We were enthusiastically met by our partners and oriented to their ministry center and outreach vision."

In addition to the Clines, instructors included James Totton, one of HCJB Global's regional trainers; Beth Schaffer, owner of a partner station in Boise, Idaho; Randy Wolff, a lecturer from Trinity University in Vancouver, Canada, serving on a short-term assignment in Thailand; HCJB Global President Wayne Pederson; and four local partners who helped both with teaching and translation.

Also attending were Pederson's wife, Norma; Dave Pasechnik, vice president for the Europe/Eurasia and Asia Pacific regions, and his wife, Barb; John Brewer, regional director of radio planting; and Ty, programming director.

"Two-thirds of the students had no English," Cline related. "We had the joy of hearing testimonies from each of the students and learning of their challenges, needs, praise items and their vision for ministry."

Some of the partner stations can be found in large cities while others are hidden away on remote islands, requiring many of the participants to travel for hours-even days-by boat, bus, plane and even on foot to take part in the training. Two students came from an area where they have to climb a mountain just to get a cell phone signal.

"Some stations have buildings and full equipment," Cline continued. "Others have begun without even a steady power supply. One student had to build his own hydro plant and generator in order to have power! Some face incredible opposition while others have great freedom. Most of the stations have been set up with temporary government licenses and are registered as community radio stations meaning they have to share airtime with others."

Highlights of the class included lively worship and prayer times along with discussion, question-and-answer times and interaction with the students during meal and tea times. "We rejoice in getting to know our main radio planting partner in Indonesia and meeting their faithful staff," Cline said.

He was amazed at the determination of the participants who have made three commitments: living by faith for their finances, willing to work wherever the partner organization assigns them, and being ready to die for their faith.

The second half of the course will be held in Bali next October. At that time each student will report back on a subject they taught to their radio or church staff, or one thing they have incorporated into life at their station as a result of being in the initial course.