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75 Communicators from Across Latin America Gather in Quito for Congress

June 12, 2010

75 Communicators from Across Latin America Gather in Quito for Congress

June 12, 2010

June 11, 2010

Source: HCJB Global (written by Ralph Kurtenbach)

Balancing a broomstick horizontally before the crowd, Russ Cline illustrated the equilibrium that Christian leaders need to maintain. With 75 communicators from across Latin America gathered at Radio Station HCJB's Larson Conference Center in Quito, Ecuador, Cline interacted with those listening.

Cline's history with HCJB Global goes back to his teen years when his father, Ron Cline, pastored in Ecuador and then led the mission as president for two decades.

The younger Cline's talk spelled out how daily spiritual disciplines help balance leaders and maintain stamina and integrity. Fielding questions along the way, he gave examples from his own years in leadership, most recently directing a ministry called Leader Mundial.

In closing, he balanced the broom vertically on his hand, directing his audience's attention to his ever-upward look. Cline offered that the Christian worker looks up to God.

Cline's talk on Wednesday, May 26, kicked off the fifth congress of HCJB-ALAS for affiliates of its satellite network across Latin America. This year it was co-sponsored by VIP International Training, United Bible Societies and Ministerios Centro de Vida Nueva (New Life Center Ministries). Managers and radio producers along with pastors from Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico and Venezuela attended the three-day event.

"Staff from some of our important affiliates attended," said Anabella Cabezas, media director of HCJB Global Voice in the Latin America Region. "We hosted broadcasters from Trans World Radio-Bolivia along with representatives from Radio Faro del Caribe (Caribbean Radio Lighthouse) in Costa Rica and Radio del Pacífico (Pacific Radio) in Peru, among others. Our keynote speaker (Donizetti Barrios) came from Miami-based CVC La Voz."

Barrios had the crowd laughing, even at their own foibles at times. His short video, "Los consejos terribles de un lobo disfrazado como oveja" (terrible advice from a wolf disguised as a sheep) poked fun at trite and churchy expressions that Christian radio hosts use along with clichéd approaches to programming.

"Carry a Bible," the spoof video urged, "but don't let it speak. Don't study or teach it. Use it as a springboard for whatever thought occurs to you. Read something quickly, then lay it aside."

"This conference provided an opportunity to strengthen ties with our affiliates," Cabezas added. "We could share a regional vision as well as explore ways to work mutually with them and also display our new ministries, such as the Corrientes coalition." Partnership with others is a key component to Corrientes, launched in Quito in late 2009 to better prepare Latin Americans for cross-cultural Christian work.