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A Stitch at Times Saves ? More Than You Might Expect

February 13, 2010

A Stitch at Times Saves ? More Than You Might Expect

February 13, 2010

Feb. 12, 2010

Source: HCJB Global (written by Ralph Kurtenbach)

A thumb ripped open on a tuna can.

The injured youth was prompted to visit a family practice clinic operated by medical residents at HCJB Global's Hospital Vozandes-Quito (HVQ) in Ecuador.

Stitches mended the wound, but it was the reconciliation in the waiting room that was the high point for Jesús Rosero-called to be a "fisher of men" by his own account.

He struck up a conversation, learning that a woman-awaiting a procedure-was battling with her siblings for her rightful inheritance. With that, he deftly turned her attention to an inheritance wasted, sharing the parable of the prodigal son.

"I asked God why He'd prompted me to tell her that story because it didn't really relate to her situation," Jesús recounted. His words to her were relevant indeed, for his injured hand and the young evangelist's heart pointed the middle-aged woman to the most important inheritance of all-receiving the heavenly Father's embrace and eternal life through Jesus Christ.

She prayed for Christ to enter her life and save her for eternity. In addition, as the young man's thumb was being stitched, he implored a HVQ medical resident to finagle a reduced price for the woman's procedure, an endoscopy.

Jesús, 15, lives at Casa Gabriel (Gabriel's House), a ministry of Youth World in Quito. He grew up in a home with eight siblings in Santo Domingo, Ecuador. When he was 8 he left home after mistreatment by his stepfather, lived in foster care for a time, then left with his brother, Miguel.

For five years the brothers lived on the streets, juggling and dancing to earn money. When possible, the two shared a cheap hotel room (US$3 per night) with other street kids. He came to "Casa G" in mid-2008.

Together with the Casa G staff, the boys work to become the men that God has purposed them to be in every aspect of their lives-social, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. The goal is for each boy to become a leader or an ambassador for Jesus Christ in his home, church, job and the world.

Jesús is the youngest member at the group home. "He is very dependable, has a quiet presence and can be very insightful," said Phil Douce, director of Casa G. Jesús likes to dance and skateboard. After high school he hopes to go to France and study to become a chef. He also wants to play drums at church.

Several Casa G young men later shared with HVQ residents, interns and externs their stories of living by their wits on the streets, and later finding refuge and stability at the house near the hospital. A Casa G website profiles Jesús saying that he is learning to respect his Christian brothers and that nothing is impossible with Christ. Jesús is cited as saying, "He has called me to be a fisher of men."

For more information on Casa Gabriel, visit