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Community Stations Help with Relief Efforts in Flood-Affected Areas of Thailand

February 3, 2017

Community Stations Help with Relief Efforts in Flood-Affected Areas of Thailand

February 3, 2017
(by Janice Reid - Feb. 3, 2017)  When heavy unseasonal rains flooded much of southern Thailand in early January, killing at least 96 people and damaging over 500,000 homes, community radio stations in the affected area jumped into action, helping with relief efforts.

Flash floods in southern Thailand left many communities waist-deep in water.Transport services, including flights, were also disrupted, leading to rescue efforts to reach those stranded. The flash floods also damaged hundreds of schools and toppled power lines across southern Thailand.

Staff members from three of the radio stations—started with Reach Beyond’s help in recent years—joined with local believers to dispense food, water and cleaning supplies, all while sharing the hope of Jesus.

Distiributing food packages to flood victims.One station sent more than 2,200 meals to relief distribution centers that were later given to people left homeless by the floods.

Another outlet employed a creative distribution method—renting a plastic dingy that the staff used to transport food to the worst-hit areas about 12 miles outside of their city. They delivered some 400 freshly cooked meals to people whose houses had been cut off by floodwaters.

The third station joined with another mission team, packing dried food for people to cook, as well as drinking water. Rather than go directly to people’s houses, they delivered the food and other supplies to the home of a local community leader who later distributed them to those most in need.

Cleaning supplies to help people clean up after the flooding.Together with local believers, radio presenters in Thailand reached beyond their studios and broadcast equipment to bring Jesus’ love to their communities in tangible ways.

“We’re thrilled to see our Thai friends and partners extending themselves to live out what it means to be the ‘voice and hands’ of Jesus,” said Ty, Reach Beyond’s executive director for the Asia Pacific Region. “We continue to pray for a harvest as they tangibly express the love of Jesus to their communities.”

Reach Beyond worked with local partners to establish 44 community stations across Thailand before a military coup in May 2014 forced most of these—along with thousands of secular radio and television stations—to go off the air. Since then at least 23 of these Christian outlets have resumed broadcasting, and another two have been added.

Sources: Reach Beyond, BBC,