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Former HCJB Global-Canada Director Craig Cook Dies at 70

May 14, 2007

Former HCJB Global-Canada Director Craig Cook Dies at 70

May 14, 2007

Former HCJB Global-Canada Director Craig Cook of Mississauga, Ontario, died of cancer Thursday, May 10, after 38 years of missionary service. He was 70, leaving behind his wife of nearly 29 years, Dorothy, and a 26-year-old daughter, Terri.

Craig's parents, Ed and Dorothy Cook, SIM missionaries to Nigeria, were on home leave when Craig was born in Toronto on March 9, 1937. As a baby, Craig and his older brother, Ed, returned to Nigeria with their parents. Craig's father died when Craig was just a year old.

His mother continued to serve in Jos, Nigeria, until the boys were school age when she settled them at SIM's Gowan Home in Collingwood, Ontario. Their mother returned alone to Nigeria where she died four years later.

As a young child Craig gave his heart to Jesus. Without a father or mother, he learned to trust God for his every need and developed a simple, practical approach to life. He accepted the reality that God had called his parents home to heaven at a young age and considered it as an impetus to be found faithful and worthy to be ready to meet his Lord at any stage in life.

Through his school years, Craig excelled at sports and music. By the end of high school he had won the Canadian national high jump championship and earned his Associateship with the Royal Conservatory of Music (ARCT) degree in piano.

Following three years at Toronto Bible College (now Tyndale University College), graduating in 1959, Craig studied at the University of Toronto, completing a bachelor's degree in music and a teacher's diploma in 1963.

During these years Craig met and was challenged by HCJB Global co-founder Clarence Jones. He responded to God's call, arriving at Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, in 1969 to serve in the music and radio ministries.

Leadership and administration, however, soon became his primary focus. Craig was asked to move to the mission's international headquarters in Miami, Fla., serving in a number of areas including North American director, executive director and senior vice president.

Among his many accomplishments, Craig found it especially rewarding to be involved in the expansion of HCJB Global's hydroelectric plant in Ecuador and the establishment of the HCJB Global Technology Center in Elkhart, Ind. Craig was also an HCJB Global board member for 26 years.

When Craig was 41 he met Dorothy Vine, an x-ray technologist from New Zealand serving at Hospital Vozandes-Quito. They were married in Ecuador in 1978 and lived in Miami where their daughter, Terri, was born.

The family moved to Canada in 1982 where Craig served as HCJB Global-Canada's director for 20 years. After stepping down in 2002 he continued to serve in missions through his involvement with SIM Canada before retiring in 2006.

"Craig was passionate in his conviction that the extraordinary tool of radio is a most effective way of reaching people worldwide with the gospel," said Dorothy. "He will be remembered for his cheerful and positive spirit. Always a gentleman, he was consistently gracious and considerate, equally at home and in public. Although capable and accomplished he had a humble, unassuming way and was never happier than when he was helping someone else."

When asked several years ago about his most satisfying experience as a missionary, Craig replied, "To see the work of the mission grow and mature under God's direction in so many areas worldwide. It's an awesome responsibility when we realize the potential to represent Christ to the world."

Craig's life verse was Psalm 16:8, "I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved."

A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 16, at Portico Church in Mississauga, Ontario.