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Former HCJB Global Missionary Named CEO of Paraclete

November 14, 2008

Former HCJB Global Missionary Named CEO of Paraclete

November 14, 2008

An Arizona-based mission organization, Paraclete, has named Glen Volkhardt as its chief executive officer effective Jan. 1, 2009. He will replace Don Parrott who is stepping down to become the CEO of The Finishers Project, Inc.

Volkhardt and his wife, Shelly, served for 29 years as missionaries with HCJB Global-the first 20 of those in Ecuador-before joining Paraclete in March 2008. The last nine years they worked at the HCJB Global Ministry Service Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., where Volkhardt led personnel and later became vice president of strategic planning and development.

"We're excited about this new ministry post," Volkhardt said, adding that Paraclete is having a high impact in God's kingdom around the world. "In the last month Paraclete associates have ministered in Pakistan, China, Ecuador, Kosovo, Austria, India, Panama and the Middle East. I'll have the privilege of serving these servants and leading a core team to build the systems and services they need to do their work."

"My work in Ecuador was extremely varied," stated Volkhardt in a Paraclete press release. "I got involved in everything from building dams, to putting up Latin America's first Christian radio satellite network . . . from managing multi-million dollar budgets to leading street kids to Christ.

"Paraclete's ministry paradigm is perfect for much of today's world where the church has experienced recent phenomenal growth," he added. "Many of the historic 'mission fields' now have mature Christian leadership who no longer need traditional missionaries. But many are looking for practical help, and that's what we offer."

Paraclete Board Chairman Gary Ginter said Volkhardt has "just the right qualifications and experience to lead our team. He's a seasoned executive from a well-established Christian mission organization who understands modern missions."

Shelly is a speaker and author of two books published by NavPress, Holy Habits and Kitchen Table Counseling.

Paraclete takes its name from the Greek word for "advocate" or one that comes along side to help. For 20 years the ministry has been committed to using the "come-alongside model to enhance kingdom effectiveness in the global missions community."

Sources: Paraclete, HCJB Global Posted: Nov. 14, 2008