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Gospel Story Told with Dance, Drama and Music in Ecuador

December 19, 2008

Gospel Story Told with Dance, Drama and Music in Ecuador

December 19, 2008

A nativity scene and the musical strains of "Joy to the World" played in shocking contrast to "Vía Dolorosa" (way of grief) and crucifixion scene on the same stage at concerts by HCJB Global's Vozandes Chorus, the Quito Metropolitan Symphonic Band and a Christian arts team in Ecuador recently.

The HCJB Global events were staged at the Sucre Theater in Quito's historic downtown section on Dec. 4, 6 and 7. Central to the concerts was the baby Jesus, but Ecuadorians also watched the story unfold as Mary considered the Savior's tragic yet glorious mission on earth-death by crucifixion. The musical was performed by Navidascua (translated as ChristmasEaster).

This colorful and lively dance drama was dedicated "to those who are passing through certain doubt and the improbable truth," according to a printed program. By the drama's conclusion, events and thoughts have pushed its main character to a Scrooge-like revelation about Jesus Christ and His claims about Himself.

Since 1965 Radio Station HCJB has honored Quito's founding in 1534 with a series of concerts. This year's performances incorporated more dance than previous endeavors, with participation of Yeshua Ministeriarte (Yeshua Ministry Art). Transcending centuries of musical styles, the eclectic presentation ranged from George Frideric Handel to Michael W. Smith. Both orchestra and choir were directed by Roberto Rojas, a Peruvian musician now residing in Ecuador

Featured violinist Dino Vidal concluded his performance to shouts of "Otra! Otra!" (encore, encore) from the enthusiastic crowd. Having already energized his listeners with songs highlighting the violin and his native Cuba, he gave the crowd more with a quick collage of different musical styles.

On Monday, Dec. 8, members of the Vozandes Chorus were invited guests of Ecuadorian Vice President Lenin Moreno at the presidential palace. There they sang for one evening of a Christmas novena observation. The novena is observed in various parts of the world as people remember different aspects of Christ's birth on nine evenings leading up to Christmas.

Posted: Dec. 19, 2008