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HCJB Global-Australia Names Dale Stagg as New Director

November 4, 2008

HCJB Global-Australia Names Dale Stagg as New Director

November 4, 2008

HCJB Global-Australia's office in Melbourne has named Dale Stagg, 48, to the position of director beginning in February 2009.

With degrees in counseling and pastoral counseling, Stagg has served with Focus on the Family Australia, where he has the senior role of national manager of programs and development. He and his wife, Cheryl, have three children.

"To be given the opportunity to join an organization like HCJB Global-Australia is a tremendous privilege," Stagg said.

David Maindonald, who has served 20 years as director, said in 2006 he and his wife, Glenis, "came under increasing conviction that God was saying that it was nearing the time for there to be a transition of leadership." David plans to continue overseeing construction of the international broadcast facility in Kununurra which he hopes to be completed in late 2010 or early 2011.

The shortwave station in Kununurra reaches across the Asia Pacific Region with programs in 20 languages. Studios at HCJB Global-Australia's office in Melbourne are used to record programs in English and Oromo, a language spoken in Ethiopia.

Posted: Oct. 31, 2008