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HCJB Global Voice Sends Message of Hope to Myanmar, China

June 6, 2008

HCJB Global Voice Sends Message of Hope to Myanmar, China

June 6, 2008

While many ministries struggled to bring lifesaving aid to Myanmar (Burma) and China following recent catastrophes, HCJB Global Voice continued to faithfully send Christian broadcasts to these two countries via shortwave.

The mission's ongoing media efforts focused on reaching those beyond the reach of traditional ministry opportunities. Broadcasts in the Rawang language, spoken by more than 140,000 people in Myanmar, began airing from HCJB Global-Australia's shortwave station in Kununurra in 2007. Two half-hour programs in this language air daily-one slot in the morning and one in the afternoon.

A voice of hope is also going into China as the Australian station broadcasts 18 hours of Mandarin programming each week. An additional five hours of weekly programming airs in Min Nan Chinese, and 10½ hours of English programming reaches China. The latter broadcasts are designed to help Chinese listeners learn English as a second language while presenting a clear gospel message.

Release Date: May 13, 2008