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HCJB Global Wraps Up 75-Year Celebrations with Nod to the Future

January 31, 2007

HCJB Global Wraps Up 75-Year Celebrations with Nod to the Future

January 31, 2007

The year 2006 marked 75 years of ministry as pioneer broadcasting ministry HCJB World Radio became HCJB Global. With the yearlong theme, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," echoing the historic first broadcast in Quito, Ecuador, on Dec. 25, 1931, celebrations and honors were spread throughout the year.

Highlights included the dedication of a $1.00 Ecuadorian postal stamp in honor of the ministry on Oct. 26, and an open house celebration Dec. 7-9 with more than 7,000 in attendance at the site of Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador.

A special service hosted by the mission's Quichua Language Service on Dec. 9 was attended by 2,000 people representing a number of languages and dialects. HCJB Global was credited with helping preserve native languages and cultures, receiving special honors from several active indigenous tribes and organizations.

Former Ecuadorian President Rodrigo Borja and Quito Mayor Paco Moncayo were among those present for a special celebration held primarily for Ecuadorian government officials. Congratulations also came from the City of Quito, CONARTEL (the Ecuadorian communications regulatory agency) and the Federation of Evangelical Ecuadorian Indigenous Nations (FEINE) as President Marco Murillo presented the mission with a plaque.

The ministry's present and former staff members also celebrated the occasion with about 1,200 people attending three two-hour receptions in Quito on Dec. 15. A special reception was also held at the mission's Hospital Vozandes-Shell in Ecuador's Amazon region on Dec. 16.

A "Forever Family" reunion celebration in May drew 120 former staff members to the HCJB Global Ministry Service Center Colorado Springs, Colo., and nearly 30 former staff gathered in Quito in September to celebrate various festivities held in conjunction with the mission's 76th Annual Members' Meeting.

The mission also produced a special 100-page coffee table book that is filled with numerous photos and historical accounts to commemorate the organization's 75th anniversary. It is called Vision to Reach the World.

Other notable events included a special newspaper supplement about Radio Station HCJB published in the Quito newspaper Hoy, the production of eight Ecuadorian music CDs, and seven special donor events in the U.S., Ecuador, and the U.K. In addition, the anniversary celebration was incorporated into the annual Quito Day Concerts.

As the ministry celebrated its rich heritage, it also took bold steps toward the future. In order to better reflect the worldwide reach and diversity of ministry that it had become in the last 75 years, the mission officially became HCJB Global on Jan. 1, 2007.

The media arm of the ministry is now called HCJB Global Voice, and the healthcare outreach is called HCJB Global Hands. The organization's mission is to "empower dynamic media and healthcare ministries that declare and demonstrate Jesus Christ." The ongoing call is to put "Truth in Motion."

Source: HCJB Global