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HCJB World Radio Celebrates 75th Anniversary in 2006

January 10, 2006

HCJB World Radio Celebrates 75th Anniversary in 2006

January 10, 2006

Pioneer missionary radio broadcaster HCJB World Radio will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2006, holding a variety of activities throughout the year to commemorate its initial broadcast from Quito, Ecuador, on Christmas Day, 1931.

HCJB World Radio President Dave Johnson will launch the year of special events with a program for staff around the world at 10 a.m. (EST) Wednesday, Jan. 11, in combination with the mission's monthly day of prayer.

"To me this anniversary is a wonderful milestone of reflecting on God's faithfulness and a legacy of a number of generations that have been faithful in impacting the world through radio in so many languages," he said. "We can be absolutely confident that God wants to continue using us in the future. The key is realizing that all that has been accomplished has been done in the power of Christ -- working through people.

"When you look at the history of HCJB World Radio, people have always been willing to take a risk to do what God is calling them to do," Johnson explained. "We've never been in 'maintenance mode,' whether it's establishing a hydroelectric plant in Ecuador, putting up huge transmitters and antennas, building clinics and hospitals, or setting the 'World by 2000' challenge, working with other broadcasters to make Christian radio programs available in all of the world's major languages. All of these things caused people to start asking questions, pushing us beyond our resources. But when we look back, these are the stories we like to tell because God worked in incredible ways!"

The theme for the anniversary year is, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," and the key verse is Isaiah 26:12, "Lord . . . all that we have accomplished you have done for us."

On Sunday, Jan. 1, HCJB World Radio launched its 75th anniversary website in English ( while a Spanish site ( will begin at a later date.

Public events planned for Ecuador include the Quito Day concerts Dec. 1-3, an open house and sharathon Dec. 7-9 and a special Spanish service at 4 p.m. Dec. 25 (EST), the time of the first actual broadcast on Radio Station HCJB. A series of events for donors will also be held across the U.S. with cities and dates to be announced.

Events for the staff include the annual HCJB World Radio Prayer Retreat on May 3 and "Forever Family" reunions for all former HCJB World Radio staff members in Colorado Springs May 9-13 and Quito Sept. 8-18. Special receptions are also planned for staff members and government dignitaries in Quito in December.

A 75th anniversary book will be released in September, highlighting not only the history of HCJB World Radio, but today's ministries and the future vision. It will be a hard-cover, 9-by-12-inch, 96-page full-color book with many high-quality photos. A Vision Video in both Spanish and English will also be available to celebrate the vision through the mission's various presidents, past and present.

How will the next 75 years look different than the past 75 years at HCJB World Radio? "What began with co-founder Clarence Jones playing 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness' on his trombone to a handful of radio receivers in Quito on Dec. 25, 1931, has led to focusing on discipling local believers and training them in mass media and healthcare around the world," explained 75th Anniversary Coordinator Cheri Birkey.

"In the last 75 years the mission has developed a unique mix of radio and healthcare ministries, working together to reach all nations for Christ. In order to enhance these ministries, we want to integrate passionate discipleship and practical tools so that national believers are trained and equipped to complete the Great Commission. What began in Latin America has expanded to other parts of the world. Lord willing, we will continue partnering with local believers and equipping them to do what we've been doing for 75 years -- reaching people for Christ through mass media and healthcare."

Together with local partners, HCJB World Radio now has ministries in more than 200 cities in more than 100 countries with Christian broadcasts in more than 120 languages and dialects. Thousands of healthcare patients are also meeting Jesus. Believers are being trained as missionaries, pastors, broadcasters and healthcare providers. HCJB World Radio's desire is to integrate discipleship with practical tools to equip the growing church around the world and see lives transformed.

"What we are as a mission today is directly related to our past," Birkey adds. "The 75th anniversary is the perfect opportunity to celebrate God's faithfulness. Throughout the Old Testament the Israelites were encouraged to remember God's goodness. We hope not only to remember what God has done in the past through HCJB World Radio, but to celebrate what He is doing today and the mission's vision for the future."

Source: HCJB World Radio