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HCJB World Radio Connects with Many Listeners Who Have Never Heard

October 21, 2005

HCJB World Radio Connects with Many Listeners Who Have Never Heard

October 21, 2005

October 21, 2005

Imagine a place with no Christian radio, few churches and little access to God's Word! There are still places like that around the world, and HCJB World Radio is working to bring the good news of Christ into hundreds of thousands of homes through radio.

Take a minute to read about what Christian radio in their heart language means to them.

From Algeria:
I am a young man who listens to your programs. I love them, and I would like to hear more. It was as if I were in a dark night, but when I listened to your programs, a new light enlightened me and led me to the right way. My love for Jesus increased, and I became attached to Him. I would like to know more about Him. Please send me the gospel and some books and printed materials that clarify the life of Christ, His upbringing and all the good deeds that He offered to the people.

From Morocco:
We were led to the true way in the name of the Lord Jesus who enlightened our way and brought us out of darkness into the light. Please send me some Christian books.

From Tunisia:
In the name of the Lord Jesus the Messiah, I ask you for salvation. When I heard your program I was overjoyed as I was born again. When I listened to your program I decided voluntarily to send for a Bible. My hope in you is big, so please do not disappoint me. I call onto the Lord Jesus to deliver me from my sins and heal me. Do not let me die in my sins. I have tried many things and read many books, but with no benefit. The only thing left is to believe on the Lord Jesus the Savior of the whole world from their sins.

From Indonesia:
Your broadcast still can be heard well in my hometown. I'm pleased to listen to your programs from Australia. I'm a Christian, and these religious programs are especially beneficial and encouraging to me.

From Algeria:
First, I would like to thank you for your beautiful programs that benefited me a lot in knowing more about Christianity. It is the religion of love and not as many people say that Christianity is the "religion of the infidels." I want you to send me some cassettes and books about Christianity to deepen my knowledge. I am trying to start a club that includes people who listen to your station. I have a lot of friends who are ready to work with me. Please send me some addresses of your correspondents or friends in Algeria so I can write to them.

From Indonesia:
Thank you very much for your reply. It encourages me to keep listening to your broadcasts from Australia. I enjoy receiving your booklets. I want to learn more about Christianity. May the Lord Jesus bless your ministry.

From Algeria:
I am writing to express my feelings towards you and your programs that are very beneficial. I am very new in listening to your programs because I did not know the broadcast time. As I was tuning my radio, I found your broadcast and I became a fan. Please send me some books and cassettes. I hope that we can stay in touch through correspondence.

From Morocco:
I follow all your programs carefully. Through your help I benefited a lot from them, and they helped me to have the true faith in my heart. I hope that God will forgive me, and that Jesus will save me from my sins. This is the truth.

From Algeria:
It was 1½ years ago when I started listening to your programs, and I became "addicted" to them. These lessons direct us to the right way-Christ the Savior who came to the world to save us from our sins. I was living in darkness; however, when God directed me to Jesus, the true light enlightened me. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Before I did not know anything about Jesus, but when I came to know Him through the radio, I tried often to obtain a Bible and attend church meetings. I faced a lot of difficulties, but despite all this I decided to visit a church even though it's far away. I prayed at the church and read the Bible, thank God. Whatever the difficulties, I am ready to bear them all for the sake of Jesus. For when I feel weak, I am strong. My faith in Jesus isn't just a coincidence. God is the one who directed me and guided me to faith.

From Algeria:
I recognize your religion and believe in all that is written in the Bible, especially after hearing your programs for more than six years. Therefore, I decided to write to you to get some books so that I can deepen my knowledge about your religion. May God bless you.

From Morocco:
I found your station by chance. Three weeks ago I started listening to your program every Saturday. Praise the Lord for this opportunity to communicate with you. The reception is very clear. Your program has drawn my attention, and I would like you to accept me as a friend. Please send me some books and cassettes.

From Algeria:
I have changed and become a new person. I accepted Jesus aFrom Indonesia:
Your South Asia morning transmission from Australia can be heard well in my hometown of Bali. I'm pleased to listen to it because there is no interference from other stations, and the signal strength is good.

From Indonesia:
Your South Asia morning transmission from Australia can be heard well in my hometown of Bali. I'm pleased to listen to it because there is no interference from other stations, and the signal strength is good.