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HCJB World Radio Launches New Monthly Publication

March 2, 2006

HCJB World Radio Launches New Monthly Publication

March 2, 2006

HCJB World Radio launched a new monthly newsletter called Truth in Motion Wednesday, March 1, telling stories about how the worldwide ministry is having a tangible impact on people's lives.

Kent McElroy, director of advancement, said the new publication will help keep readers better informed. "We have donors who really want to understand what God is doing through HCJB World Radio," he said. "I'm so excited that they will be able to open such a powerful, up-to-date report about what is happening around the world because of their involvement."

Communications Director Jon Hirst added, "Our ministry is unique because God has equipped us with a heart for discipleship and the skill to use media and healthcare to see it realized. We are truth in motion. Every doctor's touch, every engineer's innovation, and every broadcaster's intonation is truth incarnate. We are living examples of God's truth."

Truth in Motion shows how the truth of the Bible transforms people's lives so they go out and have a lasting impact on others. "The new publication is here to shine a spotlight on God's truth in action," Hirst added. "God has called us to put truth into motion. So we must do it with all the energy that God has given us."

Each month Truth in Motion will include stories from HCJB World Radio's mass media (voices) and healthcare (hands) ministries with an emphasis on discipleship or training.

In addition to stories, regular features include a note from President Dave Johnson, a personal reflection on "truth" by Hirst, brief testimonies of people touched by the outreach, coming events, and opportunities for readers to get involved in the ministry through praying, giving and going.

HCJB World Radio donors and prayer partners will receive the publication in the mail, or they can view it by visiting

Readers of Truth in Motion will also continue to receive the monthly PrayerWorld, a daily prayer guide that gives requests and praise items from all five of HCJB World Radio's regions-Latin America, Euro-Asia, North Africa/Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Pacific-as well as North America.