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Radio Training Class in Indonesia Focuses on Personal Character

May 13, 2016

Radio Training Class in Indonesia Focuses on Personal Character

May 13, 2016
(May 13, 2016 - by Janice Reid)  While 12 students at a recent announcer training class in Indonesia learned many practical tips on how to produce effective radio programs, they learned an even greater lesson—the importance of cultivating their personal spiritual lives.

In a culture where radio listeners in Asia look to program hosts to reflect the values of their stations—especially when they talk about Jesus on the air and pray for listeners—living a life of integrity and spiritual discipline is essential.

Practicing making radio programs in the studio.Judging by their end-of-course comments, this is a lesson they grasped well. Two of the students said the most valuable thing they learned was realizing how Christian radio is a “calling.” Another commented that the greatest take-away was “how to serve with heart, with loyalty.”

Subjects taught by Reach Beyond radio trainers during the five-day workshop in late April included correct procedures and use of the radio studio, and how to plan a radio program, use the microphone and incorporate live telephone calls. Participants from six stations throughout the country also gained a basic understanding of the essential skills and attitudes needed to be effective in their ministries.

One of those students was Adele* who came to the workshop after leaving her prestigious job in the capital’s financial sector.

Adele shared that she grew up in a community that was severely damaged by an earthquake several years ago. This caused her parents’ business to fail, so they moved to a remote island and tried to start over again.

As a teenager, Adele had wanted to become a nurse, but because of her family’s financial challenges, they didn’t have enough money to pay for her studies. Then she heard about a scholarship available at a Christian university, but only in economics, and she agreed to change direction and accept the scholarship.

Working on writing a radio script.At university Adele met a pastor who taught her about the Lord, and she placed her faith in Christ. After graduating, she landed a high-paying job in the capital city and was enjoying life when a man in church challenged her, “You should be in radio ministry on your island.”

Adele ignored him and went on with her work. But about six months later he saw her again. “What are you still doing here?” he questioned. “If God called you, you must go into ministry.”

The young woman prayed about it and came to the conclusion that this was indeed God’s prompting. She left her job, joined the radio training class and returned to her home island to serve at a new partner radio station—one of more than 50 such stations in Indonesia using radio to spread the gospel message to the unreached.

Adele and her classmates are now practicing the principles they learned at the workshop, and as one student put it, “keeping their character” as they reflect Jesus whom they serve.

*Name changed for security reasons

Source: Reach Beyond