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Sharing Love of God in Andean Community Through Medical Caravan and Clean Water Project

December 3, 2013

Sharing Love of God in Andean Community Through Medical Caravan and Clean Water Project

December 3, 2013
The 24-member mobile medical clinic team saw 200 patients in Daldal, Ecuador.
The 24-member mobile medical clinic team saw 200 patients in Daldal, Ecuador.
(Dec. 3 - by Ruth Pike) High in the Ecuadorian Andes in an open-air clinic in Daldal, a teenage boy with gastritis told Dr. Julián Aguayo, "I'm tired of life. What can I do to get near to God?"

"He wore a strange expression-the kind that gives you the shivers. It scared me," said Aguayo. "His voice was very sad."

"Why do you want to do that?" asked the doctor. "Because I don't want to go on," replied the boy. He was thinking about taking his life.

The doctor later recounted that as they talked he was able to share the good news of Jesus' love.

"I think he had been drinking, he had been smoking, he felt like nobody loved him," said Aguayo.

"When I was speaking, he understood and his expression changed. It was no longer an expression of contempt. His face was shining. He received Christ ... shut his eyes and said, 'Lord, forgive me.'"

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 A dentist treats a patient during the medical caravan.
This teenage boy was one of nearly 200 patients seen during HCJB Global's mobile medical clinic in the remote community of Daldal on Saturday, Nov. 23. The team of 24 included dentists, doctors and nurses from the mission's Vozandes hospitals in Quito and Shell along with evangelists from Alianza Cristiana Misionera de Huachi Grande (Christian and Missionary Alliance of Huachi Grande), a church in Ambato.

The medical caravan was coordinated by Community Development Director Alex and hygiene trainer Tannia Lascano. Dental clinics were set up in a community room and in the caravan truck that traveled from Shell, while medical checkups were held in the school and open-air stands.

Common health problems included arthritis and troubles with eyesight stemming from a lifetime of hard physical labor in the fields and constant exposure to dust and ultraviolet light. Many patients also suffered from gastritis and intestinal parasites.

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Children in Daldal enjoy an activities program led by members of a church in Ambato.
While people waited to be seen by a doctor, the evangelism team from Ambato led an interactive children's program. Before long, adults and children alike were joining in action songs. Youngsters donned colorful paper hats bearing their names as they learned that only Christ can bring true happiness.

Meanwhile, in spite of the volume of patients, members of the medical staff focused on making time for the people and sharing God's love with them. Ecuadorian nurse Nelly Germán recounted, "It's been really good to put ourselves at their disposal and for the people to receive the good news of salvation."

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Renee Lau, a summer intern in 2012, tries her hand at trench digging in Daldal.
Ana Carillo, a member of the community of Daldal, said, "In my opinion, [the medical caravan] is very good because we have never been given this help before. The Word of God, too, helps us."

The day of medical and dental care concluded with the showing of a Spanish version of Fireproof, a film with a Christian message about God's power to restore a couple's marriage. After the film, members of the community and the HCJB Global team expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to work together. The evening closed with prayers of thanks in Quichua, Spanish, English and German by team and community members of different nationalities.

The mobile medical clinic visit built on a longstanding relationship between HCJB Global and the community of 176 families. In recent years, help has come not only from the mission's community development staff but also three short-term teams from the U.S. and England, summer interns and even veterinarians. They did such things as conduct health screenings, hold hygiene training, treat livestock, show evangelistic films and assist with a major clean water project.

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A concrete water reservoir in the picturesque community of Daldal.
In the week leading up to the medical caravan, the community celebrated the inauguration of its upgraded water system. The project, carried out with the help of HCJB Global's community development team, provided residents with a reliable supply of clean spring water piped to every home, each with a concrete-mounted, metered spigot.

Previously, each time a rainstorm hit it caused the community's reservoirs to turn brown with mud and debris, contaminating the water. And that inadequate water supply was only available intermittently.

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Josefina Pilco, president of Daldal's water board who led the water project for the last two years, presents a plaque to HCJB Global's Bruce Rydbeck during the recent inauguration ceremony for the project.
Source: HCJB Global