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Spanish Bible Correspondence Program Continues to Produce Stellar Results

September 22, 2014

Spanish Bible Correspondence Program Continues to Produce Stellar Results

September 22, 2014
(Sept. 22, 2014 - by Roger Reimer)  Early in the growing years of the ministry of Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, a prominent building stood with an impressive logo and title in Spanish that read, Academia Cristiana del Aire (ACA or Christian Academy of the Air).

Among the missionary staff at Reach Beyond (formerly HCJB Global) it was known as the Bible Institute of the Air (BIA). This Spanish-language correspondence course, incorporating on-air teaching, was highly respected and academically sound.

ACA was founded in 1949 by the late Dr. Donald Turner, one of those early missionary statesmen who reflected the balance of intellectual integrity and kindness of heart.

I knew something about this man. For 15 years our family lived in the house he’d built in Quito. His love for his wife was shown by etching her initials, “FT,” into one of the kitchen cabinet doors. Subsequent to Turner’s death, his wife, Faith, wrote her autobiography, Out of Weakness Strength, reflecting her perspective of those years filled with ministry.

Just as many organizations go through transitions, so has the BIA, but the Turners’ dream of providing high-quality biblical education to those limited by resources or long distances has never changed. As a result, thousands of Latin Americans have benefitted from the program throughout the years.

Initially the students who participated in the training program were lay pastors and church leaders from across Ecuador. Soon that list expanded to include people from neighboring countries in Central and South America.

As it is true with many educational materials, numerous revisions were made to address the changing cultures and issues facing Latino churches.

Another fruit of this ministry has been the growth of offshoots from this longstanding effort. Apoyo, a program strategically designed to train and disciple pastors and church leaders who are unable to attend a seminary or Bible college, is just one of those ministries.

Offering weeklong workshops and conferences closer to where groups of pastors serve has been one of the successes of Apoyo. Teaching lay pastors how to prepare Bible studies and develop sermon-preparation skills while offering basic Bible study libraries has been another fruitful effort.

Since 1996 the Bible correspondence course has been operated by Texas-based Inspiracom (formerly World Radio Network) with a series of radio stations along the U.S.-Mexico border. And the ministry continues to grow and have an amazing impact.

Recently ACA’s director, Hernán Meneses, shared some exciting news: “Along with the certificate given for finishing the ACA’s advanced theological studies, graduates can now receive a university title from Eagles International Christian University, an institution affiliated with the academy that gives a complete certification of our biblical studies.”

Everett and Terrie Barker, missionaries serving with the ministry in south Texas, wrote that about 85 percent of the active students are inmates from prisons nationwide.

“In the last 10 years we have had prisoners from 32 U.S. states studying our courses in 220 different prisons,” they said. “In Texas there are 1,263 students in 86 prisons. The next largest groups are in California and Arizona. We currently have 300 students in 10 prisons in Mexico.”

Recently an organization in Spain that ministers to the blind asked to make ACA’s courses available in Braille. “We are also working on getting the courses online and have already received requests for the electronic version. This will open many doors for God’s Word to be studied in Spanish,” the Barkers wrote.

A student from Oklahoma named Juan wrote recently, “It will be eight years before I can leave this prison. A year ago I started to read the Word of God, and I realized that in my past I had been doing everything wrong even though I thought I was OK. The truth is, I want to change my life and take the Academy courses.”

Many avenues are available to Latin Americans who want to study God’s Word. They can pick up conventional books, subscribe to correspondence courses via the mail, or take courses online. The Turners’ vision of providing solid biblical education continues to flourish, and God is blessing this ministry amid all the transitions and changes.

Source: Reach Beyond