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Tornado Rips Apart Texas-Mexico Border Towns, Killing 10

April 25, 2007

Tornado Rips Apart Texas-Mexico Border Towns, Killing 10

April 25, 2007

At least 10 people were killed while another 150 were injured in Eagle Pass, Texas, the night of Tuesday, April 24, as powerful tornados ripped through the city and across the border in Piedras Negras, Mexico. Hundreds of buildings were leveled, including an elementary school, a church, private homes and small businesses.

Five of the 10 people killed by the tornado were from the same family in Texas. They were found huddled together in a mobile home that was slammed into a school building. Several mobile homes remain missing.

Across the Rio Grande in Piedras Negras tornadoes killed at least three people and injured 87 others while damaging more than 300 homes. About 1,000 people sought refuge in shelters. Approximately 150 rescue workers, including Border Patrol and National Guardsmen, resumed searching for Eagle Pass survivors this morning, marking searched homes with a spray-painted "X" to show where they had searched.

A pair of Christian FM stations in Eagle Pass operated by the World Radio Network (WRN), a cooperating ministry of HCJB Global Voice, came through the storm unscathed.

English-language KEPI and Spanish-language KEPX were both undamaged, although a lightning strike in the area temporarily knocked the Spanish station off the air, said retired HCJB Global missionary Ben Cummings who formerly directed the WRN. Telephones at KEPX are also not functioning until the system could be repaired.

The WRN has 23 outlets, most of them Spanish-language stations and repeaters along the U.S.-Mexico border. WRN's satellite system, Radio Cadena Manantial, also distributes 24 hour a day transmissions in Spanish to more than 10 affiliate stations across the U.S.

Sources: USAToday, Associated Press, HCJB Global