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Angela Salazar

Project ID: 13953
Serving in: Ecuador

My earliest memories have been from the mission field and I hope to continue making memories on the mission field. I was born into a missionary family which exposed me to missions as a child. My family traveled and lived in South and Central America during my early childhood. As a young teen living in the States, I developed a desire to grow in service. During high school, when I was pondering over majors and careers, God gave me a call to the medical field. The doors to medicine began to open. A few years later, at LeTourneau University studying Biomedical Sciences, nearly the same thing happened with missions. Through a call to study Theology, short mission trips to San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and being in a mission-minded community, God is leading me to a greater call in medicine than I had initially thought.

I am pursuing medicine in the hope of doing medical missions in the future. Through Reach Beyond I plan to serve with Voz y Manos to learn more about medical missions in hopes of pursuing it in the future. I intend to be in Shell, Ecuador for four weeks between July and August learning, growing, and “bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10, ESV).

Reach Beyond is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that adheres to ECFA standards and accepts gifts subject to donor designations. However, in accordance with IRS requirements, all gifts are given to and must be treated as belonging fully to Reach Beyond and are subject to its control and discretion.
Our Federal ID is: 59-0939206.