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David and Sharon Kealy

Project ID: 11266

Now retired, David and Sharon began serving with HCJB Global (now Reach Beyond) in 1988. Over the years they have served in various roles and ministered to the former Soviet union for more than a decade, where David was the regional Director for five years. David was named South Asia Director in 2002 and they spent the next 5 years living in India and Singapore.

In 2008, another continent captured David and Sharon's heart—Africa, where they served the region in planning, projects and finance. David helped supervise the construction of the "Tree of Life" Health Post for ministry partner Theovision. 

Reach Beyond is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that adheres to ECFA standards and accepts gifts subject to donor designations. However, in accordance with IRS requirements, all gifts are given to and must be treated as belonging fully to Reach Beyond and are subject to its control and discretion.
Our Federal ID is: 59-0939206.