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Esther/Essie De Velasco

Project ID: 13954
Serving in: Ecuador

Hi! My name is Esther/Essie De Velasco. In 8th grade, God put it on my heart to do missions. That year I evangelized to all my teachers and constantly tried to drag peers to church. In the years following, I started leading Christian clubs on campus because I wanted everyone to have the chance to hear the Gospel. All throughout middle and high school I would pin mission organizations onto my bulletin board in hopes to intern for them or one day work as one of their missionaries. Over the summer of 2022, I had the privilege of interning with East West. I got to work in the office and see the incredible amount of work that goes into running a mission organization and sending people. Through this internship, I was also able to go on multiple short mission trips, help lead the teams, and begin serving through translation. This past summer I had another cool opportunity to intern, but for a missionary in Malawi, Africa, and got to see what it is like to be a missionary.

I am really excited to share that this summer I will be interning for Voz y Manos. They are an organization in Ecuador that uses agriculture, water projects, and medicine to serve the community and share about Jesus. I will be on the team that brings water and sanitation to tribes in the Amazon. Through this internship, I will get to experience a glimpse of what it would look like to take a career to the nations. Currently, I am studying civil engineering at LeTourneau University with the hope that I can use it similarly, to get into a closed-off nation so that I can serve and share the Gospel with unreached communities.

Reach Beyond is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that adheres to ECFA standards and accepts gifts subject to donor designations. However, in accordance with IRS requirements, all gifts are given to and must be treated as belonging fully to Reach Beyond and are subject to its control and discretion.
Our Federal ID is: 59-0939206.