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Asia Pacific Radio Planting

Project ID: 70006

More than half of the world’s population lives in the Asia Pacific region including 4,000 unreached people groups. The vast majority have never heard the Good News of Jesus—they don't even know that they need a Savior. 

Reach Beyond partners with local believers who have a passion to reach their neighbors with the Gospel. We teach them to use radio to engage with their community and meet their listeners needs. We help them learn to become a trusted voice so that they can more effectively share about Jesus.

We've helped local believers start more than 600 radio stations around the world. God continues to provide us with opportunities to help believers share the Gospel and we want to be able to respond quickly.

Would you join in God’s work in Southeast Asia?

  • $45 provides headphones to a new radio station, $100 for a microphone, and $500 for a basic computer.
  • $250 equips one pastor or believer with the essential skills needed to create radio programs that more effectively reach their listeners.
  • $3500 provides a radio station with surge protection and grounding systems to safeguard their equipment and staff from lightning strikes.
  • $6000 provides a new broadcast transmitter for a local radio station so that more people will be able to hear about Jesus.