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Stories of Hope, Inspiration, and Transformation (Episode 1)

April 1, 2015

In this premier episode, you’ll hear about “The Bucket Brigade,” and the victory being won over
Ebola in one of West Africa’s last hot spots. Reach Beyond President Wayne Pederson and host Jon Fugler share how believers around the world have come alongside to “Make Ebola Kick the Bucket.”

Our special guest is Bob Augsburg, founder and President of Way FM, a nationwide Christian
radio network reaching 1.2 million listeners a week. Way FM has a vision to take the gospel to people around the world, so they have partnered with Reach Beyond on a radio project in Asia.

You’ll also hear about a need for prayer for partner stations in Thailand in the aftermath of a
military coup; and how God has opened doors in another Asian country.

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Way FM

Reach Beyond Radio Feature

NRB Milestone Awards

Phil Stacey - Reach Beyond

(Episode 49) Launching today! God Knows What I'm Doing Here by Sheila Leech.
(Episode 48) Players of Hope transform Amazon River communities
(Episode 47) Crossing cultures from both sides -- together
(Episode 46) Radio, the gospel and one crazy gringo
(Episode 45) Trusting God with tenacious hope
(Episode 44) Caring for war wounds of the heart