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(Episode 46) Radio, the gospel and one crazy gringo

July 15, 2017

When Allen Graham arrived in Ecuador years ago and met missionaries who had been there for decades, he never dreamed of being there for that long, nor that he would have the opportunity to teach others about radio. Twenty-three years later, he laughs to look back on his own tenure there as a missionary radio trainer. Today he's lovingly referred to by his Ecuadorian friends as the 'crazy gringo.' Listen to today’s podcast episode for the stories and journey of Allen’s work in Ecuador, and hear how God has used the Voice of radio ministry there in incredible ways!

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Radio HCJB in Quito: click on ‘Escuchar’ [Listen]

Radio HCJB-2 in Guayaquil

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(Episode 61) Radio Brings Gospel into Dark Places
(Episode 60) A People in Need
(Episode 59) Mobilization - what's it all about?
(Episode 58) Facing the Unknown with Confidence
(Episode 57) Keys for a Dynamic 2018 - A Candid Conversation with Steve Harling
(Episode 56) Hope of Christ this Season