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Responding to the Nepal Earthquake (Episode 2)

May 1, 2015
Reach Beyond has a vibrant radio and healthcare ministry with our partners in Nepal, and the earthquake there has had a direct effect on these people and their ministries.

In this episode, we pre-empt a portion of the scheduled content to bring you the latest information on relief efforts for our ministry partners. Reach Beyond President Wayne Pederson and Sr. Vice President Curt Cole provide details that have just come from our team on the ground.

Thank you for your prayers for our team and the people of Nepal as they walk through this very difficult situation.


In addition, you’ll meet Phil Stacey, the artist behind the “Reach Beyond” song. You’ll hear Phil perform the song in a live, acoustic setting for a national radio audience. “Reach Beyond” is being aired on over 100 stations across the country.

Phil is a former American Idol finalist and has a passion for missions, as you’ll hear in the interview.

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Listen to and get the Reach Beyond song

The full interview with Phil Stacey on Chris Fabry Live
Winning Against Ebola (Episode 5)
A Broken Heart for Those Who Have Never Heard (Episode 4)
The Latest Nepal Earthquake Response: Hope for Nepal (Episode 3)
Responding to the Nepal Earthquake (Episode 2)
Stories of Hope, Inspiration, and Transformation (Episode 1)