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A Broken Heart for Those Who Have Never Heard (Episode 4)

June 1, 2015

(June 1, 2015) - A recent poll showed that the Christian population in the U.S. has dropped to 70% and the evangelical population is down to 25%.  While these numbers can appear startling, they are enormous compared to some countries where the Christian population is .4%, .3% and in certain countries, 0%! 

In this episode, step into Central Asia with Reach Beyond regional director David, as Wayne Pederson and Jon Fugler discuss with him how restricted it is for believers in that part of the world.  Your eyes will be opened as you hear how creative ministry takes place in response to political and religious hardship.

David also shares about internship opportunities in that region.

Central Asia Landscape

David has spent more than 25 years out of his 40 years of full time ministry living and traveling into Europe and the Former Soviet Union.  For the past five years, he has been regional director for Reach Beyond in the Europe/Eurasia region serving in this role on loan from the Navigators.

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Reach Beyond Internship Opportunities


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