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Winning Against Ebola (Episode 5)

July 1, 2015
(July 1, 2015) - It’s out of the news, but what’s today’s truth about the horrible Ebola epidemic that struck West Africa?  Has Ebola been eradicated or is it still a danger?  In this episode, Jon Fugler and Reach Beyond President Wayne Pederson place an audio Skype call to West Africa and talk with Reach Beyond missionary Lee Sonius. Lee has been our liaison with our national partner in Sierra Leone where we’ve been involved in “Make Ebola Kick the Bucket.” 

After that quick update, we’ll direct our attention to Latin America.  Jon and Wayne welcomed missionary Dan Shedd into the studio before he and his family left the U.S. for their next term in Ecuador.  Dan is the VP and Executive Director of the Reach Beyond’s Latin America Region, where he and his wife, Sheryl, have served for over 25 years.

God is doing great things in a part of the world that is on the heart of many missions-minded people in the U.S.  Dan tells the story of the victories of media and healthcare and even shares about some service opportunities in the region.

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Background on the Bucket Brigade


Latin America Missions Opportunities


Community Development Service Opportunities in Ecuador


HCJB FM and AM  

(Episode 49) Launching today! God Knows What I'm Doing Here by Sheila Leech.
(Episode 48) Players of Hope transform Amazon River communities
(Episode 47) Crossing cultures from both sides -- together
(Episode 46) Radio, the gospel and one crazy gringo
(Episode 45) Trusting God with tenacious hope
(Episode 44) Caring for war wounds of the heart