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(Episode 45) Trusting God with tenacious hope

June 30, 2017

Growing up in Poland under Communism when religious freedom was confined, Henryk Krol describes his childhood years as ‘not so bad’ since ‘everything was gray and restricted.’ But finding faith in Christ through his Christian upbringing went a long way toward propelling him into a future that he couldn’t have imagined. Today’s podcast will have you sitting on the edge of your seat as you listen to the adventures and stories of Henryk’s life, and how he developed a tenacious hope and a sense of the destiny that God had for him.


Links and Resources for Podcast 45

Link to CCM page

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Here’s how to leave your review, step-by-step: 

  1. Open up the Podcast app.
  2. Tap the "Search" button in the bottom navigation.
  3. Type in the name of the Podcast you'd like to review, and select it from the search results.
  4. On the item's listing page, tap "Reviews."
  5. Tap "Write a Review." 
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  7. Hit "Send." 

How to Write an iTunes Review on a Mac or PC

  1. Open up the iTunes Store.
  2. In the search box, type in the name of the podcast you'd like to review. 
  3. Click on the correct item in the search results to be taken to its iTunes page. 
  4. On the item's iTunes page, choose "Ratings and Reviews" from the top navigation. 
  5. Click the button, "Write a Review."
  6. Write your review.
  7. Hit "Submit."

We’re giving away TWO $50 Amazon Gift Cards.  After you leave your review, be sure to let us know at and you’re entered! 

Do you have questions for Steve and Jon? If we use your question on a future episode, we will send you a Reach Beyond T-shirt. Submit your question. 

The Reach Beyond Podcast is available on iTunes and Google Play. Be sure to subscribe there to listen to future episodes.  You can also listen to it on iHeartRADIO and STITCHER


(Episode 49) Launching today! God Knows What I'm Doing Here by Sheila Leech.
(Episode 48) Players of Hope transform Amazon River communities
(Episode 47) Crossing cultures from both sides -- together
(Episode 46) Radio, the gospel and one crazy gringo
(Episode 45) Trusting God with tenacious hope
(Episode 44) Caring for war wounds of the heart