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(Episode 57) Keys for a Dynamic 2018 - A Candid Conversation with Steve Harling

January 1, 2018

Ready or not, 2018 is here.  What we do with it is the important thing.  And it doesn't mean making New Year's resolutions.

In this episode, Reach Beyond president Steve Harling approaches us pastorally.  He and co-host Jon Fugler have a "fireside chat" about the importance of the Word, proper goals and even a good book to make this year stand out for you.

In his transparent way, Steve lets you into his life as he opens up about one thing in particular that he is wrestling with in looking ahead. 

Steve and Jon also zero in on the most critical issue, and that is the cause of the unreached.  It is getting harder and harder to take Jesus to those in the tough places.  Hear Steve's heart as he shares what is gripping his heart for this cause in 2018.


The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places

The Insanity of God

God Knows What I'm Doing Here

With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God

"Jesus Did" 30-day Devotional FREE DOWNLOAD

Recommend a book to Jon, Steve and listeners for 2018


The Reach Beyond Podcast is available on iTunes and Google Play. Be sure to subscribe there to listen to future episodes.  You can also listen to it on iHeartRADIO and STITCHER


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