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Asia Pacific

Project ID: 70006
Region: Asia Pacific
Ministry: Community Development, Media Production, Media Training, Shortwave

Transformation happens in community. Although more than half of the world’s population and 4,000 unreached people groups live in the Asia Pacific region, the reality is that smaller communities make up those large numbers. Towns and villages are where people work, do business, share livelihoods, and are rooted with family and friends. In these smaller, more intimate settings, community FM radio can thrive. It is a powerful way for believers to show love and concern, to build education and capacity into their neighborhoods, and to share the truth of who Jesus is.

Our team has helped more than 100 FM stations become established for this purpose. We provide local partners with help in planning, installation, announcer training, and ongoing support in order to equip them to reach their communities with God’s love. In more closed areas, we help train and prepare shortwave producers.

We also come alongside our partners to provide healthcare, community development, and refugee support. Whether through medical care for displaced or marginalized populations, rebuilding a village after a major earthquake, installing clean water projects or providing education and training, we want the unreached in Asia Pacific to hear about Jesus and see Him in action.

In 2020, we look forward to installing new radio stations, providing training and ongoing technical support for existing stations, participating in medical caravans and outreach among refugee and marginalized populations, and building new partnerships.

This is how we are working to help fulfill the Great Commission of Christ. Will you join us?

Asia Pacific Map

Asia Pacific Statistics

Total Population: 4 billion
Total People Groups: 7,366
Unreached People Groups: 4,311 (59%)
(*statistics taken from Joshua Project)

Do you have a love for the unreached people groups in Asia Pacific, and a desire to go serve in this region? Learn more about long-term and short-term opportunities, or contact us to start a conversation.

Asia Pacific Stories

12 Radio Partners from Asia Pacific Region Help with Teaching in Singapore
2 FM Repeater Stations to Be Dedicated in Papua New Guinea