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One Month. One Nation. (Episode 6)

July 15, 2015

(July 15, 2015)- Imagine a country that is just over 1% Christian being completely covered with the gospel message in its own language by its own people. This may soon be a reality in one Asian country, where there were only four known believers 25 years ago. 

This month, an effort is underway to accomplish this challenging task.

In this episode, hear the moving story of an effort where Reach Beyond is partnering with two other ministries to reach an entire country for Christ through local radio. Reach Beyond President Wayne Pederson and co-host Jon Fugler interview Ed Cannon about this exciting project. Ed is the President of FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company).

Throughout July, Moody Radio is presenting the country to its listeners, culminating with two full days of live broadcasts July 30-31. The goal is to plant three FM stations in key cities in this country. As a result, 90% of the country will be covered with the gospel through stations established in partnership with FEBC.

Hear all the details in this episode and find out how you can listen live on Moody Radio.

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Moody Radio   

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